Magic Items

There are 7 categories of magic items: Potions & Oils, Scrolls, Magic Equipment,Exotic Components,Exotic Materials,Wondrous Items, and Cursed Items.  

Magic Equipment

Often the most prized magic items, magic equipment is worn or wielded by heroes. There are ten types of magic equipment, plus ammunition.  
Magic equipment requires a hero to bond to it to benefit from its magic. Bonding to magic equipment is called attunement. A hero can attune to two magical ammunitions, rings, implements, and weapons at a time and one armor, belt, boot, glove, helm, necklace, and shield. Magic equipment can only be attuned to one creature at a time.
After spending an hour in possession of a piece of magical equipment, a hero can make a luck roll to attempt to attune to it. If they are lucky, they attune to the item. If they are unlucky, they can try again after another hour. A hero can reduce the time it takes to attempt attunement to one minute by spending a hero's surge or attune immediately through the identify variant of detect magic.
Potions are consumable liquids that cast the spell they contain on their drinker. Oils are consumable liquids that cast the spell they contain on the object they are coated onto. Any spell that can target a single creature, such as cure wounds, can be made into a potion and any spell that can target a single object can be made into an oil. A potion or oil is valued as a consumable magic item of a level equal to its spell level.  
Scrolls are consumable documents that allow the reader to cast the spell they contain. To use a scroll, a creature must be capable of reading the language it is written in (usually arcane or divine). Heroes who use spellbooks can also expend a scroll to scribe a spell they are capable of learning to cast into their spellbook. Any spell can be enchanted into a scroll. A scroll is valued as a consumable magic item of a level equal to its spell level.
Ammunition Enchantments
Magical ammunition, from arrows to sling stones to atlatl darts, is used in ranged weapons. Ammunition is commonly enchanted in a bundle of 20. Thus, individual pieces of magic ammunition have a value of 1/20 of a standard magic item. If an enchantment specifies it targets a single piece of ammunition only, then this singular ammunition is valued as standard magic equipment.
Bane (+1, +2, +4, +5)
For bane enchantments, choose a creature subtype or type its power effects.
Subtype's Bane (i.e., Orc's Bane Quarrel, +1): This ammunition deals double its weapon damage against the specified creature subtype once per day.
Type’s Bane (i.e., Humanoid's Bane Sling Stone, +2): This ammunition deals double its weapon damage against the specified creature type once per day.
Subtype Slaying (i.e., Dart of White Dragon Slaying, +4): When this ammunition hits a creature of its subtype, the attack repeats until it misses, or the target is slain. After slaying a creature of its subtype, this ammunition breaks.
Type Slaying (i.e., Arrow of Dragon Slaying, +5): When this ammunition hits a creature of its type, the attack repeats until it misses, or the target is slain. After slaying a creature of its type, this ammunition breaks.
Enchanted (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Enchanted (i.e., Arrow +1, +0 to +5): Each + grants a +1 bonus to damage on attacks made with this ammunition. Though a +0 item deals no bonus damage, it is still considered magical.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Arrow of Uncontrollable Laughter, +0 to +5): This ammunition unleashes a spell upon its target or where it hits. If the spell affects a directional area, it matches the ammunition's direction of impact. A spell must be from the Conjuration or Enchantment school and able to target a creature or area to be enspelled into ammunition. Enspelled ammunition breaks after casting its spell if it is part of a bundle. If it is enchanted singularly, it instead delivers its spell the first time it is fired every day and after firing, the firer makes a luck roll. If the result is a 1, the ammunition breaks.
Imbued (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For imbued enchantments, choose between acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and sonic.
Type (i.e., Necrotic II Arrow, +1 to +5): This ammunition deals an additional 1d6 damage per + of its type when hitting a target with major success.
Typeburst (i.e., Psychicburst III Atlatl Dart, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5): Once per day, this ammunition deals 1d6 damage per + of its type to all creatures and objects in or adjacent to its point of impact.
Typebrand (i.e., Icebrand I Bolt, +3, +4, +5): This ammunition deals an additional 1d6 (+3), 2d6 (+4), or 3d6 (+5) damage of its type when hitting a target.
Typetongue (i.e., Deathtongue Sling Stone, +1*): Once per day, the firer of this ammunition can command it mid-flight to transmute entirely into its imbued type. When transmuted, all its damage is converted to its imbued type, it cannot be parried, and it deals half damage on a limited success.
*Prerequisite: Another Imbued enchantment.
Summoning (+3)
Swarming (i.e., Swarming Arrows, +3): This ammunition comes in a set of 12 and the bundle is treated as a standard +3 item. The first time in a day a piece of ammunition from this set hits a target, roll 1d4 (for a normal success), 2d4 (for a major), or 3d4 (for a critical). This number of additional pieces of ammunition from the set strike the target, dealing their damage dice.
Thirsting (+1)
Thirsting (i.e., Thirsting Bolts, +1): Each time a piece of ammunition in this set is unsuccessful in an attack, all rounds gain a +1 rank bonus to attacks. Once a minute passes or a piece of ammunition in this set makes a successful attack, this bonus ends.
Vorpal (+5)
Vorpal (i.e., Vorpal Sling Stone, +1*): When this singular piece of ammunition hits with a roll of 20, the attack deals double damage, and the attacker makes luck rolls until they roll an unlucky result. Each lucky roll increases the attack's damage by an additional 1x. If two 20s are rolled at any point during the luck roll process, the attack instantly slays the target.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 4.
Armor Enchantments
Magical armor describes any sort of bodily protection, including bracers, pauldrons, and robes. Armor usually provides protection from physical attacks.
Enchanted (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Enchanted (i.e., Studded Leather +1): Each +1 increases the armor’s damage reduction to either Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing by 1. This bonus is applied to the armor's lowest damage reduction type or a type of your choice if more than one type shares the lowest score. For example, Chain mail +1 would reduce B/P/S by 2/2/2 while chain mail +2 could reduce either 3/2/2, 2/3/2, or 2/2/3.
Imbued (+2)::For imbued enchantments, choose between acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and sonic.-- Typeforged Armor (i.e., Fireforged Plate, +2): The wearer of this armor gains resistance to its imbued type.
