
Humans were one of the first three races created by the gods, and were the creation of the Gods of Neutrality. Gifted with the choice of freedom, these short-lived creatures can freely choose their own ethical and moral path. Ever since their creation during the early dawn of Krynn, humans have spread throughout Ansalon, Taladas, Adlatum, and the most remote regions of the world, creating cultures as diverse as the differences between elves and dwarves. With a race with so many broad and ranging differences amongst their cultures, the only clear distinction is between civilized humans (those who live within cities, towns, etc) and nomads.
Nomads dwell as the original humans in early Krynn did so long ago, in tents and in the wilderness. The nomads live off the land and are often termed as barbarians or savages by the civilized humans. Nomadic humans have their own set of unique cultures, ranging from the Plainsfolk of Abanasinia to disparate tribes of Khur.
Civilized humans comprise the vast majority of humans throughout Ansalon and Taladas, and can be found in practically any occupation in any settlement. From a wiry thief to a rotund barkeep, civilized humans can work in the lowliest of jobs or hold the highest of positions. Human rulers are known to stir up conflict with other nations, due to the flurry of activity they weave around themselves. Although they have also been known to maintain long-standing peace with their neighbors at times also.

Human Heroes

Ability Modifiers: +1 to an ability score
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess an additional Proficiency of your choice.
• When an effect would cause you to lose a hero's surge, you can make a Luck Roll to not lose it.
Languages: Common
Lifespan: Humans live a moderate lifespan, rarely reaching beyond 80 years of age, though some have survived to 120.
Size: Medium. Average height: 5' 8" ( 2d6+62 "). Average weight: 150 pounds ( 1d100+100 pounds).
Speed: 30’
Vision: Normal

Human Traits
Heroic: Increase your number of hero's surges by 1.


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