Chapter V: Skills, Proficiencies, & Languages

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.
— J.R.R. Tolkien
While backgrounds, dreams, and renown are extensions of your hero's past, skills, proficiencies, and languages are specific aptitudes you have honed through hard work. Selecting skills, proficiencies, and languages, along with other heroic options, provide your areas of expertise.


Skills represent realms of knowledge, social understanding, areas of expertise, or forms of movement in which you may excel at. Your race and class determine the number of skills you possess.
You have Advantage on ability checks with skills you possess.
Additionally, some skills allow you to accomplish things without the need for an attempt. However, other skills represent esoteric realms of knowledge and learning which cannot be attempted by those who don't know how.
For example, Grint the barbarian possesses the Climb skill so clambering up the branches of a sturdy oak tree would not present much difficulty. He would only need to make an attempt if danger was involved, such as if he were trying to escape up the oak from the orc swinging an axe at his back. On the other hand, since Grint does not possess the Perform skill, he could not use a harp to provide entertaining music to the crowd at the tavern that night, no matter how long he hammered at the instrument.
The twenty skills are defined on the sidebar, with The Skills table providing a quick reference. The different information provided with each skill is as follows.
Name: The name of the skill. Some classes or races grant a more narrowly defined skill, such as Survival (Dungeon). If you gain a narrowly defined skill, you are only skilled in that particular use of the skill. However, you can select the full skill as a bonus skill.
Category: A skill’s category categorizes it and provides its associated bonus skills. Expertise skills represent the know-how to perform tricky maneuvers or survive difficult situations. Knowledge skills represent education and study on specific topics. Movement skills represent practice in different forms of mobility. Social skills represent your expertise in interacting with others.
Attributes: Attributes list the ability score your skill can be tied to. A skill with multiple attributes can be accomplished in different ways through checks with different ability scores. When you select a skill, you select which attribute you possess the skill in, and gain advantage with those attempts. You can attempt any skill that is useable without training with any listed attributes. However, you only gain advantage when you make an ability check with a skill you possess while using the attribute you possess the skill in.
Description: A skill’s description describes what uses it covers.
Tool: Certain tools may be required to perform an action properly or to make success with a skill possible. For example, thieves’ tools are used to pick locks, climbing tools are used to climb walls lacking hand or footholds, and a harp is used for performing. Without the proper tools, your attempt to use a skill may have Disadvantage, Unreliability, or simply be impossible.
Trained Only - To make attempts in this skill, you must possess it.
Bonus Skill - If you have a Wisdom score of 12 or higher and you possess two skills in a single skill category, you can select a bonus skill in that skill category. The full skill of a narrowly defined skill such as Handle Animal (Ride) is considered a bonus skill. You can gain a maximum number of bonus skills equal to your Wisdom modifier.
The Skills Table

The Skills

†: This skill can only be attempted by those possessing the skill
*: This skill can be selected as a bonus skill

SkillCategoryAttributeUse To
EnduranceExpertiseCon/WisMaintain concentration, resist fatigue, hold breath
MedicalExpertiseInt/WisSave the dying, cure poison or disease, poison something
Sleight of Hand†ExpertiseDexForge, pick locks & pockets, conceal an item, cast a spell subtly
StealthExpertiseDexSneak up, hide, cast a spell silently
SurvivalExpertiseInt/WisRest, forage, track, identify animals & plants
Arcana†KnowledgeIntIdentify spells, magic items, magical creatures, dragons, golems
Culture*KnowledgeInt/WisRecall history, appraise, identify nobility, navigate a city, barter
EngineeringKnowledgeIntIdentify & disarm traps, use ropes, identify architecture
PerceptionKnowledgeInt/WisSense something out of the ordinary, spot something hidden
Religion†KnowledgeInt/WisIdentify divine influence, undead, & extraplanar creatures
Acrobatics†MovementDexTumble, stand up quickly
DeceiveSocialChaCraft disguises, create distractions, lie
Handle Animal†SocialWis/ChaCalm animals, ride creatures
InsightSocialInt/WisDetect lies, true intentions, & desires
Perform†*SocialChaEntertain through music, song, or acting
PersuadeSocialStr/ChaIntimidate, charm, haggle, convince

Expertise Skills
Expertise Skill, Attribute: Constitution or Wisdom
The Endurance skill represents toughness or rigorous discipline in withstanding discomfort and distraction.
If you possess the Endurance skill, you understand the ways to ignore adverse effects of environmental conditions. You are better able to maintain Concentration through pain and distraction, get a good night's Rest despite discomfort, or resist Fatigue due to physical stress.
Tools: Specialized travel clothes, travel clothes tent, bedroll/blanket. Without travel clothes in bad weather or specialized travel clothes in hostile climes, you suffer disadvantage on Endurance attempts. When attempting to rest in the wild, if you lack a blanket or bedroll, you suffer disadvantage. You also suffer disadvantage on such an attempt in inclement weather if you lack a tent.
Expertise Skill, Attribute: Intelligence or Wisdom
The Medical skill represents either education and study in the workings of life or an innate perception and understanding of health.
As an action, you can use Medical to attempt to end a creature's dying state.
If you possess the Medical skill, you automatically succeed in attempts to end a creature's dying state. You also gain advantage on the healing dice of Healing Potions and if you spend a minute applying one, you maximize its effects. In addition, as an action you can attempt to grant a creature advantage on its next attempt before the end of its next turn to resist or end a Poison or Disease. Finally, by spending a minute working on a creature, you can attempt to allow them to spend a hero's surge.
Tool: Healer's kit. Using a healer's kit on a dying creature automatically ends their dying condition. Using it on a creature over the course of a minute allows them to spend a hero's surge for healing. With a successful attempt, you can also use a Healer's kit to grant a creature advantage on its next attempt before the end of its next turn to resist or end a poison or disease. If you possess the Medical skill, you automatically succeed at this attempt.
Sleight of Hand
Sleight of Hand
Expertise Skill, Trained Only, Attribute: Dexterity
The Sleight of Hand skill represents expertise in performing intricate maneuvers with a deft touch.
If you possess the Slight of Hand skill, you can attempt to realistically Forge a document, Conceal a small object on your person, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, or cast a spell while Concealing its Somatic Components.
As Sleight of Hand may involve the deception of others, your DM might make some checks for you.
Someone untrained in Sleight of Hand cannot attempt to use the skill.

