
The personification of conflict, a monster is any creature your story pits against the heroes in combat. Monsters in the Pen & Dagger RPG are designed to be simple yet encourage fun. Players don't remember the specific hit points or damage dealt by a creature they fought. They remember the foe's threat and the strategy it took to beat it. And since players roll for just about everything in the game, there are only two facets you need to run a monster: Level and Mobility.
In addition to their level and mobility, standard monsters have the following traits:
Speed: 30'
Initiative: Normal
Turn: Move and Action
Size: Medium
  You can go above and beyond with monster details, providing as many nuances as you'd like. For example, immunities can be handy to have listed if your monster ignores certain effects. Special senses can come in handy to track as well, just as the languages a monster speaks. However, every quality a monster possesses doesn't need to be defined. If the story would be more cinematic or fun by a monster possessing a spur-of-the-moment quality, improvise it.
For details on customizing monsters, see Advanced Monsters.

Monster Level, Damage, & Hit Points

A monster's level is the bad guy equivalent of a hero's level and provides a monster's damage and hit points. Damage makes up one third of a monster’s challenge. There are three classes of damage: Average, High, and Spell.
Hit points provide another third of a monster's challenge. There are three classes of hit points: Average, High, and Epic.

Monster LevelAverage DamageHigh DamageSpell DamageAverage HPHigh HPEpic* HP


A monster's mobility provides the final third of its challenge. Agile foes slip past tough heroes and attack weaker ones while lumbering foes might simply trample everybody. Mobile monsters keep players on their toes and give heroes with the ability to pin down a foe the opportunity to shine.
Mobility is described in shorthand by the mobility type and subtype (if any), and the distance moved. If no distance is specified, then the movement is the monster's full movement. For example, a kobold with Slippery (Missed, 5') can move 5' when missed, and a warthog with Charge can move its full speed before attacking.  
Mobility Types
An element of terror can be added to a monster by giving it the ability to charge down heroes. A monster with the charge trait can move and attack in one action. Usually, charging requires a monster to move in a straight line. However, you can twist it by requiring the monster to bounce off a wall, jump, swoop, or perform another specific movement prior to its attack.
Charge attacks usually deal high damage.
Some monsters flee when they see certain events occur, forcing heroes to change tactics. In example, a goblin shaman with Coward (Wounds, 5') retreats 5' when wounded. A coward monster moves away from the triggering creature when witnessing:
1. Wounds (They or a creature is wounded or bloodied)
2. Crits (They or a creature is critically hit)
3. Death (Another creature is killed)
4. Affliction (They or a creature succumb to an affliction)
5. Maneuvers (They are disarmed/sundered/grappled/etc.)
6. Magic (A creature casts a spell)
Some monsters have movement types beyond running, such as a griffon having a fly speed. Monsters with innate movement traits can use these movement types at will. Innate movement is usually represented on a monster by the name of the movement, rather than innate. I.e., a griffon would have Fly 45'. Innate movement types are:
1. Fly
2. Burrow
3. Climb
4. Swim
5. Jump
6. Teleport
Some monsters can trample heroes or scythe through their lines, making attacks against creatures whose spaces they pass through. This trait pairs well with larger creatures. However, medium or smaller creatures can juggernaut by winging or pouncing from foe to foe. Use lines or a specific shape for juggernaut attacks so players can plan defensive strategies.
Juggernaut attacks usually deal average damage.
Some monsters react to interactions by moving. Slippery monsters might only move 5', such as a kobold with Slippery (Missed, 5') shifting 5' when missed by an attack, or might use their whole movement, such as a grimp commando with Initializing slinging itself across the battlefield when initializing next to another grimp. Slippery monsters might move when:
1. Missed
2. Hit
3. Bloodied (reduced to half or fewer hit points)
4. Hitting
5. Missing
6. Initializing (before the round begins)
Some monsters pose a threat by being extraordinarily fast. A swift monster moves faster than a normal monster, having a base speed of 35' or more. A cougar with a speed of 45' is an example of a swift monster. Swift monsters also often pair their enhanced speed with enhanced initiatives, acting on a major or even a critical.
Some monsters are drawn to events in battle. A vampire lord with Thirst (Crits) moves across the battle when a critical hit occurs. A thirsting monster moves toward the triggering creature when witnessing:
1. Crits (A creature is critically hit)
2. Death
3. Affliction (A creature succumbing to an affliction)
4. Magic (A creature casting a spell)
5. Maneuvers (A creature being affected by a martial maneuver)
6. Magicked (A creature succumbing to a spell)

Monster Mobility Options

To generate a random monster mobility, roll 2d4, then 1d6 if the mobility has sub-options.