Glamered (+1, +2)
Glamered (i.e., Glamered Chain, +1): As an action, the wearer of this armor can alter its appearance to another form of clothing or armor. This illusion does not affect the armor’s properties. The first time the armor reduces damage while it is altered, the damage is reduced by an additional 1. After doing so or at the wearer's command, this alteration ends.
Transmutable (i.e., Transmutable Plate, +2): As an action, the wearer of this armor can transmute it into another form of clothing or armor. Once transmuted, this armor acts as the item it has taken the form of, though the wearer still treats it as its base item type for purposes of proficiency. At the wielder's command or after reducing any damage, this transmutation ends.
Skilled (+1)
Nimble (i.e., Elven Chain, +1): This armor does not penalize dodge attempts.
Sneaky (i.e., Shadow Dragon Scale Mail, +1): This armor does not penalize Stealth attempts.
Swimming (i.e., Triton's Plate, +1): This armor does not penalize Swim attempts.
Summoning (+1)
Summoned (i.e., Summoned Plate, +1): As an action, the wearer of this armor can dismiss it from the physical realm. After doing so, they can recall it onto their person as part of their turn.
Belt Enchantments
From waist wraps to cinches to girdles to codpieces, belt items usually address some facet of hardiness.
Enchanted (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Fortitude (i.e., Codpiece of Dwarven Fortitude, +1 to +5): The wearer of this belt gains a +1 bonus to Constitution for each + it possesses.
Mighty (i.e., Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, +1 to +5): The wearer of this belt gains a +1 bonus to Strength for each + it possesses.
Vigor (i.e., Clasp of Vigor, +1 to +5): The wearer of this belt increases their maximum hit points by one per level for each + it possesses.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Girdle of Haste, Scabbard of Magic Weapon, +0 to +5): Once per day as part of the wearer's turn, this belt can cast the spell it is enspelled upon its wearer or an item kept in it. Belts can be enspelled with Abjuration or Transmutation spells that can target a single creature.
Skilled (+1)
Skilled (i.e., Girdle of Endurance, Sash of Medical Supplies, Cinch of Survival, +1): The wearer of this belt gains the skill it is enchanted with: Endurance, Medical, or Survival. If the wearer already possessed that skill, once per day they can reroll an attempt in it.
Boot Enchantments
A magic boot item can be anything worn on the feet, from shoes to sandals to slippers.
Enchanted (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Enchanted (i.e., Boots of Speed, +1 to +5): These boots grant the wearer a 5’ bonus to movement speed per +.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Boots of Haste, Flying Sandals, +1 to +5): Once per day as part of the wearer's turn, this boot can cast the spell it is enspelled with upon its wearer. Boots can be enspelled with Conjuration or Transmutation spells that can target a single creature.
Skilled (+1)
Skilled (i.e., Acrobat’s Slips, Sprinter’s Sandals, Springing Boots, Swimming Shoes, +1): The wearer of these boots gains the skill it is enchanted with: Acrobatics, Jump, Run, or Swim. If the wearer already possessed that skill, once per day they can reroll an attempt in it.
Summoning (+2, +3)
Returning (i.e., Returning Boots, +2): Once per day as a move action, the wearer of these boots can teleport back to a location they were previously standing that they can see.
True Returning (i.e., Boots of True Returning, +2*): Once per day as a move action, the wearer of these boots can teleport back to a location they were previously standing that day.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 2.
Glove Enchantments
Magical gloves cover the wrists or hands in the forms of gauntlets, bracelets, and the like.
Enchanted (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Dexterous (i.e., Gloves of Dexterity, +1 to +5): The wearer of this glove gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity for each + it possesses.
Mighty (i.e., Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, +1 to +5): The wearer of this glove gains a +1 bonus to Strength for each + it possesses.
Glamered (+1)
Subtle (i.e., Bracelets of Subtlety, +1): These gloves allow the wearer to cast spells with a somatic component without any visible motion or suffer any penalty while bound or otherwise impaired in their movement.
Skilled (+1)
Skilled (i.e., Gloves of Climbing, Thieves’ Gloves, +1): The wearer of these gloves gains the skill it is enchanted with: Climb or Sleight of Hand. If the wearer already possessed that skill, once per day they can reroll an attempt in it.
Summoning (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Storing (i.e. Gloves of Storing, +1 to +5): Once per turn as part of their turn, the wearer of these gloves can dismiss a held item from the physical realm or recall it to their hand. Only one item per glove per + can be in the alternate realm at a time. The maximum weight of such an item is 20 pounds per +.
Helm Enchantments
From crowns to masks to headbands to glasses to ioun stones, any magical headgear is considered a helm.
Bane (+1, +2)
For bane enchantments, choose a creature subtype or type its power effects.
Subtype's Rebuking (i.e., Circlet of Demon Rebuking, +1): The wearer of this helm adds their Charisma score to the maximum hit points they can rebuke against creatures of its subtype.
Type’s Rebuking (i.e., Circlet of Infernal Rebuking, +2): The wearer of this helm adds their Charisma score to the maximum hit points they can rebuke against creatures of its type.
Subtype Ruler (i.e., Tiara of the Angel Queen, +1): The wearer of this helm gains advantage on rebuke attempts against creatures of its subtype.
Type Ruler (i.e., Tiara of the Celestial Queen, +2): The wearer of this helm gains advantage on rebuke attempts against creatures of its type.
Enchanted (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Charm (i.e., Charming Mustache, +1 to +5): The wearer of this belt gains a +1 bonus to Charisma for each + it possesses.
Intellect (i.e., Glasses of Studiousness, +1 to +5): The wearer of this belt gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence for each + it possesses.
Sagacity (i.e., Crown of Sages, +1 to +5): The wearer of this belt gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom for each + it possesses.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Glasses of True Seeing, Crown of Scrying, +1 to +5): Once per day as part of the wearer's turn, this helm can cast the spell it is enspelled with upon its wearer. Helms can be enspelled with Divination or Illusion spells that can target a single creature.
Intelligent (+1, +2, +3)
For intelligent enchantments, choose an intelligence to inhabit the item.
