Chapter VI: Equipment

Give me a lever long enough… and I shall move the world.
— Archimedes
A prepared hero is less likely to experience an abrupt end to their travels or their life. On your adventures, you'll want to keep yourself well-armed and well-equipped.
Equipment is broken up into several categories: Money, Armor, Shields, Weapons, Goods & Services, and Encumbrance.


Money makes the adventuring wheel go round, and gold is the heart of it. The gold piece is the standard unit of wealth. Copper, silver, and platinum pieces are also common. Each coin weighs 1/50 of a pound and 10 coins of a lesser type are equal to one coin of the next greatest value. Thus, 10 copper pieces (cp) equal a silver piece (sp), 10 silver pieces equal a gold piece (gp), and 10 gold pieces equal a platinum piece (pp).
Starting Money

Starting Money

Whether you come from wealth or poverty, you start play with the equipment you need to adventure, unless your DM directs otherwise. Use the Starting Money table to determine how much gold you have, then go and blow it.

ClassStarting Gold Pieces
Barbarian 5d4*5
Bard 5d4*10
Cleric 4d4*8
Druid 4d4*5
Fighter 6d4*10
Magic-User 3d4*12
Monk 5d4*1
Paladin 4d4*15
Ranger 5d4*10
Rogue 5d4*10
Shaman 4d4*7
Sorcerer 3d4*8
Warlock 3d4*12
Witch 3d4*10
Starting Packages

Starting Packages

To simplify your starting equipment, you can purchase a starting package for your class from the Starting Package table below which will provide you with the major items: armor, shield, weapon, clothes, and adventurer's pack. If you wish to buy specific items or your DM wants you to track your possessions in detail, you can make individual purchases instead. You may not be able to afford everything you want right away but worry not. Questing tends to pay quite well.


BarbarianAdventurer's pack, hide armor, great club, 3 javelins28 gp53 lbs
BardAdventurer's pack, studded leather armor, wooden buckler, sling, short sword, pipes, quality clothes50 gp, 7 cp31.2 lbs
ClericAdventurer's pack, quarterstaff, healer's kit, holy symbol, quality clothes50 gp19 lbs
DruidAdventurer's pack, leather armor, quarterstaff, healer's kit, common clothes25 gp, 6 sp30 lbs
FighterAdventurer's pack, ring mail, heavy wooden shield, long sword, handaxe, 10' pole, common clothes87 gp, 5 sp67 lbs
Magic-UserAdventurer's pack, spell component pouch, spellbook, common clothes, staff30 gp, 6 sp22 lbs
MonkAdventurer's pack, common clothes10 gp, 5 sp13 lbs
PaladinAdventurer's pack, ring mail, light wooden shield, holy symbol, quality clothes^93 gp^52^ lbs
RangerAdventurer's pack, leather armor, 2 scimitars, short bow, 20 short arrows, traveler's clothes72 gp, 5 sp39 lbs
RogueAdventurer's pack, leather armor, sling, short sword, thieves’ tools, common clothes60 gp, 5 cp31.1 lbs
ShamanAdventurer's pack, hide armor, quarterstaff, healer's kit, totem, common clothes35 gp, 1 sp43.1 lbs
SorcererAdventurer's pack, wand, common clothes10 gp, 6 sp10.5 lbs
WarlockAdventurer's pack, studded leather armor, quarterstaff, rod, common clothes35 gp44 lbs
WitchAdventurer's pack, spear, sling, spellbook, spell component pouch, common clothes32 gp, 5 sp25.1 lbs
^Plus deity's favored weapon