Tool: Thieves' tools. You have disadvantage on pick locks attempts made without thieves' tools.
Expertise Skill, Attribute: Dexterity
The Stealth skill represents expertise in moving silently and keeping yourself undetected.
As an action, you can make a Stealth attempt to Hide or Sneak. To attempt either, you must not be observed by the creatures you are attempting to conceal your presence from. When you hide, you remain in one place. While you sneak, you move at a hindered speed. The result of your attempt determines how close a creature can approach on a hide check without noticing you or how close you can approach a creature without being noticed: 10' on a normal success, 5' on a major, or 0' on a critical. On a limited success, you draw attention to yourself. On a failure, you are noticed.
In addition to hiding and sneaking, you can make a Stealth attempt as part of casting a spell to Cast Silently. When you cast a spell silently, you keep the spell's verbal components unheard from 20' on a normal success, 10' on a major, and 0' on a critical. A loud environment reduces the distance of a normal success by 10' and a major by 5'. On a limited success when casting silently, you realize you are being too loud and can abort the spell to not be noticed. On a failure, you are both noticed and fail to cast the spell.
If you possess the Stealth skill, you can sneak as a move action or not suffer hindered movement when you sneak as an action. Additionally, you can attempt to hide as a move action, or hide as an action while being observed when you have partial cover or concealment. Finally, when you attempt to cast silently, reduce the distance at which you can be heard on normal and major successes by 5'.
You suffer a -1 rank penalty on Stealth attempts while encumbered, disadvantage while heavily encumbered, and disadvantage plus unreliability while severely encumbered.
As Stealth involves the perceptions of others, your DM might make some checks for you.
Knowledge Skill, Attribute: Intelligence or Wisdom
The Survival skill represents expertise in navigating, hunting, gathering, and finding shelter.
As an action, you can make a Survival attempt to Track a creature, moving at a hindered speed and suffering disadvantage on defenses while you do so. You can also use Survival to Hunt, Fish, Forage, light a Fire, determine Direction, craft Camouflage, and make or locate Shelter. Additionally, you use Survival for knowledge checks on Cartography, Geography, Animals, and Plants.
If you possess the Survival skill, you can attempt to track as a move action or, while tracking as an action, move at your normal speed or not suffer disadvantage on defenses. In addition, you can make knowledge checks on Elementals and Fey.
Tools: Fishing tackle, hunting traps. Without fishing tackle, you suffer disadvantage on Survival (Fishing) attempts. If you leave a hunting trap deployed for 6 hours, you can make a Survival (Hunting) attempt with it.
When a Survival check involves determining your knowledge of a subject, your DM will usually make the check for you.
Knowledge Skills
Knowledge Skill, Trained Only, Attribute: Intelligence
If you possess the Arcana skill, you can attempt to identify Arcane spells when you see them cast or witness their effects. You can also attempt to identify magical items, including automatically identifying scrolls if you can read the Arcane language. You can also make knowledge attempts on Abberants, Ancient History pertaining to the arcane, Dragons, Golems, and Magical Creatures.
As Arcana is a knowledge check, it is usually made by your DM.
Someone untrained in Arcana cannot attempt to use the skill.

Tool: Arcane Treatise, Wizard's library. By utilizing an Arcane Treatise or wizard's library, you gain reliability on Arcana attempts.
Knowledge Skill, Bonus Skill, Attribute: Intelligence or Wisdom
The Culture skill represents studious learning or innate understanding of the trappings of society and civilization. This knowledge can range from locating resources and assistance within a society to knowing where an alley might lead.
If you possess the Culture skill, you are well versed in History, forms of Government, Nobility, Guilds, Trade Routes, and the layout of Cities. Additionally, you can recognize Heraldry and better Appraise and Barter, given your familiarity with trade.
As Culture is a knowledge check, it is usually made by your DM.
Culture can be selected as a bonus knowledge skill.
Knowledge Skill, Attribute: Intelligence
The Engineering skill represents study and education in science and mechanics.
If you possess the Engineering skill, you excel at Rope Use and making and disarming Traps. You also know how Vehicles and Mechanical Devices such as drawbridges and portcullises work. Finally, you have a firm knowledge of Architecture and Constructs.
Tool: Thieves' tools. Without thieves' tools, you suffer disadvantage on attempts to disarm traps.
When your Engineering skill would provide knowledge of how something works or how to do something, the check is usually made by your DM. When you utilize engineering to secure a rope, modify a device, or disarm a trap, and would know immediately or at the point of use of your success, you usually make the check.
Knowledge SKill, Attribute: Intelligence or Wisdom
The Perception skill represents a natural talent or trained aptitude for noticing that which is out of the ordinary.
If you possess the Perception skill, you excel at Spotting, Hearing, Tasting, or Feeling things that are amiss. You are also skilled at Investigating hidden details and Finding Traps and Secret Doors.
As Perception is a knowledge check, it is usually made by your DM.
Tools: Magnifying glass, spyglass. A magnifying glass grants you a +1 rank bonus on Perception attempts dealing with investigation. A spyglass increases the distance at which you can spot something.
Knowledge Skill, Trained Only, Attribute: Intelligence or Wisdom
The Religion skill represents studious learning or innate understanding of the divine.
If you possess the Religion skill, you can attempt to Identify Divine Spells when you see them cast or witness their effects. You can also attempt to Identify Divine Magical Items, including automatically identifying divine scrolls if you can read the language they are written in. You can also make knowledge attempts on Angels, Demons, The Planes, Undead, and Ancient History pertaining to myth, religion, and divine magical items.
As Religion is a knowledge check, it is usually made by your DM.
Someone untrained in Religion cannot attempt to use the skill.

