
Goblins are found mostly in the mountains of Krynn. This is both because the climate there suits them, and because it’s one of the few places they can live unmolested by other races. Most Ansalonians form their opinions of goblins based on the creatures who dwell in Taman Busuk and around the Khalkist mountains. Without a doubt, these goblins are honorless brutes who only want to kill, eat, sleep, and pass gas. However, more civilized goblins do exist, particularly on the island of Northern Ergoth. There are three main subraces of goblins.


The Bugbears of Ansalon are large, muscular Goblins, standing close to seven feet tall in height. Their skin tones vary greatly and are covered in coarse hair. They have the same flat faces of goblins but have large ears and pig-like snouts. Their mouths are filled with teeth and tusks. Belying their size, they are agile, quick and silent as their smaller cousins. When at rest they appear lanky and clumsy but in combat they are devils of speed and grace.
Most bugbears thrive on aggression, their rages reaching animal-like ferocity. Many times this aggressiveness channels itself in possessive ways, making the bugbear greedy for more than what life offers. Bugbears will also stand up to anyone. They are eager to get into fights, although unlike other warlike races, they don't rush into conflict. They see combat in such a way as to never give their enemies a chance to react.
Bugbears live in tightly knit bands of aggressive semi-nomadic groups of warriors and hunters, and are led by a leader called a murza. If there are two powerful leaders, they will fight to decide who will lead the group or if it is a draw, they will split the group and go their separate ways. These bugbears provide for their families by pillaging and looting. Bugbears will usually defer to a hobgoblin murza if the hobgoblin is stronger or is more popular.
If a person where to come upon a bugbear settlement, they would find a complex set of caves with numerous entry points and cliff-side balconies. Though priests are returning to bugbear societies, with the priests of Usk-Do/ Orkrust (Chemosh) recently increasing their efforts in conversion, they are still outnumbered by mystical tribal shamans. They speak the same languages as hobgoblins.
Ability Modifiers: +1 to two ability scores of your choice, -1 to Intelligence or Charisma
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess the Run and Stealth skills.
Languages: Common, Goblin
Lifespan: Bugbears live up to 80 years.
Size: Medium. Average Height: 7' ( 2d12+72 "). Average Weight: 300 pounds ( 1d100+250 pounds)
Speed: 30’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Bugbear Traits
Bloodhound: You can perceive and track by scent
Powerful Build: You count as a large creature for purposes of carrying capacity and Martial Maneuvers


The Goblins of Ansalon are little, thin humanoids with flat faces and dark, stringy hair. They have dull red or yellow eyes. They are very quick and have sharp teeth. Goblins often dress in leathers made from animal hide or scavenged clothing, and speak the Goblin Language.
Goblins tend to respect and cherish those who have power and are strong. They are ambitious, seeking power for themselves but most never attain it. When in large groups they tend to fall prey to mob mentality and, in some cases, operate like a wolf pack. Goblins back a strong leader and will follow their lead. A lone goblin may appear weak and vulnerable but typically they are confident and sure of themselves.
Goblins live in tribes when their larger cousins, Bugbears and Hobgoblins, are not dominating them. Leaders, called Rukras, lead either through trickery or strength. Though nasty and callous, they have the best interests of their people in their hearts.
Goblins, by and large, are nomadic in nature. Whether above or below the ground, Goblins live in filthy communities. The exception is the goblins of Sikk'et Hul, who mimic the lifestyle of nearby humans.
Goblins are simple beings but are led by their cultural imperatives to fight, kill and do what the larger, meaner goblins tell them to do. They are numerous and are spread across the interior of Ansalon, from the far north to the colds of Icereach. They continually struggle against the other races to survive.
Throughout their history the goblins tended to worship Usk-Do (Hiddukel) and Mwarg (Takhisis). For the most part the goblins see themselves as the Godless Folk, since the gods having never really done anything for their race. Usk-Do has tried to change this and has tremendous influences over various tribes. Twice has the god sent champions in Two-Faced Grom and Ankhar, in the end however both failed and died.
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Strength, +1 to two ability scores of your choice
Bloodline Benefits:
• You have resistance to poison.
• You have Reliability on defenses against disease effects and can make a Luck Roll to resist such effects that would normally not allow you to.
Languages: Common, Goblin
Lifespan: Goblins have a shorter lifespan of about 55 years.
Size: Small. You gain a +1 rank bonus to Stealth attempts and a +1 rank bonus to Dodge attempts against Large or larger creatures. However, you cannot use weapons that allow a two-handed option with one hand and can only wield two-handed weapons with the Small feature. Average Height: 3' 6" ( 2d6+36 "). Average Weight: 60 pounds ( 4d10+40 pounds)
Speed: 30’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Goblin Traits
Overlookable: When an enemy targets multiple creatures including you with an attack and one of the targets is adjacent to you, you gain cover against the attack.
Shifty: Once per round when you use a major success to shift positioning, you can also move 5’.


The Hobgoblins of Krynn are usually over six feet in height, can have a ruddy yellow, tan, dark red, or red-orange skin tone, brown-gray hair that covers their bodies, large pointed ears, and flattened, vaguely batlike faces. They closely resemble their smaller cousins the Goblins but are bigger and uglier, and are much smarter. They are faster than a Human, and have a much stronger endurance. Hobgoblins bore easily and will pick fights with their inferiors, but will protect party members that are weaker than their opponents.
Most hobgoblins thrive on war, terror, and an impulse to oppose all other races. There are some though that are understanding of civilization, and want to bring this to their goblin kin. These hobgoblins are called donek, or renegades in the goblin language. The most famous donek is Lord Toede.
Hobgoblins live in semi-nomadic auls, or tribes, and are led by a murza. The murza will have a troop of assassins, shamans, and bodyguards, as well as a rival who wants to kill them. Hobgoblins almost always defer to a bugbear, but will dominate goblins when given the chance. The auls are usually dedicated to conquest and warfare.
If a person were to come upon a hobgoblin settlement, they are usually tent-like villages. Built of wood and skins, they can be quickly taken down and moved if needed. Usk-Do (Hiddukel) is the chief god among hobgoblins, except in the nation of Sikk'et Hul.
Some Tribes of Hobgoblins are the Black Tongue Tribe, Red Claw Tribe, and the Mokuti Tribe.
Hobgoblin HEROES
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Intelligence or Charisma, +1 to two ability scores of your choice
Bloodline Benefits:
• You have resistance to poison.
• You have Reliability on defenses against disease effects and can make a Luck Roll to resist such effects that would normally not allow you to.
Languages: Common, Goblin
Lifespan: Hobgoblins live up to 80 years.
Size: Medium. Average Height: 5' 6" ( 2d6+60 "). Average Weight: 175 pounds ( 5d10+150 pounds)
Speed: 30’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hobgoblin Traits
Tight Ranks: When you end your turn adjacent to an ally, you can grant a +1 Rank bonus to parry to one of you. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.


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