
Draconians are a race of dragon humanoids, also called dragonmen because they walk upright and are human-sized. They are stereotypically driven, cruel, and hedonistic. They have snouts, scales, and tails. Many have wings as well. Their lifespans are unknown as their race hasn't existed long enough for it to be determined. There are five common subraces.

Aurak Draconians

Derived from the eggs of gold dragons, Auraks are the most powerful and devious of the Draconians. Soft-spoken and coldblooded, no act of violence is too extreme for an Aurak. Auraks are seven-foot-tall, 300-pound, sinewy Draconians with short tails and golden scales. Small spines grow from the backs of their heads. They have long, sharp teeth and bulging eyes that are either blood red, green, or black. Their bodies emit a noxious sulfur odor, detectable from several yards away. They wear few clothes, aside from the occasional belt or cape. Aurak Draconians are tall, slender, and more secretive than the others of their race. They do not like to fight in the front lines, disdaining the use of weapons, but use their extremely powerful magic to attack from a distance. Auraks are the only wingless Draconians.
Aurak Heroes
Ability Modifiers: -1 to an ability score, +1 to two ability scores
Bloodline Benefits:
• Increase your hit points by 1 per level.
• You are Trained in unarmed strikes.
Languages: Common, Draconic
Lifespan: Unknown
Size: Medium. Average height: 7' ( 1d12+84 "). Average weight: 240 pounds ( 4d10+220 pounds).
Speed: 30’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aurak Traits
Breath Weapon: As an attack action, you can spend a hero's surge to breathe a noxious cloud on an adjacent creature. If the target does not resist your Constitution with theirs, they suffer 1d10 points of poison damage per odd level you possess and are blinded for 1d4 turns. A creature with more hit points than your maximum can spend an action to end this effect.
Claws & Fangs: Your unarmed attacks with your hands deal 1d4 slashing damage and your unarmed attacks with your bite deal 1d4 piercing damage.
Death Throes: If you would become dying, you do not fall unconscious. Instead, your body erupts in eerie green flames that deal 1d6 fire damage to creatures you successfully attack and creatures that hit you with melee weapon attacks. After 6 rounds or when you die, your body is immolated by flames and you transform into a ball of lightning, causing 2d6 points of lightning damage to creatures whose space you enter that do not resist your Charisma with their Dexterity. After three rounds, your lighting form explodes in a thunderous boom. Creatures and objects within 10' that do not resist your Charisma with their Constitution take 3d6 points of force damage and be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Extremely Villainous Nature: Reduce your total hero's surges by 3.
Natural Spellcaster: You are Trained in Arcane Magic and know a number of Arcane cantrips of your choice equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Scales: You reduce all physical damage by 1 but you increase the encumbrance of any armor you wear by one category.
Spell Resistance: You are reliable on defenses against spells.
Sulfuric Aura: You can be detected by smell 10' away.
Teleportation: As a move action, you can spend a hero's surge to teleport 60' to a space you can see.

Baaz Draconians

Considered weak in both mind and character, Baaz draconians are the most numerous of the dragonmen. Baaz tend to be undisciplined and have a penchant for drinking and revelry, a trait often exploited by human commanders to whip the Baaz into a frenzy before battle. Baaz have the general form of a humanoid with lizard-like feet and clawed hands, thin, dragon-like wings, and a short, stubby tail. Their scaly, patterned skin has a bright, brassy color when the Baaz are newly hatched, but it dulls and fades toward green as they age. Baaz have a blunt, draconic snout filled with small, sharp teeth and bright red eyes that lend them a rather sinister appearance.
Baaz Heroes
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Intelligence, +1 to two ability scores
Bloodline Benefits:
• Increase your hit points by 1 per level.
• You are Trained in unarmed strikes.
Languages: Common, Draconic
Lifespan: Unknown
Size: Medium. Average height: 5' 6" ( 1d12+60 "). Average weight: 190 pounds ( 3d10+175 pounds).
Speed: 30’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Baaz Traits
Claws & Fangs: Your unarmed attacks with your hands deal 1d4 slashing damage and your unarmed attacks with your bite deal 1d4 piercing damage.
Death Throes: If you would become dying or dead, your body instead becomes petrified. If the triggering effect is a melee attack made by a slashing or piercing weapon, the attacker must resist your Constitution with Dexterity or the weapon becomes sealed in your body. After 1d4 rounds, if you have not been cured of the petrified condition, your body crumbles to dust.
Scales: You reduce all physical damage by 1 but you increase the encumbrance of any armor you wear by one category.
Spell Resistance: You are reliable on defenses against spells.
Villainous Nature: Reduce your total hero's surges by 1.
Wings: As an action when falling, you can glide a distance equal to the distance you fall. If you land during this glide, you take no falling damage.