Tools: Sacred text, monastic library. When utilizing a sacred text or a monastic library, you gain reliability on your Religion attempt.
Movement Skills
Movement Skill, Trained Only, Attribute: Dexterity
The Acrobatics skill represents expertise in unusual movements, such as walking on your hands, Swinging around on objects with precision, Balancing, Standing Up, Mounting, and Dismounting quickly, and Tumbling.
If you possess the Acrobatics skill, you can stand up from prone or mount or dismount from a mount using 5' less movement. You can also attempt to Squeeze through areas one size category smaller than you at normal speed, provided there is enough room for you to stand at the beginning and end of the movement. Additionally, you can attempt to tumble through an opponent's space. Finally, you can attempt to Reduce Falling Damage by considering your fall shorter by 10' on a normal, 20' on a major, and 30' on a critical success, and if you survive, you do not end up prone. If you survive with limited success, you do not end up prone.
Someone untrained in Acrobatics cannot attempt to use the special features of the skill.
Movement Skill, Attribute: Strength
The Jump skill represents expertise in making high or long leaps.
As part of your movement, you can attempt to Jump a horizontal distance equal to your Strength score with a 10' running start. Increase your distance jumped by 5' on a major success and 10' on a critical. On a limited success, you can abort the jump or jump but fall prone. On a failure, you fall prone. For vertical jumps and jumps without a running start, halve your distance jumped.
If you possess the Jump skill, you automatically succeed at jumping up to your Strength score without an attempt. In addition, you can attempt to jump farther, increasing your horizontal jumping distance by 5' on a normal, 10' on a major, and 15' on a critical success, while a limited results in no additional distance jumped.
Jumping expends an amount of your movement equal to the distance jumped.
Movement Skill, Bonus Skill, Attribute: Strength
The Run skill represents expertise in covering ground quickly.
You can make a Run attempt to Clamber through Difficult Terrain, crossing an extra 5' of difficult terrain on a normal success, 10' on a major, and 15' on a critical. As a full-round action, you can attempt to Sprint, moving twice your distance plus an extra 5' on a normal success, 10' on a major, and 15' on a critical. While running, you suffer disadvantage on defenses. When you suffer failure on a Run attempt, you fall prone.
If you possess the Run skill, when you make a Run attempt you can choose to increase your additional distance traveled by 5' or not suffer disadvantage on defenses.
Run can be selected as a bonus movement skill.
Movement Skill, Attribute: Strength or Dexterity
The Climb skill represents expertise in scaling objects and vertical surfaces. Climb lets you scamper up ladders, descend drain pipes, and, with the right tools, attempt to work your way up a castle wall.
As a form of movement, you can Climb something designed to be climbed, such as a ladder, at a hindered speed. You can also attempt to climb something designed to be climbed at your normal speed or attempt to climb a difficult surface, such as a cliff, at a hindered speed by utilizing a climber's kit.
If you possess the Climb skill, you automatically climb something designed to be climbed at your normal speed. Additionally, you climb difficult surfaces at your normal speed with a critical success. Finally, you can attempt to climb surfaces with no reasonable grip, such as a castle wall, at a hindered speed by utilizing a climber's kit, and in doing so create a difficult but climbable path for others.
Tool: Climber's kit. You can use a climber's kit to attempt to climb surfaces with no reasonable grip. In addition, if you possess the Climb skill, you can utilize a climber's kit to attempt to climb a difficult surface at your normal speed.
Movement Skill, Attribute: Strength or Dexterity
The Swim skill represents expertise in movement within a liquid.
As a move action, you can make a Swim attempt to Float or Swim. When you swim, your movement is hindered. On a major success, you swim an additional 5'. On a critical success, you swim an additional 10'. If you don't succeed on your swim attempt, you Sink 5' on a limited or 10' on a Failure. If you don't make a swim attempt on your turn while in a liquid, you sink 10'.
If you possess the Swim skill and are not encumbered, you do not need to attempt to stay afloat or to swim at a hindered speed. Additionally, you can attempt to swim faster, increasing your speed by 5' on a normal, 10' on a major, and 15' on a critical success, or gaining no speed increase on a limited success. On a failure, you can choose to go nowhere or swim at a hindered speed but sink 5'.
If you possess a swim speed, you do not need to make attempts to stay afloat or to swim at that speed.
While encumbered, you suffer a -1 rank penalty on Swim attempts and sink an additional 5'. While heavily encumbered, you suffer disadvantage and sink an additional 10'. While severely encumbered, you suffer disadvantage plus unreliability and sink an additional 15'.
If something knocks you prone while you are in a liquid, you sink 5'.
Social Skills
Social Skill, Attribute: Charisma
The Deceive skill represents a talent or trained aptitude for pulling the wool over others.
If you possess the Deceive skill, you excel at forging a believable Disguise, Lying, Misleading, Distracting, or otherwise obscuring others from the truth.
Tool: Disguise kit. Without a disguise kit, you suffer disadvantage on Deceive (Disguise) attempts.
Because the effectiveness of your lie may not be apparent to you, some Deceive checks may be made by your DM.
Handle Animal
Handle Animal
Social Skill, Trained Only, Attribute: Wisdom or Dexterity
The Handle Animal skill represents talent and expertise in dealing with animals, including their psychology and capabilities.
If you possess the Handle Animal skill, you excel at Breaking mounts, Soothing creatures, and Training them. As this skill also covers the breadth of social relations with animals, you additionally excel at gaining Insight into their motives, Persuading and Deceiving them, and getting them to Perform tricks. You also excel at Riding mounts.
You can use this skill to defend your mount from attacks, though if you face the same attack, you must sacrifice your own defense to do so. You can also use this skill to resist being dismounted.
Someone untrained in Handle Animal cannot attempt to use this skill.
Social Skill, Attribute: Intelligence or Wisdom
The Insight skill represents a talent or trained aptitude for understanding the wants, needs, and intentions of others.
If you possess the Insight skill, you excel at Detecting Lies and Uncovering someone's Motivation and Secrets.
Because the accuracy of your insight isn't immediately obvious, your DM will make most Insight checks for you.
Social Skill, Attribute: Strength or Charisma
The Persuade skill represents a talent or trained aptitude in leveraging a person's logic, desires, or fears to get them to see things your way.
If you possess the Persuade skill, you excel in such things as Begging free drinks from the tavern, Charming nobility into granting you an audience, Haggling with shopkeepers, Convincing guards to let you off with a warning, Intimidating opponents into surrender, Enticing orphans out of hiding, and Interrogating prisoners to reveal what they know.
Social Skill, Trained Only, Bonus Skill, Attribute: Charisma
The Perform skill represents expertise in entertaining others.
Unlike other skills, Perform represents an aptitude for a specific type of performance: Acting, Dancing, Poetry, Singing, Storytelling, or a Musical Instrument. When you select this skill, select one of these options. If your Charisma is above 11, you may select an additional number of Perform options equal to your Charisma modifier as well.
If you possess the Perform skill, you excel at Entertaining. You can attempt to earn room or board or Captivate an audience.
Perform can be selected as a bonus social skill.
Tools: Musical instruments. You cannot make a Perform attempt for a type of musical instrument without using a functioning musical instrument of that type.


