Bardic Music

Bards can spend a hero's surge as part of their turn to produce inspiration or woe through a performance they possess the Perform skill in. Bardic music places a non-magical musical Enchantment (Compulsion) on creatures that can hear it within 30' of the bard. It requires concentration and lasts up to 1 minute per level. Its effect varies by the song employed.
Bardic music is divided into three genres: ballads, canticles, and monodies. Ballads are not necessarily heroic or tragic in nature but do provide a tale of their subject which may influence action. Canticles are odes that extol the virtues of a particular hero, giving the subject confidence and courage. Monodies condemn the failures of a villain, shaking their pride and making them question their ability.
Some bardic music allows you to select a hero or a villain. You select a creature for this role when you initiate the music and can change the target of this role once per round as part of your turn.


You unfurl a ballad of bravery, inspiring courage in your allies.
Creatures in the area you select gain a bonus to healing equal to your level.
You unleash upon your audience a wondrously beautiful ballad.
Creatures you select in the area must resist your Perform attempt with Charisma or be fascinated, taking no action except to listen and enjoy this song. Any obvious threat, such as the drawing of weapons, or meaningful distraction, such as nearby danger or combat, immediately ends this effect.
At level 3, you can suggest one fascinated creature per even level you possess to take a course of action, which the creature perceives as reasonable. Creatures can be deceived by means of this ballad but if the deception becomes apparent (such as jumping into a pool of acid suggested to be water), the effect ends.
You stir your comrades up in a song of unity and ability.
Select one creature in the area as the hero of this ballad. While they engage in an action they are skilled in, other creatures you select in the area are skilled in the action as well.
Select one creature in the area as the hero of this canticle. You can attempt to end an effect on them that an attempt can end with Advantage. In addition, creatures in the area you select have Advantage ending effects the hero has overcome during this canticle.
At level 7, the hero can also attempt to end an effect on them at the start of each of their turns, gaining Advantage on the attempt.
You sing to strength and indomitableness in this reverberating canticle.
At the start of the song, creatures in the area you select gain 1d4 Temporary Hit Points per odd level you possess. In addition, select one creature in the area as the hero of this canticle. They can increase the distance of any movement they take by 5'.
You sing of dedication and fervor in this stirring canticle.
Select one creature in the area as the hero of this canticle. They reduce damage they take by one. In addition, if a creature deals damage to the hero, the next creature in the area to hit that creature with an attack before the end of the hero's next deals additional damage to that creature equal to your Charisma modifier.
Condemnation rides the chords of this monody, instilling fear in the heart of its subject.
Select one creature in the area as the villain of this monody. They deal 1 less damage with melee attacks per every 5 levels you possess. In addition, the villain must resist your Perform attempt with Charisma at the start of each of its turns or have its movement Hindered when moving toward its enemies.
This powerfully distracting melody sends its subject off rhythm.
Select one creature in the area as the villain of this monody. They cannot make attacks in concert with their allies and their allies cannot provide them with cover from attacks.
You sew dissension and distrust through this unsettling melody.
Select one creature in the area as the villain of this monody. If they miss with a melee or ranged attack, they deal the attack's damage to an ally adjacent to them or the target of your choice.


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