
Divine spells are grouped by areas of influence, known as domains. Deities and other divine forces hold sway over different domains, gifting access to these spell groups to their followers. Domains may be either divine, primal, or spirit in nature, depending on what type of power grants access to them. In addition, each domain offers a spontaneous spell and, if it is a spirit domain, a shaman Mantle of Souls benefit.
Spontaneous Spell: obscuring mist
Representing the element of air as well as weather, this domain opposes Earth.
Divine, Primal, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: summon monster
Rife with conjuration spells, this binding domain encompasses many travel, summoning, oath, and imprisonment spells.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: Increase your speed by 10’.
Divine, Primal, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: darkness
Opposing the light domain, the darkness domain holds sway over shadows, diseases, and lightlessness.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: You can see 30' in natural or magical darkness as if it were an area of normal light.
Divine, Primal, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: animate dead
The death domain opposes life and includes many necromancy spells, as well as those related to wounding and undeath.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: Once per round when a creature you can see within 30' dies, you regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Spontaneous Spell: magic stone
Representing the element of earth, this domain opposes Air.
Spontaneous Spell: produce flame
Representing the element of fire, this domain opposes Water.
Divine, Primal, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: expeditious retreat
Opposed by the binding domain, the Freedom domain encompasses the aspects of escape and free will, as well as many transmutation spells.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: Your movement is not hindered by difficult terrain.
Spontaneous Spell: command
The domain of strength, order, and law, Justice opposes Trickery.
Divine, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: withdraw
The domain of seers and prophets, Knowledge provides divination spells of understanding, detection, learning, and scrying.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: You gain advantage on initiative.
Divine, Primal, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: cure wounds
The domain of healing, restoration, and hope, this domain opposes Death.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: Once per round when an ally you can see within 30' regains hit points, increase the amount regained by your Charisma modifier.
Divine, Primal
Spontaneous Spell: searing light
The domain of the sun and other astral and celestial powers, the light domain opposes Darkness.
Primal, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: slow poison
The domain of animals, plants, and insects, this domain is favored by druids, witches, and others close to nature.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: You leave no tracks in natural terrain and gain reliability on Perception checks.
Divine, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: shield other
The domain of guardians, Protection is made up largely of abjuration spells with a focus on resistance, defense, and sacrifice for others. It is opposed by War.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: You or a creature you choose within 30' reduce all damage taken by 1. This damage reduction stacks with other forms of damage reduction.
Spontaneous Spell: silence
Comprising aspects of illusion, deception, confusion, and chaos, Trickery is the bane of Justice.
Divine, Spirit
Spontaneous Spell: inflict wounds
This domain encompasses aspects of destruction, combat, and aggression, it opposes Protection.
Mantle of Souls Benefit: You become Adept in a weapon group of your choice.
Spontaneous Spell: water breathing
Representing the element of water, this domain includes cold and opposes Fire.


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