Proficiencies reflect your aptitude in magical tasks and combat, honed through training and experience. Your class provides you with all the proficiencies you need to be effective. However, if you want to wield an unusual weapon, have more defensive options, or do something outside of your class's norm, you can take additional proficiencies. When you have the option to select a skill, you can select a proficiency you are eligible for and become Trained in it, or Adept if you are level 5 or higher.
Some types of proficiencies have requirements you must meet to select them. Others must be selected multiple times to gain their full benefit. Any such restrictions are noted in the proficiency's description.
If you lack proficiency in an attempt, you use the Untrained rank for attempts in it, provided the proficiency allows for untrained attempts.
Arcane Magic
Arcane Magic
Magic-users, sorcerers, warlocks, witches, and certain other classes employ arcane powers to explore the world, befuddle their foes, and defend themselves. You might command a zombie you raised with animate dead to attack an ogre, fire an eldritch blast at a dragon, or hurl a fireball into a horde of gnolls. When you attempt to affect a creature with arcane spells, you use your rank in Arcane Magic.
Arcane Magic can be used for four additional features by those who know them: Arcane defense, detect magic, dispel magic, and manipulate magic.
  • Unless otherwise specified, Arcane Magic attempts require the ability to speak and a free hand or implement to gesture with.
  • You must hold material components to cast spells requiring them.
  • While grappled, you must succeed on a Constitution/Wisdom (Endurance) check to use arcane magic with a somatic component.
  • While deafened, you must succeed on a Constitution/Wisdom (Endurance) check to use arcane magic with a verbal component.
  • You can only make Arcane Magic attempts if you are proficient in Arcane Magic.
  • You can only become proficient in Arcane Magic through a class.
Boon Option: Learn Arcane Magic's arcane defense or detect magic feature.