Bozak Draconians

Bozaks are magic-using Draconians derived from the eggs of bronze dragons. They are quick-witted, shrewd, and ruthless. Bozaks are covered with bronze scales and have dull yellow eyes and gray teeth.
Bozak Heroes
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Dexterity, +1 to two ability scores
Bloodline Benefits:
• Increase your hit points by 1 per level.
• You are Trained in unarmed strikes.
Languages: Common, Draconic
Lifespan: Unknown
Size: Medium. Average height: 6' 6" ( 1d12+72 "). Average weight: 240 pounds ( 8d10+200 pounds).
Speed: 30’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bozak Traits
Claws & Fangs: Your unarmed attacks with your hands deal 1d4 slashing damage and your unarmed attacks with your bite deal 1d4 piercing damage.
Death Throes: If you would become dying or dead, your flesh shrivels and crumbles from its bones in a cloud of dust. Then the bones explode, dealing 1d6 points of force damage to creatures within 10'.
Extra-Villainous Nature: Reduce your total hero's surges by 2.
Natural Spellcaster: You are Trained in Arcane Magic and know a number of Arcane cantrips of your choice equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Scales: You reduce all physical damage by 1 but you increase the encumbrance of any armor you wear by one category.
Spell Resistance: You are reliable on defenses against spells.
Wings: As an action when falling, you can glide a distance equal to the distance you fall. If you land during this glide, you take no falling damage.

Kapak Draconians

Kapaks are a race of venomous Draconians known for their stealth. They are derived from copper dragon eggs. Their scales are dull copper tinged with green, their eyes are orange or dark brown. They have short manes of dark brown or blonde hair hanging from either side of their mouths. Soft pads line the bottoms of their feet, enabling them to move silently. They speak in a soft, high-pitched whine. The most exotic physical feature of the Kapaks are the poison glands located under their tongues that continuously secrete venomous spittle.
Kapak Heroes
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Charisma, +1 to two ability scores
Bloodline Benefits:
• Increase your hit points by 1 per level.
• You are Trained in unarmed strikes.
Languages: Common, Draconic
Lifespan: Unknown
Size: Medium. Average height: 5' 6" ( 1d12+60 "). Average weight: 190 pounds ( 3d10+175 pounds).
Speed: 30’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Kapak Traits
Claws & Fangs: Your unarmed attacks with your hands deal 1d4 slashing damage and your unarmed attacks with your bite deal 1d4 piercing damage.
Death Throes: If you would become dying or dead, your body instead dissolves into a 10' diameter pool of acid. Creatures and items that start their turn in the pool take 1d8 acid damage. The pool destroys all your non-magical gear automatically. The pool evaporates after 1d6 rounds.
Extra-Villainous Nature: Reduce your total hero's surges by 2.
Poisonous: Your saliva produces a type IV paralyzing poison. You can bite a creature or spend a full-round action licking a piercing or slashing weapon to allow its next successful attack within the next minute to deliver this effect. Creatures poisoned by you must resist your Constitution with their Dexterity when afflicted and at the start of each of their turns until they resist or until 2d6 minutes have passed.
Scales: You reduce all physical damage by 1 but you increase the encumbrance of any armor you wear by one category.
Spell Resistance: You are reliable on defenses against spells.
Wings: As an action when falling, you can glide a distance equal to the distance you fall. If you land during this glide, you take no falling damage.

Sivak Draconians

Sivaks are savage, shape-changing Draconians that are derived from the eggs of silver dragons. They are among the most powerful Draconians, second only to Auraks. Sivaks have gleaming sliver scales and black eyes. Topping nine feet in height and weighing 450 pounds, they are the largest draconian race. They emit a mild odor that smells like hot metal and smoke. Sivaks seldom wear armor, but they sometimes wear flowing capes and decorative metal bands around their arms, legs, necks, and tails. Some Sivak Draconians may be encountered in disguise, using their innate ability to hide among other races without being noticed. Some Sivaks use these abilities to dwell among their enemies indefinitely without being detected Sivaks can run and glide like most other draconian races, but they have large, powerful wings granting them flight.
Sivak Heroes
Ability Modifiers: -2 to Dexterity, +2 to Strength, +1 to another ability score
Bloodline Benefits:
• Increase your hit points by 1 per level.
• You are Trained in unarmed strikes.
Languages: Common, Draconic
Lifespan: Unknown
Size: Large. You take up a 5'x10' space. In addition, you can wield two-handed weapons other than bows in one hand and can wield large weapons in two hands. However, you suffer a -1 rank penalty to Stealth and Dodge attempts. Average height: 9' ( 2d12+96 "). Average weight: 450 pounds ( 1d100+400 pounds).
Speed: 30’, fly 15'
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Sivak Traits
Claws & Fangs: Your unarmed attacks with your hands deal 1d4 slashing damage and your unarmed attacks with your bite deal 1d4 piercing damage.
Death Throes: If you would become dying or dead due to the actions of a humanoid, you polymorph into a likeness of that creature and then die. After three days, your body decomposes into black soot. If you would become dying or dead not due to a humanoid creature, you instead burst into flames, dealing 2d4 points of fire damage to creatures within 10' and then crumbling to black soot.
Extremely Villainous Nature: Reduce your total hero's surges by 3.
Scales: You reduce all physical damage by 1 but you increase the encumbrance of any armor you wear by one category.
Scented: You always emit a mild odor that smells like hot metal and smoke, even when polymorphed.
Shape Changer: When you slay a humanoid creature, you can spend a hero's surge to polymorph into its likeness, replacing your Strength and Dexterity scores with the target's. This effect ends when you die or when you spend an action to end it.
Spell Resistance: You are reliable on defenses against spells.
Tough: Increase your hit points by 3.


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