2d4 Mobility___EffectSub-optionsGood Monster Fits
2InnateSpecial Movement d6 1Fly 2Burrow 3Climb 4Swim 5Jump 6TeleportStirge, Purple worm, Monkey, Shark
3CowardFlee on trigger d6 1Wounds 2Crits 3Death 4Affliction 5Maneuvers 6MagicGoblin, Bandit, Wererat, Panther
4ChargeMove & Attack-Boar, Orc, Barbarian, Clay golem
5SwiftIncreased Speed and/or Initiative-Sprite, Assassin, Elf, Cobra
6SlipperyReact to interaction d6 1Missed 2Hit 3Bloodied 4Hitting 5Missing 6InitializingRogue, Kobold, Goblin, Dire mongoose
7JuggernautTrample or attack through foes-Iron golem, Destrier, Grimp, Cavalier
8ThirstApproach on trigger d6 1Crits 2Death 3Affliction 4Magic 5Maneuvers 6MagickedVampire, Wolf, Hobgoblin, Witchblade

Example Monsters

Level 1 Medium Humanoid
Hit Points 4
Speed 35'
Initiative Major
Attacks: Rapier (3 piercing), Shortbow (60', 3 piercing)
Mobility: Swift (35' speed, acts on major initiative)
Use an elf to terrorize heroes by having it react to their strategy with its speed and range.

Level 1 Medium Humanoid
Hit Points 8
Speed 30'
Initiative Normal
Attacks: Hammer (3 bludgeoning)
Mobility: Thirst (10', Magic)
Use a hobgoblin to terrorize heroes by having it withstand a normal hit and go after casters.
Level 1 Medium Humanoid
Hit Points 4
Speed 30'
Initiative Normal
Attacks: Axe (3 slashing, 5 on Charge)
Mobility: Charge
Use an orc to terrorize heroes by having it charge from target to target, especially by attacking a weaker hero.

Level 1 Medium Animal
Hit Points 4
Speed 50'
Initiative Normal
Attacks: Bite (3 piercing)
Mobility: Swift (50')
Use a wolf to terrorize heroes with swiftness.

