Gully Dwarves

  Gully dwarves are short and squat, averaging four feet in height and weighing about 100 pounds. Their skin tones range from olive-brown to a light parchment color Males wear long, scruffy beards; females have cheek hair but no beards. Hair color ranges from dirty blond to dull black. Eyes can be watery blue, dull green, or hazel. Gully dwarves have narrower fingers and limbs than other dwarves, and their skin is often covered with scars, boils, sores, and filth. Pot bellies are common among both sexes.
The stupidity of gully dwarves is legendary. To a gully dwarf, any number greater than one is “two”, which simply means “more than one”. Despite their dull minds, gully dwarves take themselves quite seriously. They tend to have inflated ideas of their importance, and puncturing their egos is almost impossible. Unlike other dwarves, gully dwarves have different racial traits.


Ability Modifiers: -2 to Intelligence, +2 to Constitution, +1 to another ability score
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess the Survival (Forage) skill.
• You have Reliability on defenses against disease and poison effects and can make a Luck Roll to resist such effects that would normally not allow you to.
Languages: Gullytalk (a low form of common)
Lifespan: Gully Dwarves usually only live to about 55 years.
Size: Small. You gain a +1 rank bonus to Stealth attempts and a +1 rank bonus to Dodge attempts against Large or larger creatures. However, you cannot use weapons that allow a two-handed option with one hand and can only wield two-handed weapons with the Small feature. Average height: 4' 6" ( 1d10+47 "). Average weight: 150 pounds ( 3d10+140 pounds).
Speed: 25’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Gully Dwarf Traits
Cornered Desperation: While you have no visible avenues of retreat in combat or an equally dire situation, you gain a +1 rank bonus on attempts.
Pitiable: You have Reliability on Persuade checks made through groveling.
Plodding Tread: You ignore up to 5’ of speed reduction, even from difficult terrain.
Unlearned: You cannot read or write in any language you know or learn unless your class explicitly grants it.


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