
Kender are diminutive humanoids who are insatiably curious and utterly fearless, with an uncanny knack for getting into trouble.
Kender have distinctive pointed ears that give them an elven appearance. They have sandy blonde, light brown, dark brown, copper-red, or red-orange hair, usually worn long with many varieties of braids and ponytails. Feathers, ribbons, flowers, and other colorful items are often woven into their hair. Kender are fair-skinned, but they tan quickly, becoming dark brown by mid-summer. Their eyes are variously pale blue, olive, light brown, and hazel.
Kender have been called wizened because of the fine network of lines that creases their faces beginning at age 40. Their facial expressions are quite intense; no one seems as happy as a joyful kender or as miserable as a weeping one.

Kender Heroes

Ability Modifiers: -1 to Strength, -1 to Wisdom, +1 to Dexterity, +1 to two ability scores of your choice
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess the Sleight of Hand (Pick Pocket), Perception, and Persuade (Taunt) skills.
Languages: Common
Lifespan: Kender live up to 100 years.
Size: Small. You gain a +1 rank bonus to Stealth attempts and a +1 rank bonus to Dodge attempts against Large or larger creatures. However, you cannot use weapons that allow a two-handed option with one hand and can only wield two-handed weapons with the Small feature. Average height: 3' 8" ( 2d8+34 "). Average weight: 90 pounds ( 3d10+75 pounds).
Speed: 30’
Vision: Normal

Kender Traits
Fearless: You are immune to fear and fear effects.
Rapscallion: You have Reliability with Sleight of Hand (Pick Pocket) and Persuade (Taunt) attempts.


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