For most heroes, protection come by way of armor and the purpose of armor is to mitigate the damage of an attack.
While wearing armor, whenever you defend against a physical attack with limited or better success you reduce the damage you take by the armor's Damage Reduction. For example, if your attempt to dodge a goblin's spear thrust resulted in limited success, you would still reduce the piercing damage by 3 while wearing field plate. Through Damage Reduction, some attacks may have their damage negated entirely.
Types of armor and their features are listed in the Armor table. The details of the varying types of armor are as follows.
Padded Armor: Commonly seen on training grounds, padded armor is constructed of quilted layers of cloth and batting. It is inexpensive, unencumbering, and easily adjustable.
Leather Armor: Stiff, boiled leather provides the wearer of this armor fair protection without restricting much movement.
Studded Leather Armor: This leather jerkin has been bolted with metal to increase protection without adding too much weight.
Hide Armor: Crafted from the pelts of beasts such as bears, wolves, or boars, hide armor is bulkier and heavier than leather. However, because of its natural nature, while you are Encumbered due to wearing hide armor, you do not suffer a -1 Rank Penalty on Stealth or Dodge attempts.
Scale Mail: Also known as ring mail, scale mail is crafted by attaching metal rings or scales to padded or leather armor. In some regions, materials other than metal may be substituted, such as seeds, horns, or even animal scales.
Chain Mail: Also known as simply mail, chain mail is a hauberk made of small metal rings linked together to form a mesh.
Brigandine: Similar to studded leather, brigandine armor is a jacket of cloth or leather armor studded or sown with layered steel plates. Unlike studded leather, mail is often worn underneath.
Banded Mail: Also known as splint mail, banded mail is crafted by precisely attaching narrow strips of metal to leather armor. Banded mail layers these strips horizontally while splint layers them vertically. Both include a jacket as well as arm and leg pieces. A mail hauberk is worn underneath, protecting the joints.
Half Plate: Also known as simply plate, half plate is comprised of a metal cuirass and back piece worn over mail. This breastplate is custom-forged to fit the wearer and extremely expensive for a good reason. The protection it provides is top-notch.
Field Plate: Even more impressive than half plate, field plate is a near-complete suit of plate armor designed to be worn by foot soldiers. Shoulders, elbows, forearms, and hands are covered by plates of fitted metal, as are the upper legs. The lower legs and feet are not plated to retain some freedom of movement.
Full Plate: The pinnacle of armorcraft, full plate is a custom-fit suit of metal covering every inch of the body. Designed to be worn while mounted, full plate is nearly impossible to utilize on foot. Unless you are mounted, wearing full plate leaves you Severely Encumbered.
The Armor Table

The Armor Table

Table Components
Name: The type of armor.
Cost: The standard cost in gold pieces for the type of armor.
Category: An armor’s category describes its bulk and ease of use.
Light armor: Wearing light armor does not automatically encumber you.
Medium armor: While wearing medium armor, you are Encumbered.
Heavy armor: While wearing heavy armor, you are Heavily Encumbered.
*Hide and full plate differ slightly. Hide armor's encumbrance does not impose a -1 rank penalty on stealth or dodge attempts. On the other hand, while wearing full plate, you are Severely Encumbered unless you are mounted, in which case you are only Heavily Encumbered.
Damage Reduction: An armor's damage reduction indicates the amount of damage it reduces of the Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing types. Whenever you have a limited or better success against a physical attack, reduce the damage you take of the attack's type by the specified amount.
Don: Don specifies the number of minutes it takes to put on each type of armor.
Doff: Doff specifies the number of minutes it takes to get out of each type of armor. .1 minute indicates a Full-Round Action.
Hasty Don: If you are proficient with a type of armor, you can attempt to put it on quickly. This attempt takes the time listed under normal success unless you achieve a major or better success. On a limited, you can count this time toward a standard don.
Hasty Doff: If you are proficient with a type of armor, you can attempt to remove it quickly. This attempt takes the time listed under normal success unless you achieve a major or better success. On a limited, you can count this time toward a standard don.

Hasty Don
Hasty Doff
Padded5Light1/-/-101.11 round/Action/MoveAction/Move/15' move
Leather10Light1/-/1151.11 round/Action/MoveAction/Move/15' move
Studded Leather25Light1/1/1201.11 round/Action/MoveAction/Move/15' move
Hide15Medium*2/1/125511 minute/5 rounds/1 round1 round/Action/Move
Scale Mail50Medium1/1/230511 minute/5 rounds/1 round1 round/Action/Move
Chainmail150Medium2/1/240511 minute/5 rounds/1 round1 round/Action/Move
Brigandine400Medium2/2/230511 minute/5 rounds/1 round1 round/Action/Move
Banded Mail250Heavy3/2/2451022 minutes/1 minute/5 rounds1 minute/5 rounds/1 round
Half Plate800Heavy3/2/3501533 minutes/2 minutes/1 minute2 minutes/1 minute/5 rounds
Field Plate1,600Heavy3/3/3552044 minutes/3 minutes/2 minutes3 minutes/2 minutes/1 minute
Full Plate3,200Heavy*4/3/4602555 minutes/4 minutes/3 minutes4 minutes/3 minutes/2 minutes
You can wear armor even if you are not proficient in its use. However, you are encumbered an additional level and all your attempts that rely on any form of movement, including attacks and spellcasting, suffer a -1 Rank Penalty in light armor, Disadvantage in medium armor, or Unreliability in heavy armor.
Armor for small heroes does not use as much material or weigh as heavily. Armor crafted for a small hero weighs half as much and costs one-third less.