Arcane Magic Features

Arcane Defense
Magic-users, sorcerers, warlocks, witches, and certain others can utilize Arcane Magic to ward off physical and magical attacks. You might do so subtlety, deceiving an opponent with a quick illusion, mental distraction, or foreknowledge of a blow. You also might be more forthright, firing flares into your foe's eyes, conjuring objects to turn aside attacks, or creating a momentary barrier of force.
If you know the arcane defense feature of Arcane Magic, you can make Arcane Magic attempts to defend against attacks you are aware of.
  • You cannot use arcane defense while concentrating.
  • While grappled or deafened, you have disadvantage on arcane defense attempts.
Detect Magic
Magic-users, Sorcerers, Witches, and certain other classes can use Arcane Magic to sense the presence of magic. You might sense magical poison in a mug of ale, a fire trap spell on a castle door, or the presence of an invisible object.
If you know the detect magic feature of Arcane Magic, you can spend a full-round action concentrating on sensing magic on an object, creature, or area you can see within 30’. At the end of this period, an Arcane Magic attempt is made.
On a normal success, you detect the lowest-level magic affecting the target. On a major, you also determine the effect's school of magic. On a critical, you also determine the effect's spell's level. On a 20, you also know the effect's name. On a failure, you sense nothing and lose the ability to detect the effect for the rest of the day. On a critical failure, you lose the ability to detect magic for the rest of the day.
After successfully detecting a magic effect, you can spend a minute continuing to concentrate on it to increase your effective success level by one, ten minutes to increase it by two, and an hour to learn everything about the effect.
  • Detect magic is a knowledge check, so your DM rolls it.
  • While grappled or deafened, you have disadvantage on detect magic attempts.
  • If you already are aware of an effect, you can ignore that effect when making a second detect magic attempt.
  • If you witness the casting of a spell, you gain reliability on detect magic attempts.
Boon Option: Learn Arcane Magic's dispel magic feature.
Dispel Magic
Magic-users, Sorcerers, Witches, and other arcane classes can use Arcane Magic to unravel magic. You might silence an alarm spell, render an invisible ogre magi visible, or remove a forget spell from a guard.
If you know the dispel magic feature of Arcane Magic, you can spend an action to make an Arcane Magic attempt against a magical effect you are aware of within 30'. On a normal success against a spell of a level you can cast, you suppress the effect while you maintain concentration on suppressing it. If the effect is not permanent, you can alternatively expend a spell or spell point of equivalent or higher level to dispel it. On a major success, consider the maximum spell level you can cast for this attempt to be one higher. On a critical success, consider it two higher. On a result of 20, you can affect any level of effect and dispel permanent effects by expending an appropriate spell slot or spell point. On a limited success, you can attempt to dispel the effect again with another action. On a critical failure, you lose the ability to dispel magic for the rest of the day.
Whether you know this feature or not, you can automatically negate a spell by casting the same spell or a spell with an opposite effect (such as darkness on continual flame or a 4th level fireball on ice storm) of an equivalent or higher level against the spell you wish to negate. Both spells are negated when you use one for such a purpose.
  • While grappled or deafened, you have disadvantage on dispel magic attempts.
  • You can only attempt to dispel a particular effect once per day.
Boon Option: Learn Arcane Magic's manipulate magic feature.
Manipulate Magic
Some arcane classes can go beyond dispelling magic to manipulating it. You might temporarily disable a lighting trap, add a new passphrase to wyvern watch, or change the communication or effect of dream.
If you know the manipulate magic feature of Arcane Magic, after spending a full-round action concentrating on a magical effect you are aware of within 30’, you can make an Arcane Magic attempt.
On a normal success against a spell of a level you can cast, you take control of the effect as if you were its caster while concentrating on it. If the effect is not permanent, you alternatively expend a spell or spell point of equivalent or higher level to permanently control it. On a major success, consider the maximum spell level you can cast for this attempt to be one higher. On a critical success, consider it two higher. On a result of 20, you can affect any level of effect and manipulate it while within 30' without concentration. On a limited success, you can attempt to manipulate the effect again with another full-round action.
If you know the manipulate magic feature of Arcane Magic, you can also automatically manipulate a spell without a manipulate magic attempt by casting the same spell at the same or higher level on the spell you wish to manipulate. Your spell is negated when cast for this purpose.
  • While grappled or deafened, you have disadvantage on manipulate magic attempts.
  • You can only attempt to manipulate a particular effect once per day.
  • If the caster of the effect is aware of your manipulate attempt, it can attempt to resist it.

A great way to protect from attacks is to wear armor. A solid leather cuirass, chainmail hauberk, or steel breastplate will soften blows that slip through your other defenses.
Wearing armor reduces bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage you suffer when defending against an attack with limited or better success. You only make Armor attempts when donning or doffing armor in fast-paced situations, such as when sinking under water or trying to gear up against an impending attack. Instead, Armor proficiency determines what armor you can wear without negative impact.
You do not need proficiency in an armor type to wear a suit of it. However, when you wear armor you lack proficiency in, it encumbers you one additional level and your attempts that rely on movement, including attacks and spellcasting, suffer a -1 rank penalty in light armor, disadvantage in medium armor, or unreliability in heavy armor.
  • You can take Armor proficiency multiple times.
  • When you take Armor proficiency, you learn to wear armors in the following order:
    None -> Padded, Leather & Studded Leather-> Hide & Scale -> Chain & Brigandine -> Banded & Half Plate -> All
One of the best ways to defend against an attack is to get out of the way. You might duck an ogre's axe, spin away from a lion's fangs, or feint to throw off a footpad's dagger.
You can make a Dodge attempt to defend against melee and ranged attacks you are aware of.
  • Dodge requires the ability to move
  • While grappled or prone, you suffer disadvantage on dodge attempts.
  • While encumbered, you suffer a -1 rank penalty on dodge attempts.
  • While heavily encumbered, you suffer disadvantage on dodge attempts.
  • While severely encumbered, you suffer disadvantage and unreliability on dodge attempts.
Divine Magic
Divine Magic
Clerics, druids, shamans, and certain other classes call down the power of gods and other divine entities to censure foes or sense truth. You might command a king to bow, grant a merchant sanctuary from a zombie horde, or entangle a troop of minstrels. When you attempt to affect a creature with divine spells, you use your rank in Divine Magic.
Divine Magic can be used for four additional features by those who know them: Divine defense, divine guidance, rebuke, and sense outsider.
  • Unless otherwise specified, Divine Magic attempts require the ability to speak, as well as a holy symbol, implement, or free hand to gesture with.
  • You must hold material components to cast spells requiring them.
  • While grappled, you must succeed on a Constitution/Wisdom (Endurance) check to use divine magic with a somatic component.
  • While deafened, you must succeed on a Constitution (Endurance) check to use divine magic that requires a verbal component.
  • You can only make Divine Magic attempts if you are proficient in Divine Magic
  • You can only become proficient in Divine Magic through a class.
Boon Option: Learn Divine Magic's divine defense or divine guidance feature.