Empathetic (i.e., Circlet of Empathy, +1): The wearer of this helm feels the emotions of the intelligence within it and can reroll an ability check once per day.
Whispering (i.e., Whispering Crown, +1): The wearer of this helm hears simple, single-word thoughts from the intelligence within it and gains the Arcana, Culture, Engineering, or Religion skill. If the wearer already possessed that skill, once per day they can reroll an attempt in it.
Named (i.e., Galen’s Helm, +2): The wearer of this helm can hold conversations with the intelligence within it and gains the ability to read and speak a language the intelligence could.
Skilled (+1)
Skilled (i.e. Mask of Deception, Earrings of Insight, Glasses of Perception, Crown of Persuasion, +1): The wearer of this helm gains the skill it is enchanted with: Deceive, Insight, Perception, or Persuade. If the wearer already possessed that skill, once per day they can reroll an attempt in it.
Glamered (+1)
Subtle (i.e., Mask of Subtlety, +1): This helm allows the wearer to perform actions requiring a verbal component, such as casting fireball, without making a sound. In addition, the wearer suffers no negative impact on such actions while deafened, muted, or otherwise audibly impaired.
Implement Enchantments
Anything a spell or magical power can be directed or cast through can be considered an implement. The most common are crystals, wands, staffs, rods, orbs, musical instruments, tomes, and skulls.
Bane (+1, +2)
For bane enchantments, choose a creature subtype or type its power effects.
Subtype's Ruin (i.e., Skull of Goblin Ruin, +1): Creatures of this item's subtype cannot innately resist or reduce the effects of a spell cast through this implement.
Type Ruin (i.e., Skull of Humanoid Ruin, +2): Creatures of this item's type cannot innately resist or reduce the effects of a spell cast through this implement.
Imbued (+1, +2)::For imbued enchantments, choose between acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and sonic.-- Imbued (i.e., Rod of Fire, +1 to +5): Spells of this item's imbued type increase their damage, healing, and hit points affected by +1 per + per die. Thus, a 1st level burning hands spell cast through a +1 rod of fire deals 2d4+2 fire damage, rather than 2d4.
Enchanted (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Enchanted (i.e., Tome +1, +1 to +5): Each +1 grants a +1 bonus to healing, damage, and hit points affected on spells cast through this implement.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Wand of Fireball, +1 to +5): Once per day as an action, the wielder of this implement can cast the spell it is enspelled with. After doing so, the wielder makes a luck roll. On a result of 1, the implement loses this enchantment. Implements can be enspelled with any spell that does not have a range of Personal.
Glamered (+1)
Deception (i.e., Orb of Deception, +1): As an action, the wielder of this implement can make it look like any other object of approximately the same size. In addition, once per day, the wielder of this implement can alter the appearance of a spell cast through it. Flame sphere could appear to be a rotund orc or fog cloud could appear to be a vortex of autumn leaves. This effect cannot alter the spell's effects or make visible effects invisible.
Intelligent (+1, +3)
For intelligent enchantments, choose an intelligence to inhabit the item.
Whispering (i.e., Whispering Wand, +1): The wielder of this implement hears simple, single-word thoughts from the intelligence within it and, once per day, can reroll one die from a spell they cast through it until a better result is rolled.
Dancing (i.e., Dancing Rod, +2*): The wielder of this implement can hold conversations with the intelligence within it. In addition, once per day after casting a cantrip or orison through it, this implement hovers in the air and begins to cast that spell on its own. At the start of the wielder's turn, it casts the cantrip against the same target or a different target of the DM's choosing within range as if it were the wielder. After it does so, the wielder makes a luck roll. If the result is unlucky, the effect ends. This effect also ends if a minute passes or the wielder moves more than 100' away or commands it to end.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 1.
Summoning (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Ready (i.e., Ready Rod, +1 to +5): Once per day as an action, this implement allows the wielder to imbue a spell they cast through it since their previous turn into the implement. The wielder can then cast this imbued spell from the implement as an action. After doing so, the imbuement ends, and the wielder makes a luck roll. On a 1, the implement loses this enchantment. The maximum spell level that can be imbued into this implement is equal to the + value.
Summoning (i.e., Summoning Staff, +1 to +5): Once per day as an action, this implement allows the wielder to fly a nonmagical object of up to 5 lbs. per + they can see to them. The object is summoned at speed of 60' per round.
Thirsting (+1)
Thirsting (i.e., Thirsting Skull, +1): After the wielder of this implement has a limited success or failure on an attack against an enemy through it, they gain a cumulative +1 rank bonus to attacks with it. Once the implement is used for a successful attack or after a minute passes, this bonus ends.
Vorpal (+5)
Void (i.e., Staff of the Yawning Void, +1*): When the wielder of this implement hits a target with a spell cast through it with a roll of 20, the spell's effects repeat, and the wielder begins making luck rolls. Each lucky roll repeats the spell's effects an additional 1x. If two 20s are rolled at any point during the luck roll process, the attack instantly slays the target.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 4.
Necklace Enchantments
From amulets to ties to broaches to cloaks to capes, necklace items encircle the neck.
Bane (+1, +2)
For bane enchantments, choose a creature subtype or type its power effects.
Protection vs. Subtype (i.e., Amulet of Protection vs Zombies, +1): The wearer of this necklace gains immunity to possession, charm, domination, and other mind-control effects made by creatures of its subtype and a +1 rank bonus to defenses against their attacks.
Protection vs. Type (i.e., Amulet of Protection vs Undead, +2): The wearer of this necklace gains immunity to possession, charm, domination, and other mind-control effects made by creatures of its type and a +1 rank bonus to defenses against their attacks.
Imbued (+1)::For imbued enchantments, choose between acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and sonic.-- Type Protection (i.e., Cloak of Fire Protection, +1): The wearer of this necklace gains reliability on defenses against its imbued type.
Type Evasion (i.e., Cloak of Fire Evasion, +1): The wearer of this necklace takes no half-damage or other negative effect when successfully defending against attacks of its imbued type.
