
Elves are one of the many races that are found on the world of Krynn. Notable elves include Gilthanas, Tanis Half-elven, Dalamar the Dark, Porthios, Solostaran (Speaker of the Sun), and Laurana. The Elven Nation itself is broken into two pieces: Qualinesti and the Silvanesti. There are many kinds of elves found on Krynn besides though who live in Qualinesti and Silvanesti, such as the Kagonesti, the Wild Elves live in South and North Ergoth.

ELF Heroes

Ability Modifiers: -1 to Constitution or Strength, +1 to two ability scores
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess the Perception skill
• You have Reliability on defenses against sleep effects and can make a Luck Roll to resist such effects that would normally not allow you to.
Languages: Common, Elven
Lifespan: Elves are long-lived; surviving to the age of 200 is not unheard of. In very rare instances, elves have been known to live much longer. Historical documents record Lyreina, the last queen of Thuja, celebrating her 903rd birthday.
Size: Medium. Average Height: 5' 6" ( 1d10+61 "). Average Weight: 110 pounds ( 3d10+95 pounds).
Speed: 35’
Vision: Low light. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light.

Elf Traits
Elven Grace: Your base speed is 35' and when you move through Difficult Terrain, you can make a Luck Roll to ignore its hindering effect.
Subrace: You gain the feature of one of the following subraces.


When you move your full movement in a straight line, you can move an additional 5'.
Kagonesti (Wild Elves) rejected the civilized trappings of their cousins, the Qualinesti and Silvanesti, to establish their own wilderness settlements. Kagonesti are about the same size as the Qualinesti and Silvanesti, but they are much more muscular. Their skin is dark brown, and they draw designs on their faces and exposed skin with clay and paints. Their hair is dark, ranging from black to light brown, and occasionally silvery white. Their eyes are hazel.
You ignore Disadvantage from Concealment with ranged weapon attacks.
Qualinesti are smaller and darker than the Silvanesti, with eyes of blue or brown and hair ranging from honey-brown to blonde. They are not as strikingly attractive as the Silvanesti.
You ignore Disadvantage from Concealment with ranged spell attacks.
Of all the elven races known, the Silvanesti are the oldest. Silvanesti are fair-skinned. Their hair ranges from light-brown to blonde-white, and their eyes are hazel.


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