Divine Magic Features

Divine Defense
Clerics, druids, shamans, and certain other classes can call upon divine forces for protection. Inspiration might bestow foreknowledge of a hurled handaxe. A bird might swoop in to deflect a crossbow bolt. A spirit might restrain a foe's sword arm.
If you know the divine defense feature of Divine Magic, you can make Divine Magic attempts to defend against attacks you are aware of.
  • You cannot use divine defense while concentrating.
  • While deafened, you suffer disadvantage on divine defense attempts
  • While grappled or deafened, you suffer disadvantage on divine defense attempts.
Divine Guidance
Clerics, paladins, and certain other classes can petition their source of divine power for answers on a course of action. You might be inspired to follow troll tracks to find a missing person, sense the regent lying, or know a cave is a safe place to rest.
If you know the divine guidance feature of Divine Magic, you can concentrate for one minute on a yes-or-no question, then a Divine Magic attempt is made.
On a normal success, you receive a positive or negative feeling about the matter. On a major success, you also get a +1 rank bonus on your next divine guidance attempt today. On a critical success, you get a clue along with your answer. On a limited success, you sense your source of divine power is not ready to give you the answer. On a failure, you do not receive an answer. On a critical failure, you lose the ability to use divine guidance for the rest of the day.
  • Divine guidance is a knowledge check, so your DM rolls it.
  • You can only make a divine guidance attempt on a particular question once per day.
  • If the question is not a subject of concern of your source of divine power, you will not receive an answer.
At higher levels, clerics, druids, paladins, shamans, and certain other classes gain influence over outsiders. Your censure might send a fire elemental fleeing or inspire a group of zombies to do your bidding.
If you know the rebuke feature of Divine Magic, you can spend a hero's surge as an action to make Divine Magic attempts against outsiders of types you can rebuke within 30'.The types of outsiders you can rebuke and the method of rebuking is determined by your class or deity. If you have both command and turn options, you choose which to use when taking this action.
Command: On a normal success commanding an outsider, it follows your orders as if you were its master for a number of rounds equal to your level. On a major success, increase this period to minutes. On a critical success, increase it to hours. On a roll of 20, you automatically succeed in future command attempts against the target.
Turn: On a normal success turning an outsider, it uses its turns to flee from you in the safest manner possible for a number of rounds equal to your level. On a major success, it also suffers 1d10 true damage for each odd level you possess.
A critical failure with a turn attempt may result in the creature becoming enraged with you, stopping the turn attempt from affecting any other target, or ending another turn effect you have active.
  • Rebuked creatures are targeted by lowest hit points first, then proximity.
  • The total hit points of creatures you can successfully rebuke in a single attempt cannot exceed your maximum hit points.
  • You can only attempt to rebuke a particular creature once per day.
  • While deafened or grappled, you must succeed on a Constitution (Endurance) check in order to rebuke.
  • Rebuke effects with a duration end immediately if you or your allies take hostile action against the target.
Boon Option: Gain the ability to use Divine Magic to sense outsiders.
Sense Outsider
At higher levels, clerics and other classes become able to sense the presence of creatures they can rebuke. You might feel for the presence of a demon at a banquet or perceive a ghost's hiding place.
If you know the sense outsider feature of Divine Magic, you can make a Divine Magic attempt to sense outsiders you can rebuke within 30’ as a full-round action requiring concentration.
On a normal success, you become aware of the lowest-level creature of such a type within range. On a major, you also become aware of its direction. On a critical, you also become aware of its distance. On a roll of 20, you also know its specific type, such as zombie. On a failure, you sense nothing and lose the ability to detect the creature for the rest of the day. On a critical failure, you lose the ability to sense outsiders for the rest of the day.
  • Sense outsider is a knowledge check so your DM will roll it.
  • You can ignore the presence of a creature you are aware of to try and detect another creature.
  • Sense outsider attempts against creatures of a higher level than you are unreliable.
  • Sense outsider attempts against creatures actively concentrating on avoiding your detection have disadvantage.

When dangers emerge, it's important to be quick to react. Your Initiative determines if you jump into action immediately in an ambush or stand slack-jawed after a dragon breathes fire.
You make an initiative attempt at the start of a fight or other fast-paced contest, as well as at the beginning of each round within such an event to determine when you act.
  • When you are unconscious or dying, you can choose to fail your initiative attempt.
Martial Maneuvers
Martial Maneuvers
Sometimes the best course of action is to catch hold of a creature, shove it, or knock it down, or prevent it from doing the same to you. You might stop a troglodyte from batting your mace out of your hand, grab the leg of a hill giant, or kick a messenger into a well.
You make a Martial Maneuvers attempt when trying to sunder an item on a creature or disarm, grapple, pull, push, or trip it. Additionally, you make a Martial Maneuvers attempt when trying to defend against such attacks.
Martial maneuvers consist of Disarm, Grapple, Pull & Push, Sunder, and Trip attempts. When you take Martial Maneuver proficiency, you learn two of these maneuvers. If you already know two or more maneuvers, you learn all maneuvers instead.
  • While prone or grappled, your Martial Maneuver attacks suffer disadvantage.
  • If you are proficient in a weapon that possesses a martial maneuver feature, you can utilize your rank in that weapon when you use it to make that martial maneuver attack.