Enchanted (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Protection (i.e., Cloak of Protection, +1 to +5): This necklace grants the wearer 1 damage reduction to all forms of non-physical damage per +. This damage reduction stacks with other forms of damage reduction. A +0 necklace grants 1 damage reduction once per day.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Periapt of Stoneskin, +0 to +5): Once per day as part of the wearer's turn, this necklace can cast the spell it is enspelled with upon its wearer. Necklaces can be enspelled with Abjuration or Enchantment spells that can target a single creature.
Intelligent (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Intelligent necklaces are commonly cloaks, pauldrons, and capes made from the hide of a powerful creature and include its head. For intelligent enchantments, choose an intelligence to inhabit the item.
Creature (i.e., Hellhound Cloak, +1 to +5): The wearer of this necklace feels the emotions of the intelligence within it and gains a sense it possessed, such as darkvision, scent, or poison detection, to a range of 5' per +.
Creature Whispers (i.e., Pauldrons of Wyvern Whispers, +1): The wearer of this necklace hears simple, single-word thoughts from the intelligence within it and once per day can reroll an initiative, Handle Animal, Insight, or Perception attempt.
Named (i.e., Fluffy, +1* to +3*): The wearer of this necklace can converse with the intelligence within it as well as creatures of its subtype. In addition, once per day as part of the wearer's turn, they can take an action the intelligence possessed in life. This action is determined by the enchantment and may be flight, breathing under water, a breath weapon, bite, or sting attack. If the action deals damage, it deals 1d6 per + to a single adjacent creature.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 2.
Skilled (+1)
Skilled (i.e., Cloak of Elvenkind, Bear's Cape, Operettic Choker, +1): The wearer of this necklace gains the skill it is enchanted with: Stealth, Handle Animal, or Perform. If the wearer already possessed that skill, once per day they can reroll an attempt in it.
Ring Enchantments
Any type of ring placed on the body, rings can be lip rings, toe rings, nose rings, and more.
Imbued (+1, +3, +5)
For imbued enchantments, choose between acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and sonic.
Protection vs. Type (i.e., Ring of Protection vs. Acid, +1 to +5): The wearer of this ring gains 5 damage reduction against its type.
Type Wreathing (i.e., Ring of Psychic Wreathing, +1*): Once per day as an action, the wearer of this necklace gains immunity to its imbued type. This effect last for 1 minute.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 2, one of which must be an Imbued enchantment.
Type Drinking (i.e., Ring of Necrotic Drinking, +1**): Once per day while wreathing, the wearer of this necklace gains absorption against an effect of this necklace's imbued type.
**Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 4, one of which must be Imbued (Type Wreathing) of this imbued type.
Enchanted (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Evasion (i.e., Ring of Evasion, +0 to +5): The wearer of this ring becomes Novice (+0), Trained (+1), Adept (+2), Master (+3), Epic (+4), or Legendary (+5) in dodge if they are not.
Protection (i.e., Ring of Protection, +0 to +5): The wearer of this ring becomes Novice (+0), Trained (+1), Adept (+2), Master (+3), Epic (+4), or Legendary (+5) in parry if they are not and can parry attacks with it, including ranged attacks.
Aegis (i.e., Aegis Ring, +1* to +3*): The wearer of this ring becomes Trained (+1), Adept (+2), or Master (+3) in arcane defense if they are not.
Sacrosanct (i.e., Sacrosanct Ring, +1* to +3*): The wearer of this ring becomes Trained (+1), Adept (+2), or Master (+3) in divine defense if they are not.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 2.
Greater Protection (i.e., Greater Ring of Protection, +1**): While the wearer of this ring is conscious, they can employ its defensive proficiencies regardless of attack type or circumstance.
**Prerequisite: Other Enchanted enchantments totaling a + value of 4.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Ring of Invisibility, +0 to +5): Once per day as part of their turn, the wielder of this ring can cast the spell it is enspelled with upon themselves. Rings can be enspelled with Illusion or Divination spells that can target a single creature.
Thirsting (+2)
Drinking (i.e., Ring of Spell Drinking, +2): Once per day after the wielder of this ring is struck by a spell or magical effect, they can command the ring to thirst after that effect. The next time the wielder is struck by that effect, the effect is negated. This thirst ends after an effect is negated or if the wielder changes the thirst.
Shield Enchantments
Magic shields provide enhanced protective ability.
Bane (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For bane enchantments, choose a creature subtype or type its power effects.
Subtypebreaker (i.e., Angelbreaker’s Aegis, +1 to +5): This shield deals 1d4 true damage per + on major parry successes and successful shield bashes against creatures of its subtype.
Typebreaker (i.e., Celestialbreaker's Aegis, +2 to +5): This shield deals 1d4 true damage per + on major parry successes and successful shield bashes against creatures of its subtype.
Imbued (+1, +2)::For imbued enchantments, choose between acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and sonic.-- Type Shield (i.e., Force Shield, +1): This shield can be used to parry attacks of its imbued type.
Elemental Type (i.e., Shield of Elemental Ice, +1*): This shield grants reliability on parry attempts against attacks of its type.
Typebreaker (i.e., Forcebreaker Shield, +1*): On a successful parry against an attack of its imbued type, this shield treats its space as a physical barrier, preventing the attack from affecting the area behind it.
*Prerequisite: An Imbued (Type Shield) enchantment.
Enchanted (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Enchanted (i.e., Shield +1, +1 to +5): This shield grants 1 damage reduction per + to attacks it attempts to parry that do not result in a critical failure. This damage reduction stacks with other forms of damage reduction.
Glamered (+1)
Glamered (i.e., Bouquet of Blocking, +1): As an action, the wielder of this shield can make it appear to be any other object of approximately the same size. This is only an illusion and does not affect its properties. While the shield is glamered, the wielder gains a +1 rank bonus to their next parry attempt. After making a parry attempt or at the wielder's command, the shield reverts to its normal form.
Intelligent (+1, +2)
Intelligent shields usually have a partial or complete face embossed, engraved, or attached to their surface. For intelligent enchantments, choose an intelligence to inhabit the item.
Watchful (i.e., Watchful Buckler, +1): The wielder of this shield feels the emotions of the intelligence within it and can reroll a parry attempt made with it or attempt to parry an attack the wielder wasn't aware of once per day.