Shields are sections of wood, metal, or similar material constructed for parrying attacks, and they excel at doing so.
• You can use your rank in a shield for Parry attempts with it.
• You can use a shield to Parry ranged attacks.
• You can use your rank in a shield to attempt to bash a foe with it as a melee non-finesse weapon attack.
A shield's cost, weight, encumbrance, and bludgeoning damage when bashing is listed in the Shields table. Each shield comes in a wooden and steel variant. The types of shields are defined below.
Buckler: Ranging in size from 6" to 1.5', bucklers are small round or square shields that are usually strapped to the forearm to allow the shield hand to remain free.
• If you use an object in your buckler hand, you cannot utilize the buckler until the start of your next turn, and vice-versa.
Light Shield: The most common shield, light shields are up to 2' in width and height in a round, rectangular, or kite shape.
• Light shields grant a +1 Rank Bonus to parry melee attacks.
• When defending against Multiple Attacks, light shields block an additional attack on a limited or better success.
Heavy Shield: Heavy shields are around the same width as a light shield but twice as tall. Usually oval or kite-shaped to reduce weight, heavy shields protect the torso and the lower body.
• Heavy shields grant a +1 Rank Bonus to parry attempts.
• When defending against Multiple Attacks, heavy shields block an additional attack on a limited or better success.
• If you have a Strength score below 15, you are Encumbered while weilding a heavy shield.
Tower Shield: Also known as the scutum, a tower shield can be over 4' in height and 3' in width, with most being oval or rectangular and curved to fit the body.
• Tower shields provide the wielder with Cover.
• When defending against Multiple Attacks, tower shields block an additional attack on a limited or better success.
• Tower shields provide total Cover from ranged attacks when using the Defend action.
• While weilding a tower shield, you are Severely Encumbered except on parry and weapon attempts.
The Shields Table


NameCostWeight (lbs)EncumbranceBash
Buckler, Steel15 gp5none1d2
Buckler, Wooden5 gp3none1
Light Shield, Steel9 gp6none1d3
Light Shield, Wooden3 gp5none1d2
Heavy Shield, Steel20 gp13none*1d4
Heavy Shield, Wooden7 gp10none*1d3
Tower Shield, Steel25 gp30Severe1d6
Tower Shield, Wooden10 gp30Severe1d4
Small heroes treat bucklers as light shields, light shields as heavy shields, and heavy shields as tower shields. A buckler designed for a small hero weighs half as much and costs one-third less.


Mjolnir, Excalibur, Glamdring, and the Vorpal Sword: great tales are often forged with a hero's weapon. Your weapon may be an iconic representation of your spirit or merely a tool. Either way, you’ll likely want to adventure armed. The Weapons tables provide the pertinent details.
Weapon Categories
Weapons are either simple or martial in their complexity and finesse or non-finesse and melee or ranged in their application.
Simple Weapons: Simple weapons are easier to use in battle.
Martial Weapons: Martial weapons require more specific training to wield.
Finesse Weapons: When you hit with a finesse weapon attack, you add your Dexterity modifier to damage.
Non-Finesse Weapons: When you hit with a non-finesse weapon attack, you add your Strength modifier.
Melee Weapons: Melee weapons can be used to make melee attacks. Some can also be used to make ranged attacks.
Ranged Weapons: Ranged weapons can only be used to make ranged attacks.
Simple Melee Weapons

Simple Melee Weapons

NameCostCategoryGroupDamage Type_HandsDamageWeight (lbs)FeatureRange
Club1 spMacesBludgeoning11d63--
Dagger2 gpFinesseLight BladesPiercing11d41-10'
Garrote1 gpFinesseUnarmedSlashing210.1Grapple, Small-
Great Club2 spMacesBludgeoning22d412--
Heavy Mace12 gpMacesBludgeoning1 or 21d8/2d48--
Ironshod Quarterstaff1 gpStaffsBludgeoning21d86Parry-
Mace5 gpMacesBludgeoning11d64--
Quarterstaff1 spStaffsBludgeoning21d64Parry, Small-
Sickle6 gpLight BladesSlashing11d62--
Spear2 gpSpearsPiercing1 or 21d6/1d86-20'
Unarmed Strike-UnarmedBludgeoning-1---
Simple Ranged Weapons