Martial Maneuvers

When you want to knock an item off a creature's person or out of their grasp, you can try to disarm them. As an attack action, you can use a weapon to make a disarm attempt against an object you can see within your weapon's range.
  • You must use an item capable of disarming a creature of an object in order for your disarm attempt to succeed. For example, you could use a rapier or an arrow fired from your bow to disarm a creature's coin purse, but not a sapDisarming a creature knocks an item off their person or out of their grasp. You make disarm attempts to defend against disarm attacks you are aware of. As an attack action, you can use a free hand or weapon to make a disarm attempt against an object you can see within range. On a normal success, the target falls into the creature's space.
    • Disarm attacks require a weapon capable of disarming an object. For example, an arrow could cut loose a coin purse, but a rock could not.
    • Disarm attacks against items attached to a creature, such as a coin purse or a belt, have disadvantage.
    • Objects attached to a creature at multiple points, such as a shield, backpack, or breastplate, require multiple successes to disarm.
    • Disarm attempts against larger creatures and creatures holding an item in two or more hands are unreliable.
    or a sling's shot.
  • Objects attached to a creature at multiple points, such as a shield or backpack, require multiple successes to disarm.
  • Disarm attempts against larger creatures and creatures holding an item in two or more hands are unreliable.
When you want to catch hold of a creature, you grapple them. You make grapple attempts to defend against grapple attacks. As an attack action, you can use a free hand to make a grapple attempt against a creature within your reach. On a normal success, you grapple the creature, holding onto it.
  • While grappled by or grappling a creature of one smaller size than you, your movement is hindered as you must drag them with you.
  • While grappled by a creature of your size or larger, you cannot move.
  • While grappling a creature of your size or larger, you can only move adjacent to them.
  • While grappling a creature of your size or smaller, you can make a grapple attempt to pin a number of its limbs equal to or less than the number of limbs you have free. When you pin a limb, the limb you use to pin it is pinned as well.
  • While not prone and grappling a creature of your size or smaller, you can make a grapple attempt to throw it. On a success, you end your grapple and throw it 5’, plus an additional 5’ with a devastating effect. For each size category you are larger than a creature, increase the distance thrown by 5’. A thrown creature is treated as having fallen the distance it is thrown.
  • You can use a devasting effect on a critical grapple success to attempt to trip a target, throw it, or pin its limbs.
  • You can coordinate a grapple attack to increase your effective creature size for the grapple. For every additional creature coordinating in your size category, increase your effective size category by one.
  • You can end a grapple you initiated at will. A grapple also ends if your target or attacker leaves your reach.
When you want to get a creature away from you or bring it closer, you can try to pull them. You make pull attempts to defend against pull attacks. As an attack action against a creature within reach, you can use a free hand or suitable object to make a pull attempt. On a normal success, you pull the target 5’. A hampering effect of a major or better success can increase this distance by 5’.
  • You have advantage on pull attempts against creatures one size smaller than you.
  • You have advantage and reliability on pull attempts against creatures two sizes smaller than you.
  • Against creatures three or more sizes smaller than you, double the distance you pull.
  • You have disadvantage on pull attempts against creatures one size larger than you.
  • You have disadvantage and unreliability on pull attempts against creatures two sizes larger than you.
  • You cannot pull creatures three sizes larger than you.
  • When you successfully pull a creature, you can move with it, provided you have movement available.
  • Pull attempts against creatures with more legs than you are unreliable.
  • You can coordinate a pull attack to increase your effective creature size for the attack. For every additional creature coordinating in your size category, increase your effective size category by one.
  • A creature that is pulled over an edge or through a window, portal, or the like, can make a Dexterity check to catch hold of the edge.
When you want to get a creature away from you or bring it closer, you can try to push them. You make push attempts to defend against push attacks. As an attack action against a creature within reach, you can use a free hand or suitable object to make a push attempt. On a normal success, you push the target 5’. A hampering effect of a major or better success can increase this distance by 5’.
  • You have advantage on push attempts against creatures one size smaller than you.
  • You have advantage and reliability on push attempts against creatures two sizes smaller than you.
  • Against creatures three or more sizes smaller than you, double the distance you push.
  • You have disadvantage on push attempts against creatures one size larger than you.
  • You have disadvantage and unreliability on push attempts against creatures two sizes larger than you.
  • You cannot push creatures three sizes larger than you.
  • When you successfully push a creature, you can move with it, provided you have movement available.
  • Push attempts against prone creatures or creatures with more legs than you are unreliable.
  • You can coordinate a push attack to increase your effective creature size for the attack. For every additional creature coordinating in your size category, increase your effective size category by one.
  • A creature that is pusheded over an edge or through a window, portal, or the like, can make a Dexterity check to catch hold of the edge.
Sundering an item disables or breaks it. You make sunder attempts to defend against sunder attacks you are aware of. As an attack action, you can use a free hand or weapon to make a sunder attempt against an object you can see within range. On a normal success, the target is broken.
  • Sunder attempts require a weapon capable of sundering an object. An arrow fired from a bow is only capable of sundering something fragile like a wineskin. A quarterstaff can sunder a bow but not a wooden shield or a two-handed sword. A two-handed sword can sunder quarterstaffs, spears, wooden shields, and two-handed swords.
  • Sunder attempts with items capable of sundering one another are unreliable. For example, using a quarterstaff to sunder a quarterstaff or a longsword to sunder a battle axe would be unreliable.
  • Sunder attempts against large items, such as weapons sized for ogres, are unreliable.
  • An item must be properly employed to sunder an object. A spear could be used to pierce a wine flask but not break a quarterstaff.
  • An item must be able to be functionally broken by a blow to be sundered. Spears, wine flasks, wooden shields, and rapiers can be sundered while caltrops, suits of armor, and metal shields cannot.
  • You cannot sunder a magical item without using a magical weapon of equal or greater enchantment.
Tripping a target knocks it prone. You make trip attempts to defend against being tripped. As an attack action, you can make a trip attempt against a non-prone creature you can see within reach.
  • Trip attempts against creatures with more than two legs are unreliable.
  • Trip attempts against creatures with more than four legs require a critical success to succeed.
  • Trip attempts against creatures one size larger than you have disadvantage.
  • Trip attempts against creatures two or more sizes larger than you have disadvantage and unreliability.
  • You cannot trip creatures three sizes larger than you.
  • You can coordinate a trip attack to increase your effective creature size for the attack. For every additional creature coordinating in your size category, increase your effective size category by one.
  • Creatures without legs cannot be tripped.