Whispering (i.e., Whispering Kite Shield, +1): The wielder of this shield hears simple, single-word thoughts of the intelligence within it and can use it to attempt to parry any type of attack once per day. If this parry is unsuccessful, this ability is not expended.
Named (i.e., Barthandr, +2): The wielder of this shield can hold conversations with the intelligence within it. In addition, once per day as an action, the wielder can command the shield to defend a creature or object they can see within 100'. The shield flies to the target, moving with it and making parry attempts for it as if the wielder wielded it. After one minute or when the wielder commands, the shield reappears in the wielder's hand or falls to the ground beside them if their hands are occupied.
Summoning (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Attraction (i.e., Escutcheon of Missile Attraction, +1 to +5): Once per day per plus, this shield allows the wielder to change the target of a ranged attack they can see to themselves and attempt to parry the attack with reliability.
Thirsting (+2)
Masochistic (i.e., Masochistic Buckler, +2): When the wielder of this shield is unsuccessful on a parry attempt with it, it grants a cumulative +1 rank bonus to its parry attempts. Once the shield makes a successful parry or after a minute passes, this bonus ends.
Weaponeating (i.e., Aegis of Weaponeating, +2): When this shield parries a weapon attack with a roll of 20, the weapon is disarmed and becomes stuck in the shield. This does not impair the shield, though if the stuck weapon is magical, the shield gains a +1 rank bonus to parry while the weapon is stuck there. A weapon that is not removed with a successful disarm attempt within one hour is absorbed into the shield, ending any bonus it provided.
Weapon Enchantments
Magic weapons can be common weapons such as swords, spears, and daggers, or hilt wraps, bow strings, gem inlays, or other attachments that enhance a weapon or the wearer's unarmed strikes.
Bane (+1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For bane enchantments, choose a creature subtype or type its power effects.
Subtype's bane (i.e., Elf’s Bane Long Bow, +1): This weapon deals true damage to creatures of its subtype and glows dimly when they are within 30'.
Type's bane (i.e., Humanoid's Bane Long Bow, +2): This weapon deals true damage to creatures of its type and glows dimly when they are within 30'.
Subtypeslayer (i.e., Rabbitslayer Dagger, +1): This weapon doubles any bonus enchantment damage against creatures of its subtype and treats critically successful attacks against them as though the roll was a 20.
Typeslayer (i.e., Animalslayer Dagger, +2): This weapon doubles any bonus enchantment damage against creatures of its type and treats critically successful attacks against them as though the roll was a 20.
Imbued (+1, +2)
For imbued enchantments, choose between acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and sonic.
Typing (i.e., Flaming Longsword, +1): This weapon's attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage of its imbued type on major successes.
Typetongue (i.e., Icetongue Spear, +1*): Once per day as part of their turn, the wielder of this weapon can transmute it into a weapon made fully of its imbued type. While transmuted, the weapon’s attacks cannot be parried, and its damage is converted to its imbued type. In addition, the weapon deals its Imbued (Typing) damage on attacks that result in normal success and deals half damage on attacks resulting in limited success. This transmutation ends after 1 minute or at the wielder's command.
*Prerequisite: An Imbued (Typing) enchantment.
Enchanted (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
Enchanted (i.e., Short Sword +1, +0 to +5): Attacks with this weapon deal +1 bonus damage per +. Though a +0 item deals no bonus damage, it is still considered magical.
Enspelled (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5)
For enspelled enchantments, choose a spell of a level equal to the item's + level.
Enspelled (i.e., Hammer of Dispel Magic, +0 to +5): Once per day when striking a target with an attack, the wielder of this weapon can cast the spell it is enspelled with on the target. Weapons can be enspelled with Evocation or Necromancy spells that can target a single creature.
Glamered (+1, +2)
Glamered (i.e., Glamered Halberd, +1): As an action, the wielder of this weapon can make it appear to be any other object of approximately the same size. This is only an illusion and does not affect its properties. While this weapon is glamered, the wielder gains a +1 rank bonus to their next attack. After making an attack or at the wielder's command, the weapon reverts to its normal form.
Transmuting (i.e., Transmuting Mace, +1): As an action, the wielder of this weapon can transmute it into a different weapon. After making a successful attack or at the wielder's command, this effect ends.
Chimeric (i.e., Chimeric Pike, +1*): Once per turn as part of their turn, the wielder of this weapon can transmute it into a different weapon. After making a successful attack or at the wielder's command, this effect ends.
*Prerequisite: A Glamered (Transmuting) enchantment.
Intelligent (+1, +3)
For intelligent enchantments, choose an intelligence to inhabit the item.
Whispering (i.e., Whispering Rapier, +1): The wielder of this weapon hears simple, single-word thoughts of the intelligence within it and can reroll an attempt made with it once per day.
Dancing (i.e., Dancing Crossbow, +2*): The wielder of this weapon can hold conversations with the intelligence within it. In addition, once per day after making an attack with it, the wielder can command this weapon to attack on its own. At the start of the wielder's next turn, the weapon flies up to 30' and repeats its attack against the same target or a different target of the DM's choosing within range as if the wielder made the attack. After making such an attack, the wielder makes a luck roll. If the result is unlucky, the effect ends. This effect also ends after a minute passes, if the wielder moves more than 100' away, or at the wielder's command. After this effect ends, the weapon reappears in its wielder’s hand or falls at their feet if their hands are occupied.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 1.
Summoning (+1, +3)
Returning (i.e., Returning Handaxe, +1): As part of their turn, the wielder of this weapon can summon it into their hand.
Swarming (i.e., Darts of the Hornet's Nest, +3): Weapons with this enchantment must have a thrown range and come in a set of 12. When a swarming weapon is thrown at and hits a target, roll 1d4 for a normal success, 2d4 for a major, or 3d4 for a critical. Up to this number of additional weapons of the enchantment's set launch into the air and strike the target, dealing their damage dice. Once a swarming weapon has been used for this effect, it loses this enchantment until the next day.