Simple Ranged Weapons

NameCostCategoryGroupDamage Type_HandsDamageWeight (lbs)FeatureRange
Dart5 spFinesseSpearsPiercing11d40.5-20'
Heavy Crossbow50 gpFinesseMechanicalPiercing21d108120'
Javelin1 gpSpearsPiercing11d62-30'
Light Crossbow35 gpFinesseMechanicalPiercing21d84Small80'
Sling5 cpFinesseSlingsBludgeoning11d40.1-50'
Staff Sling1 gpSlingsBludgeoning21d62Ordinance50'
Martial Melee Weapons

Martial Melee Weapons

NameCost_CategoryGroupDamage Type_HandsDamageWeight (lbs)FeatureRange
Bastard Sword35 gpHeavy BladesSlashing1 or 21d10/1d126--
Battleaxe10 gpAxesSlashing11d86--
Broadsword15 gpFinesseLight BladesSlashing12d33Parry-
Cestus5 gpUnarmedPiercing-1d32--
Falchion12 gpHeavy BladesSlashing1 or 2d6+1/d8+15-5’
Flail8 gpFlailsBludgeoning11d65Trip-
Glaive8 gpHeavy BladesSlashing21d1010ImpedeReach
Greataxe20 gpAxesSlashing22d612--
Guisarme10 gpPicksPiercing21d1010GrappleReach
Halberd10 gpAxesSlashing21d1012ImpedeReach
Hammer1 gpHammersBludgeoning11d4210'
Handaxe5 gpAxesSlashing11d62-10'
Heavy Flail15 gpFlailsBludgeoning21d810Trip-
Heavy Pick8 gpPicksPiercing1 or 21d6/1d86Grapple-
Lance10 gpSpearsPiercing11d1010CalvaryReach
Longsword15 gpHeavy BladesSlashing1 or 21d8/1d104--
Lucerne Hammer35 gpHammersBludgeoning22d49Reach
Main-gauche2 gpFinesseLight BladesPiercing11d31Parry-
Maul25 gpHammersBludgeoning21d1225Sunder-
Pick4 gpPicksPiercing11d43Grapple10’
Pike5 gpSpearsPiercing21d109ImpaleReach
Ranseur10 gpSpearsPiercing22d410DisarmReach
Rapier25 gpFinesseLight BladesPiercing11d62Disarm-
Sap1 spFinesseMacesBludgeoning11d22Daze-
Scimitar15 gpHeavy BladesSlashing11d63Calvary-
Scythe18 gpHeavy BladesSlashing22d410Grapple-
Shortsword10 gpFinesseLight BladesPiercing11d62--
Spiked Chain25 gpFlailsPiercing22d410TripReach
Stiletto5 gpFinesseLight BladesPiercing11d31-
Two-handed Sword50 gpHeavy BladesSlashing23d48--
Waraxe30 gpAxesSlashing1 or 21d10/1d128--
Warhammer12 gpHammersBludgeoning1 or 21d8/1d105Sunder-
Martial Ranged Weapons

Martial Ranged Weapons

NameCostCategoryGroupDamage Type_HandsDamageWeight (lbs)FeatureRange
Atlatl1 spSpearsPiercing11d61-40'
Bolas1 gpFinesseFlailsBludgeoning11d23Trip10'
Hand Crossbow100 gpFinesseMechanicalPiercing11d42-30'
Longbow100 gpFinesseBowsPiercing21d83100'
Shortbow30 gpFinesseBowsPiercing21d62Small60'
When you use an object not designed for combat as a weapon, or employ a weapon in a fashion for which it was not designed, it is considered an improvised weapon. Improvised weapons are treated as non-finesses weapons and attacks are made at an Untrained rank unless you take proficiency with them. Improvised weapons deal 1d2 damage if small (a fist-sized rock, a frying pan, a dagger’s pommel), 1d3 damage if medium (the flat of a longsword, a torch, a table leg), or 2d3 damage if large and two-handed (a stout chair, a manhole cover, the haft of a glaive).