A great way to defend against an attack is to prevent it from reaching you. You might use a quarterstaff to knock aside a giant's club, a rapier to deflect a goblin's spear, or a buckler to block a troll's claws.
You can make a Parry attempt to defend against melee attacks you are aware of. Some abilities and items such as shields allow you to parry ranged attacks.
  • Parry requires a physical item and the ability to move it.
  • While grappled or prone, you suffer disadvantage on parry attempts.
Shields are great tools to enhance your ability to parry attacks. You only make shield attempts to perform an unusual maneuver with a shield, such as catching it on your arm, protect yourself from a building's collapse, or using it as an improvised weapon. Instead, Shield proficiency determines what shields you can wield without negative impact.
You do not need proficiency in a shield type to wield it. However, while wielding a shield you don’t possess proficiency in, you suffer a -1 rank penalty on any attempt that relies on movement, including attacks and spellcasting.
  • You can use your rank in a shield for parry attempts made with it.
  • Shields allow you to attempt to parry ranged attacks.
  • Some shields allow you to block additional attacks when defending against multiple attacks.
  • You can take Shield proficiency multiple times.
  • When you take the Shield proficiency, you learn to wield shields in the following order:
    None -> Buckler & Light -> Heavy -> All
One of the best things to attack a foe with is a weapon. Some say it is their primary purpose. You might throw your spear at an orc, hack your halberd at a treant, or swing a chair at a barmaid.
As an attack action, you can use something physical you are capable of moving freely to attempt a Weapon attack against a target.
  • While grappled, you suffer disadvantage on two-handed weapon attacks.
  • While prone, you suffer disadvantage on non-mechanical weapon attacks.
  • You can take Weapon proficiency multiple times.
  • When you take the Weapon proficiency, you learn to wield improvised weapons or standard weapons in the following order:
    None -> A Weapon Group's Simple Weapons -> Simple Weapons -> A Weapon Group -> Martial Weapons


To communicate through reading, writing, or speech, you'll need to use a language. You know the languages granted by your race and class, plus or minus a number of additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier. If your modifier is negative and would take you to less than one known language, you first lose the ability to write that language, then the ability to read that language, then the ability to speak in sentences per negative modifier. You normally know how to read, write, and speak any language you know, unless the feature that grants you your language restricts it.
When you have the opportunity to select a skill, you can choose to learn a language or dialect instead, provided you have someone or something capable of providing instruction. However, if you already know how to read, write, or speak a language, you can learn the rest of it without instruction.
The Languages

The Languages

*Can only be learned through a class.

Aberrant*AberrantAlso known as deep speech, aberrant is an unsettling tongue from beyond the worlds, spoken by unnatural entities.
Arcane*DraconicThe language of magic. If you can read the arcane language, you can attempt to read an arcane scroll. If you can write the arcane language, you can scribe an arcane spell or scroll.
CommonHalfling, GnomishCommonThe most prevalent language, common is often considered essential for communication.
Divine*Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, PrimordialCelestialThe language of deities and other denizens of the immortal planes. If you can read a divine language, you can attempt to read a scroll written in it.
DraconicKobold, LizardfolkDraconicThe language of dragons has its roots in the arcane.
Druidic*Cat, Dog, OakSylvanThe secret language of druids, druidic is a subdialect of Sylvan. If you know Druidic, you also know Sylvan. If you know druidic, you can use scrolls written in it and can make attempts to speak in the simplest of terms with plants and animals.
DwarvishGiant, OgreRunicA blocky language invented by dwarves, some say it has its roots in the primordial.
ElvishSylvanSylvanA derivative of Celestial, Elvish is spoken in the land of the Fey.
GoblinOrcish, GnollishRunicEncompassing the dialects of Orcish and Gnollish, Goblin is sometimes referred to as Undercommon due to its prevalence in places out of reach of the sunlight.
The Language of the Dead*CelestialThe tongue of shamans, the language of the dead bridges the boundary between life and death. The language of the dead allows for limited communication with the recently deceased, as well as unintelligent undead.
Thieves' Cant*(Varies)The secret language of thieves, thieves’ cant is made up of twists in another language's words allowing any language which speakers know to be utilized. Thieves' Cant loads this language with hidden meaning that, to the untrained ear, sounds like talk of unfamiliar people and places.


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