Thirsting (+1)
Thirsting (i.e., Thirsting Spear, +1): After the wielder of this weapon misses an enemy with an attack, it gains a cumulative +1 rank bonus to attacks. After the weapon makes a successful attack or after a minute passes, this bonus ends.
Vorpal (+5*)
Vorpal (i.e., Vorpal Two-handed Sword, +1*): When the wielder of this weapon hits a target with it with a natural roll of 20, the attack deals double damage, and the wielder begins making luck rolls. Each lucky roll increases the attack's damage by an additional 1x. If two 20s are rolled at any point during the luck roll process, the attack instantly slays the target.
*Prerequisite: Other enchantments totaling a + value of 4.
Magic equipment descriptions contain the following information:
Name: The name of the enchantment type.
Item Level: The possible item levels for an enchantment follow its name in parentheses. Item levels from different types of enchantments are added together to determine an item’s overall + value.
For example, a thirsting elf's bane spear would have an item level of +2; +1 for the Thirsting enchantment and +1 for Bane (Subtype's Bane) enchantment.
An item can only be enchanted with one +0 enchantment. A magic item cannot be enchanted beyond +5.
Enchantment: Following the name and item level is the magic equipment's naming convention and description.
Bane: Bane enchantments protect from or inflict great harm on certain types of creatures. Each bane item has a creature type or subspecies type it affects. Bane enchantments might be created when an item is forged to deal with a specific threat, when a creature is slain by the item’s wielder, when an item’s wielder is scarred by the attack of a creature, or through a lifetime of hatred from the item’s owner.
Imbued: Imbued enchantments produce or protect from non-physical damage types, either acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or sonic. An item might become imbued through exposure to its type. Surviving a red dragon’s breath weapon, slaying a frost elemental, or retrieving the item from within a glacier are some ways in which an imbued enchantment could occur.
Enchanted: Enchanted enchantments provide bonuses that work in most situations. The enchanted enchantment is primarily acquired through the enchant item spell, longevity, belief that the item is magical, or acts of heroism. In addition, an enchanted item may be forged of rare or foreign metals or materials which are innately powerful.
Enspelled: An enspelled item has a spell enchanted into it. The enspelled enchantment is primarily acquired through the enchant item spell. Equipment enspelled with a spell possessing a duration can be deactivated as an action and reactivated in the standard manner while some of the duration remains unspent.
Glamered: Glamered enchantments disguise equipment to look like something else or allow their wearer to alter their appearance. The glamered enchantment can result from exposure to powerful illusion or transmutation effects.
Intelligent: An intelligent item possesses a mind or spirit of its own and can communicate and share power with its wielder in some fashion. Intelligent items have their own goals, alignments, and personalities. Intelligent items are usually created through the defeat of a foe or centuries of survival.
Skilled: Skill enchantments grant their wearer a particular skill. Long use by a skilled individual may imbue an item with a skill enchantment.
Summoning: Summoning enchantments hide items from the physical realm, return items or spells to their owner, draw other items to themselves, or return the wearer to places they have been. Summoning enchantments can occur through a wielder’s exposure to powerful extradimensional or summoning effects and mishaps in teleportation.
Thirsting: Thirsting enchantments cause items to seek their proper use. The thirsting enchantment may occur through a series of unsuccessful attempts or repeated suffering in a particularly dangerous situation.
Vorpal: Vorpal enchantments inflict devastating critical hits. The vorpal enchantment can only be applied to already-powerful equipment types. Aside from being found on an ancient, legendary item, a vorpal enchantment could occur after slaying the mightiest of creatures.
Prerequisites: An enchantment marked with an asterisk (*) has a prerequisite which must be met for the enchantment to occur.

Exotic Components

Certain rare items can be used as material components to enhance a spell's potency. Trophies from powerful monsters, such as maggots from a vampire's coffin or scales from a red dragon, make great exotic components.
  • A spell can only benefit from one exotic component
  • Enhancing a spell requires one component per spell level (minimum one). Thus, enhancing a fifth level spell requires spending five components.
Exotic components produce one of ten effects.
Concentrating (+4, Consumable)
Concentrating components remove a spell's concentration requirement for one minute. For example, confusion would last for one minute without requiring the caster's concentration. A miniature elven bow carved of spiderwood, a fragment from the sword of a king, and water from the deepest trench of an ocean make good concentrating components.
Empowering (+1, Consumable)
Empowering components increase the dice size of a spell’s damage, healing, or hit points affected by one. In example, a 1st level burning hands spell would deal 2d6 damage instead of 2d4 and a 1st level cure wounds would heal 1d10 + 1 hit points rather than 1d8 + 1. Dragon dung, hill giant tears, and meteorite shavings make good empowering components.
Enlarging (+2, Consumable)
Enlarging components double a spell’s area of effect. For example, dancing lights would illuminate a 40' sphere, rather than 20'. Gaseous spore spores, gorgon’s milk, and magic beans make good enlarging components.
Extending (+2, Consumable)
Extending components double a spell’s duration. For example, darkness would last for 20 minutes rather than 10. Pocket watches, time turners filled with celestial sand, or petrified phoenix eggs make good extending components.
Flair (+0, Consumable)
Flair components add style to a spell, producing harmless but dazzling sensory effects. A cure wounds might strike its target with a beam from the heavens with trumpeting fanfare, and a fireball might shoot off fireworks and make the air smell like fried desserts. Vials of glitter-infused holy water, dire firefly wings, rotten cockatrice eggs, and tins of cloud giant rouge make good flair components.
Heightening (+2, Consumable)
Heightening components increase a spell’s spell level by 1 or its effective caster level by 2. For example, a 2nd level elemental sphere spell would become 3rd level, dealing 3d6 damage, and a hallucinatory terrain spell cast by an 8th level wizard would affect a 300' sphere rather than a 260' sphere. A saint’s bone, griffon tears, and storm giant bellybutton lint make good heightening components.
Maximizing (+4, Consumable)
Maximizing components maximize a spell’s damage, healing, or hit points affected. For example, a 1st level burning hands would deal 8 fire damage and a 1st level cure wounds would heal 9 hit points. Powdered dragon horn, a leviathan's eye, or the heart of a minotaur make good maximizing components.