Goods & Services

Waltzing off after breakfast with nothing but your shiny new long sword, shield, and scale mail is great, provided you’ll be back before lunch. However, if you’ll be gone adventuring longer than a typical picnic, you’ll want to load up on some goods for the trip, and perhaps utilize services for the journey as well. Depending on your type of game, you may be set with an Adventurer’s Pack and nothing more. However, if your DM requires it or if you’re looking for additional utility, you’ll find options for all manner of goods and services below.
Adventuring Gear

Adventuring Gear

A variety of items ban be useful on an adventure and, according to many shopkeepers, having the right gear can make the difference between escaping the dungeon and being forever entombed.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Adventurer's Pack10 gp10
Backpack2 gp2
Ball bearings (100)1 gp1
Bedroll1 gp5
Bell1 gp0.1
Block and tackle1 gp5
Bucket5 cp2
Caltrops1 gp2
Chain (10')5 gp5
Chalk (piece)1 cp0.1
Climber's kit25 gp5
Crowbar2 sp5
Flask (clay)2 cp0.1
Grappling hook2 gp4
Hammer2 sp2
Healer's kit5 gp1
Hourglass5 gp1
Jug (clay)2 cp9
Ladder (10')1 sp20
Lock10 gp1
Magnifying glass100 gp0.1
Manacles2 gp2
Mess kit1 sp1
Miner's pick5 sp10
Mirror5 gp0.5
Piton5 cp0.5
Pole (10')5 cp8
Pot (iron)1 sp10
Pouch5 sp0.5
Rope, hemp (50')1 gp10
Rope, silk (50')10 gp5
Sack1 sp0.5
Scale; merchant's2 gp1
Scroll case1 gp1
Sealing wax1 gp1
Shovel2 gp8
Signet ring5 gp0.1
Sledge1 gp10
Soap5 sp1
Spyglass1000 gp1
Tent10 gp20
Vial1 gp0.1
Waterskin1 gp4
Whetstone2 cp1
Whistle8 sp0.1
Winter blanket1 gp3
Alchemical Goods

Alchemical Goods

Strange items crafted by alchemists, alchemical goods are only found in towns large enough to support an apothecary.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Acid (flask)25 gp1
Alchemical fire (flask)50 gp1
Antitoxin (vial)50 gp0.1
Smokestick20 gp0.5
Tindertwig1 gp0


Some weapons require ammunition to make attacks. Ammunition is usually sold in bundles of 20. Your DM may require you to track it. If so, you can recover a spent munition by spending a full-round action searching its target or the area it was shot into and making a successful luck roll.
Ammunition requires two hands to load.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Arrows (20)1 gp3
Atlatl darts (20)5 sp2
Crossbow bolts (20)2 gp2
Quiver1 gp1
Sling bullets (20)4 cp1.5
Staff sling rounds (20)1 gp5


Clothing provides you with basic protection from the elements. If you lack appropriate clothing for an environment, you may suffer disadvantage when resting or enduring the elements.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Common clothes5 sp3
Exquisite clothes500 gp6
Fine clothes50 gp6
Quality clothes5 gp6
Specialized travel clothes50 gp7
Traveler's clothes2 gp4
Craft Goods

Craft Goods

Craft goods provide the required items and components to perform crafting. Without the appropriate tools, you may have disadvantage on a task or be unable to perform it entirely.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Artisan's tools5 gp5
Disguise kit25 gp8
Fishing tackle1 gp4
Hunting trap5 gp15
Ink (vial)10 gp0.1
Ink pen2 cp0
Paper (sheet)2 sp0
Parchment (sheet)1 sp0
Spell component pouch5 gp3
Spellbook (blank)15 gp3
Thieves' tools30 gp1


Most heroes need to eat, and many take their meals on the road.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Ale (gallon)2 sp8
Ale (mug)4 cp1
Bread; loaf2 cp0.5
Cheese (1 lb.)2 sp1
Dwarven ale (flask)10 gp2
Dwarven ale (shot)2 sp0.1
Meal (banquet)10 gp10
Meal (common)1 sp1.5
Meal (good)2 sp2
Meal (poor)6 cp1
Meat (1 lb.)6 sp1
Rations; trail (1 day)5 sp1
Wine (common, bottle)2 sp5
Wine (fine, bottle)10 gp5


Many adventures will take you into lightless delves or the night. To see, you’ll want some form of illumination.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Candle1 cp0.1
Lamp5 sp1
Lantern, bull's-eye10 gp3
Lantern, hooded5 gp2
Oil (pint flask)1 sp1
Torch1 cp1


Spellcasters sometimes utilize implements to provide a focus for their magic. You can fulfill the somatic components of a spell with style using an implement. When enchanted, implements are also capable of passing on their enchantment to the spells and magic cast with them. In addition to the implements listed here, divine spellcasters use holy symbols as implements, listed under Religious Goods.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Crystal1 gp2
Orb5 gp3
Rod1 sp2
Skull1 gp2.5
Staff1 sp3
Totem1 sp1
Wand1 sp0.5


