
The Monk

LevelBenefitHero’s SurgesUnarmed Strikes DamageTitle
1Monk Features, Flurry of Blows, Ki Techniques, Martial Arts, Monastic Kinship41d4Student
2Mobility, Swift Steps, Uncanny Parry, Ki Technique51d4
3Martial Discipline51d6Adept
4Evasion, Ki Technique61d6
5Boon, Valor61d6
6Ki Technique, Martial Discipline Feature71d6Preceptor
8Ki Technique, Martial Discipline Feature81d8Master
10Heroism, Ki Technique91d10
Monk Ki Techniques

Monk Ki Techniques

NameEffectHero’s Surge Enhancement
Dragon StrikeAs an action, you can jump and during or at the end of this jump, attempt an unarmed strike or martial maneuver.You can use the Success Level of your jump for your unarmed strike or martial maneuver and deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10’ jumped. If this attempt misses, you don’t expend a hero’s surge.
Feather StepYou gain reliability on Acrobatics attempts.While moving, gain the ability to cross any solid or liquid as if it were firm ground for the next minute. You can dance across rivers, run across caltrops or treetops, or tumble atop fresh snow.
Ki SpearOnce per turn, your unarmed strike or Martial Maneuver attack gains a reach of 10’As an attack action, make an unarmed strike attempt with advantage at a range of 30'. If this attack hits, it deals force damage. If both rolls hit, also execute a push against the target at the higher success level. If this attack misses, you do not expend your hero's surge.
Ki StrikeYou can treat your unarmed attacks and sunders as if they were iron weapons.After spending a minute performing a kata or when you hit with an unarmed strike, your unarmed strikes become +1 magic weapons for the next minute. *You can learn this Ki Technique multiple times. Each time you do, increase the enhancement bonus by 1.
Ki TouchAs an attack action, you can touch a creature and allow it to spend a hero’s surge.As part of your turn, touch a creature. It regains hit points equal to ¼ of your maximum and can spend a hero's surge.
Quelling TouchAs an action, you can touch a creature. It can attempt to end an effect you are aware of that an attempt can end.As part of your turn, touch a creature. It can end an effect you are aware of that an attempt can end.
Spider StepYou gain reliability on Jump attempts.Increase your jump distance by your Strength score and gain a climb speed equal to your speed. This effect lasts for one minute or until you take an action other than moving.
Stunning FistYou can use a devastating effect of an unarmed strike to daze a creature, costing it its next attack.When you hit with an unarmed strike, stun your target, costing it its next attack on a normal, its next attack and move on a major, or its next turn on a critical success.
Wheel ThrowTreat yourself as if you are one size larger when grappling.When you successfully grapple a creature of one size larger than you or smaller, you immediately throw it using the same success level as your grapple attempt and increase the distance thrown by 10'.
Whirlwind AttackWhen you use Flurry of Blows and hit with both attacks, you can deal your unarmed strike damage die to a creature within reach that you did not attack.As an action, make an attack against all adjacent creatures. If you use only unarmed attacks for this action, you can choose which creatures you attack.
LEVEL 2 Monk
You have Advantage on Dodge attempts against attacks triggered by your movement. In addition, when you are hit by an attack you can allow yourself to be pushed 5’.
Swift Steps
While not wearing armor, increase your speed by 5'
Boon Option: Increase your speed by an additional 10'
Uncanny Parry
While not wearing armor or employing a shield, you are Adept in Parry, can attempt to Parry ranged attacks, and parry an additional attack on a limited success or better when defending against Multiple Attacks
LEVEL 3 Monk
Martial Discipline
You have mastered transcending your body or mind beyond mortal bounds. Choose a martial discipline.
Zen Master
LEVEL 4 Monk
While not wearing armor, if you successfully resist, Dodge, or Parry an effect or attack, you suffer no ill effect.


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