Penetrating (+3, Consumable)
Penetrating components bypass spell immunities granted by creature type. For example, sleep would work on a vampire and charm person would work on a bear. Cloud giant breath, rakshasa fingernails, and lich fingerbones make good penetrating components.
Quickening (+5, Consumable)
Quickening components allow a hero to cast a spell as part of their turn. A hero can only use a quickening component on one spell per turn. A witch’s tongue, coutl’s tail feather, and flawless diamond make good quickening components.
Reaching (+1, Consumable)
Reaching components double a spell's range. For example, daze could be cast at a range of 60'. A falcon’s eye, a roc feather, and the keystone of a bridge make good reaching components.

Exotic Materials

Like exotic components, exotic materials are not innately magical but provide a magical effect. Items crafted out of exotic materials benefit from their effects without adjusting their item level. However, for reward and value purposes, they are treated as increasing an item's value like a standard enchantment.
Example exotic materials include:
Adamantine (+0,+1, +2, +3, +4)
Adamantine is an extraordinarily strong metal coveted for weapons and armor. Items made from it cannot be sundered by non-adamantine weapons. Armor made from it allows the wearer, when subject to a critical hit, to make a luck roll to turn it into a normal hit once per + equivalent per day. Items made from adamantine have an equivalent value of one +1 magic item if they are around the size of a small shield or long sword. A bastard sword or large shield would be the equivalent of one and a half +1 items while a two-handed sword or tower shield would be the equivalent of two +1 items. Armor is instead valued as a +2 item for studded leather, +3 for medium armor, and +4 for heavy armor.
Cold Iron (+0, +1)
Loathed by fey creatures, cold iron is often used in weapons and armor. Fey creatures suffer anguish when touching cold iron and usually refuse to wield such weapons or grapple creatures wearing such armor. Standard cold iron items, such as longswords, have an equivalent value of one +0 magic item. Cold iron armor has an equivalent value of one +1 magic item.
Dragon Scale (+3)
Dragon scale is highly prized for scale mail. Scale mail armor made from dragon scale provides the wearer with resistance to damage of the dragon’s breath weapon type and 2 damage reduction to physical damage.
Mithril (+0, +1, +2)
Also known as true silver, mithril is an incredibly light yet strong metal. Mithril items reduce the weight of their metal component by half. Weapons made from mithril are also considered to be silver for purposes of overcoming damage immunity. Mithril armors have their encumbrance reduced by one category. Standard mithril items, such as longswords, have an equivalent value of one +0 magic item. Medium mithril armor has an equivalent value of one +1 magic item and heavy mithril armor has an equivalent value of one +2 magic item.
Silver (+0, Consumable)
Silver is famous for its ability to prevent regeneration in creatures such as lycanthropes. A creature whose regeneration is vulnerable to silver weapons, such as a lycanthrope, cannot regenerate after being damaged by a silver weapon until after the end of its next turn. Silver is softer than steel and does not retain a good edge for very long, however, so it is usually not effective as a regular weapon. Unlike other exotic materials, silver is valued as the equivalent of a +0 consumable.

Wondrous Items

Wondrous items cover a wide assortment of magic items, specifically anything outside of the Alchemical, Ammunition, Clothing, Implements, Instrument, and Poultices categories in the goods and services table of the PHB (Chapter VI: Equipment). Wondrous items usually enhance what a standard good or service does. Most are single-use consumables, but some can be used multiple or unlimited times.
Example wondrous items are listed below.
Pick of Destiny (+5, Consumable)
This small craft tool for plucking a musical instrument allows the user to play the greatest and best song in the world, as if they rolled two 20s on a skilled Perform attempt. After doing so, the pick disintegrates.
Rapscallion's Hook (+1, Consumable)
This small craft hook is enchanted to pick a pocket. When touched to a pocket or pouch and the command word whispered, the hook vanishes, and the pocket or pouch appears in the user's hand.
Tobin’s Jug (+2)
This simple foodstuffs jug is labeled with XXX on one side. The jug is capable of producing any type of alcohol once per day. The quality of this alcohol varies. Before opening the jug, the user decides what kind of spirits they desire and then makes a luck roll. The luck roll determines the quality of that spirit.
--If the jug has only been used by the same creature for seven days, it gains the ability to pour seven different types of alcohol each day, though only for that creature. The amount of alcohol produced depends on the alcohol type but is enough to be enjoyed by the pourer and his immediate companions, up to eight in total - a bottle of wine, a pony keg of ale, a few drams of whiskey, etc.--
Extension Ladder (+0, +1, +2, +3, Consumable)
This small gear ladder looks like a step ladder made of three rungs. When it is placed against a wall or similar vertical surface and the command word is spoken, it grows to reach the top of the vertical surface or up to 100’ in height. It provides a perfectly stable climbing surface for one climb (+0), one minute (+1), one hour (+2), or one day (+3) before disintegrating away.
Sending Ink (+0, Consumable)
The ink in this magical gear vial appears normal when looked directly at but seems to ripple and move from the corner of the eye. When the ink is used to write a single-page letter to a specific recipient, after completion of the note the ink and writing disappears. The writing then appears before the recipient on the first flat, opaque surface they look at. After the recipient reads the message, it disappears.
Everburning Candle (+0)
This magical illumination gear appears as a normal candle. However, it lights and extinguishes when the command word is spoken and never burns out.
Portable Inn (+2, +3, +4, Consumable)
This lodging gear usually comes in the form of a skeleton key and, when inserted into a large tree, cave wall, or doorless wall, disappears and creates an inn. This inn doesn't displace existing matter but is visible from the outside, either by means of a front door, the remolding of an empty cave, or as a tree house. The inn provides a good night's rest to all those who sleep in its beds, as well as dinner for the night. The inn sleeps 6 and provides a poor meal (+2), 12 and a common meal (+3), or 24 and a good meal (+4). After 12 hours or when all inhabitants leave, the inn disappears.
Spider Saddle (+2)
This magical mount gear prevents the rider from ever being dismounted, even if their mount walks upside down. As an action while speaking the command word, the rider can attach to or detach from this saddle.