Given how nomadic the adventuring life is, it can be nice to spend a night under a proper roof. A full undisturbed sleep in even the poorest of lodging provides the benefits of a good night’s rest.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Inn (common)5 sp-
Inn (good)2 gp-
Inn (poor)2 sp-
Stabling5 sp-
Mounts, Animals, & their Gear

Mounts, Animals, & their Gear

Though many adventures must be undertaken on foot, walking is not always ideal. Mounts and other trained animals can expedite travel as well as carry goods. Some trained animals may even help in battle, though untrained animals can be a risk. Animals that are not trained for combat must make a Wisdom check at the start of each turn or bolt, without successful intervention with a Handle Animal attempt.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Bit and bridle2 gp1
Dog, guard25 gp-
Dog, riding150 gp-
Donkey/mule8 gp-
Feed (1 day)5 cp1
Horse; heavy, heavy200 gp-
Horse; heavy, light75 gp-
Pony30 gp-
Saddle; military, military20 gp30
Saddle; military, pack5 gp15
Saddle; military, riding10 gp25
Saddlebags4 gp8
Warhorse; heavy, heavy400 gp-
Warhorse; heavy, light150 gp-
Warpony; heavy, heavy300 gp-
Warpony; heavy, light100 gp-
Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments

For many performers, instruments are a necessity. In addition, bards use instruments as spellcasting implements and expand their musical prowess through them. Fancier variations on the base instruments usually double the base instrument's cost and weight.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Bagpipe3 gp3
Drum1 gp2
Dulcimer5 gp4
Flute1 gp0.5
Harp10 gp3
Horn1 sp1
Hurdy-gurdy15 gp5
Lute8 gp3
Organetto10 gp12
Pipes2 cp0.1
Viol8 gp2


Useful remedies crafted by herbalists, poultices are capable of curing certain ailments.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Antivenom5 gp0.1
Healing poultice15 gp0.5
Religious Goods

Religious Goods

Usually offered in places of worship, religious goods can be vital to clerics and handy to other adventurers.

Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Holy symbol (true)25 gp1
Holy symbol (replica)1 gp0.5
Holy water (flask)25 gp1


Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Coach cab (per mile)3 cp-
Hireling, trained (per day)3 sp-
Hireling, untrained (per day)1 sp-
Masterwork (armor)* gp-
Masterwork (tool)100 gp-
Masterwork (weapon)100 gp-
Messenger per mile)2 cp-
Road or gate toll1 cp-
Ship's passage (per mile)1 sp-
Weapon Alteration3 gp-


Sometimes a service doesn’t cut it and you just want to own the carriage yourself. Prices listed for transport items are merely for the vehicle itself. They do not include operators or beasts of burden.


Good/ServiceCostWt. (lbs)
Carriage100 gp600
Cart15 gp200
Galley30,000 gp-
Keelboat3,000 gp-
Longship10,000 gp-
Oar2 gp10
Rowboat50 gp100
Sailing ship10,000 gp-
Sled20 gp300
Wagon35 gp400
Warship25,000 gp-


Though impressive defenses may be gained by lugging a tower shield about while encased in full plate armor, doing so comes at a cost. Wearing certain heavy items or carrying a load can encumber you. The effects of this are listed below.
If your DM has you track weight for the items you carry, the Encumbrance table below provides the limits you can bear based on your Strength score.
Encumbered: While encumbered, you reduce your speed by 5’ and suffer a -1 rank penalty on dodge, stealth, and swim attempts.
Heavily Encumbered: While you are heavily encumbered, you reduce your speed by 10' and suffer disadvantage on dodge, stealth, and swim attempts.
Severely Encumbered: While severely encumbered, you reduce your speed by 15’, suffer disadvantage on any movement-related attempt (including attacks and spellcasting), and suffer disadvantage and unreliability on dodge, stealth, and swim attempts.
Max Lift: Max lift describes the maximum weight you can lift off the ground. You cannot move or take any actions while lifting such an amount.
When pushing or dragging something with minimal resistance, such as in a handcart on a firm, level road, you consider the weight of what you are pushing or dragging to be one-fifth of its standard.
Large and larger creatures double their limits for each category. Tiny and smaller creatures half these limits.


StrengthEncumberedHeavilySeverelyMax Lift


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