All Hallows Symbol (+0)
This magical religious gear appears to the viewer to be a holy symbol of the deity or cause they hold in highest regard. This is only an illusion, and physical contact reveals that it is a simple rock, twig, piece of toast, or the like.
Peace Maker (+1, Consumable)
This magical service gear comes in the form of a sticky symbol. The bearer can place this symbol on a non-magical weapon as an action, or by succeeding on a grapple attempt if the target weapon is being wielded by a creature not wishing to have its weapon transmuted. Once placed on a weapon, the symbol vanishes and the weapon's damaging end turns into a flower, paper drawing, or something similarly harmless.
Paper Boat (+0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, Consumable)
This magical transport comes in the form of a paper. By folding the paper over the course of a minute, or as a full-round action with a successful Intelligence (Engineering) check, and placing it into a harmless liquid, it turns into a boat. When the command word is spoken, the boat then transports its cargo in a straight line at a speed of 60' per round. This boat can carry the equivalent of one medium creature for 1 round (+0), four medium creatures for 1 minute (+1), ten medium creatures for 1 hour (+2), twenty medium creatures for 1 day (+3), forty medium creatures for 1 week (+4), or 100 medium creatures for 1 month (+5). At the end of its use, the boat dissolves into pulp.
Creating Wondrous Items
Wondrous items fill a niche between potions and magic equipment which allow any hero access to magic that works in the physical world. There are two guidelines to keep in mind when creating a wondrous item.
1. Solve a problem.
2. Keep things fun.
Wondrous items work great to solve a problem that heroes don't want to deal with. For example, if no hero has the Climb skill and the players groan at the prospect of scaling a castle wall, an unlimited-use extension ladder solves a problem for them. However, if a hero has the Climb skill or the party enjoys climbing challenges, an unlimited use extension ladder would remove the fun from that part of the game. By the same token, if the players don't enjoy tracking rations or figuring out what their heroes will eat, an iron pot that churns out calamari whenever placed over a fire would solve a problem and make camping fun.
When determining the item level of a wondrous item, consider the reusability, scope, and potency.
For reusability, determine how many times an item can be used. Single-use items are valued at 1/20 of an unlimited-use item. If an item can be used multiple times, set its value somewhere on that scale.
For scope, determine how many heroes the wondrous item solves a problem for, or how many objects or creatures it affects. Some items may accomplish their task over time as well, allowing multiple uses through a longer duration:
• One creature/one round: +0
• A standard party (2-4)/one minute: +1
• A large party (5-10)/one hour: +2
• A small crowd (11-20)/one day: +3
• A large crowd (21-99)/one week: +4
• Unlimited (100+)/one month: +5
For potency, determine how expert of an effect the wondrous item produces:
• Trivial (a common person might accomplish it): +0
• Skilled (a skilled person might accomplish it): +1
• Expert (only an expert could accomplish it): +2
• Extreme Fortune (only an expert with great luck could accomplish it): +3
• Once In a Lifetime (its effect might only occur once in a lifetime): +4
• Incomparable (the greatest outcome ever): +5
For example, an everburning candle's effect is trivial while a spider saddle provides a benefit only an expert could hope to accomplish.
Spell-Based Wondrous Items
Alternatively, a wondrous item can be created from a spell. The spell level then determines the item level while the reusability determines the value. A skeleton key could have the same effect as knock while a piece of gum could produce a hold portal effect and both would be +1 goods. On the other hand, a grappling hook that teleports the thrower to its location would be the equivalent of dimension door.

Cursed Items

A great way to add intrigue and humor to a story is with a cursed item. A cursed item is a magical item that provides a severely restricted benefit or harms its user or their allies. Cursed items can help lower the amount of magic in a campaign or challenge the heroes and their desires.
Cursed items are a good way to reward heroes with a more powerful item but without breaking the balance of the game. Some example cursed items are:
Backbiter (+3)
This +3 enchanted spear deals 1d8 + 3 damage. However, its limited successes grant their hampering effect to the wielder's foe and its misses deal its damage to an adjacent ally, or the wielder if no ally is adjacent. This weapon can be discarded or destroyed, but reappears in the wielder's hand the instant before they make a melee or thrown weapon attack. It can only be permanently removed when targeted by a remove curse spell.
Boots of Straight Speed (+1)
The wearer of these boots increases their speed by 5'. However, while wearing them, they can only take move actions in a straight line.
Potion of Radiant Healing (+3, Consumable)
The imbiber of this potion regains 3d8 + 3 hit points and glows for the next one minute, granting advantage to any creature that attacks it.
Ring of Glimpsing Invisibilty (+2)
As an action once per day, the wearer of this ring gains the ability to see anything which is invisible, ethereal, or astral for one round.
Ring of Seeing Invisibility (+2)
As an action, the wearer of this ring can gain or turn off invisible sight for up to 30 minutes per day. Invisible sight grants the ability to see anything invisible, ethereal, or astral. However, while the effect is active, invisible, ethereal, and astral things are all the wearer can see.
Snubnosed Wand of Missiles (+5)
As an action, the wielder of this wand can call forth missiles, up to a total of 10 per day. Each missile deals 1d4 + 1 force damage. The wielder can target creatures they can see within 5'.
Staff of Abyssal Tentacles (+3)
As an action once per day, the wielder of this staff can cast black tentacles with a duration of 1 minute and no concentration requirement. However, this spell is always cast with the wielder at its center.
Creating Cursed Items
To create a cursed item, consider limited usage and nefariousness.
A cursed item with limited usage might restrict:
• Range (i.e., a significantly reduced range or minimum range).
• Targeting (i.e., only creatures whose names start with the letter X or all creatures in range wearing metal armor).
• Duration (i.e., 1 round only or only during sunrise).
For nefariousness, a cursed item might punish its user or produce a downside to its effect including:
• Removability (i.e., the item cannot be removed from the user or always appears in the user's hand).
• Sacrifice (i.e., the item grants its benefit but restricts everything outside its benefit or requires a price to activate its effect).
• Malice (i.e., the item attacks the user or their allies or makes the user vulnerable to something).


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