Creature Types

Creatures in the game world are divided into fourteen different types. Some effects in the game only apply to specific creature types or subtypes. The fourteen creature types are broken up into six outsider types and eight native creature types.
An outsider is a creature not naturally occurring in the game world. They may be animated, summoned, or invading the realm of mortals. Some heroes rebuke, sense, or cast spells that affect only outsiders. Bring outsiders into your game to let these heroes shine.
Aberrants are the outsiders of all outsiders. They are creatures that may have existed before the world, come from alien planes, or even arrived from another universe, such as otyughs and aboleths. Aberrations usually do not have an understandable form of logic or motivation. Some possess psychic powers. There are no baseline features that aberrants possess, though resistance to enchantment, illusion, or other schools of magic is not uncommon.
Aberrants can provide a connection in your world to the stars and the universes beyond, as well as an alien threat that all other creature types, even outsiders, might unite against. Bring aberrants into your story to add:
• Wonder
• Horror
• Vastness
• Timelessness
Celestials are beings native to the higher planes, usually associated with heavenly purpose such as angels and seraphim. They often possess immunity or damage reduction to non-magical weapons and the ability to speak all languages, and radiate auras of protection.
Celestials can provide a connection to an afterlife, a bigger plan, and immortal struggles in your world. Bring celestials into your story to:
• Inspire
• Warn
• Judge
• Challenge evil heroes
• Bless good heroes
Elementals are beings native to the elemental planes of air, earth, fire, and water. They include efreets, djinns, and pure elementals. They are usually immune to or absorb their native element and suffer vulnerability to the opposing element.
Elementals can provide life, threat, and passion to the weather and elements of your world and add a sense of the primordial. Bring elementals into your story to:
• Stir chaos
• Threaten civilization
• Invoke awe
• Highlight heroes with elemental powers
Fey are creatures who are wholly from the fairy realms or straddle the border of the mortal world and the fey realms, such as nymphs, dryads, pixies, and sprites. Fey often have close connections with nature. Many are difficult to effect by enchantment spells as they are so exposed to them in their native realm.
Fey creatures can provide connections, threats, and life to the wildernesses of your world. Bring fey creatures into your story to add:
• Humor
• Magic
• Whimsy
• Watchfulness
• Magical dread
Fiends are beings of the lower planes such as the abyss, Hel, and other brutal landscapes, and include creatures such as demons and devils. They often possess immunity or damage reduction to non-magical weapons and resistance to an element.
Fiends can provide a hint of eternal, extraplanar war to your world and portend an afterlife and a struggle for souls. Bring fiend creatures into your story to add:
• Dark humor
• Hedonism
• Vileness
• Temptation
• Nefariousness
• A foe for good heroes
• Approval for evil heroes
Undead are mortals returned to life through curses, necromantic forces, or escape from the realm of the dead, such as ghosts, zombies, and vampires. They are usually vulnerable to radiant damage, immune to necrotic damage, harmed by healing, and unaffected by effects reliant on drinking, eating, breathing, or sleeping including poison and disease. In addition, incorporeal undead may be immune to non-magical weapons and ignore parry attempts.
Undead can provide a sense of immortality or damnation to your world. Bring undead creatures into your story to add:
• Dread
• Disgust
• Creepiness
• A highlight for light-bringing heroes
Creatures native to the game world are not considered outsiders and so have few spells and powers aimed at dealing with their intrusion. They also largely lack common traits and resistances that outsiders possess.
Animals cover the gambit of all normal creatures, from insects to arachnids to birds to mammals to reptiles to dinosaurs. They can provide friends, foes, and everything in between.
Animals provoke a sense of grounding and realism. Use animals in your story to add:
• Pets
• Phobias
• A highlight for heroes with ties to nature
• Cuteness
Objects animated into lifelike activity, constructs range from flesh golems to kani dolls to clockwork butlers. They may be driven by magic or technology, but usually lack any mind of their own, thus making them immune to enchantments, certain illusions, and other effects targeting living creatures.
Constructs provide a sense of magic and unreliability to your world. Use constructs in your story to add:
• Wonder
• Witchery
• A break from thinking foes
Powerful entities that have few or no natural predators, dragons are some of the greatest friends and foes native to the game world. Some may resist magic and most possess the ability to fly, speak, cast spells, and breathe deadly elements. They make for awesome villains, powerful allies, and sources of profound wisdom.
Dragons inspire fantasy, cinematics, and a sense of jaw-dropping power in your world. Use dragons in your story to add:
• Awe
• Awesomeness
• A powerful ally
• The ultimate villain
• Mounds of loot
Oversized humanoids, giants include ogres, trolls, ettins, and titans. Giants tower over most humanoids and are known for their strength, though not always their intellect.
Giants inspire a sense of smallness and overwhelming scale in your heroes. Use giants in your story to add:
• Apprehension
• A highlight for small heroes
• Height jokes
The stuff of heroes, humanoids range from elves to dwarves to kobolds to humans.
Humanoids provide familiarity, a sense of place, and a background in your world. Use humanoids in your story to add:
• Drama
• Politicking
• Love interests
• Family
• Villainy
Creatures that are beyond animals, humanoids, and giants, monstrosities may originate from experiments, curses, or the beating heart of the game world. Purple worms, remorhaz, owlbears, and displacer beasts are monstrosities.
Monstrosities inspire a sense of fantasy, experimentation, and long-lost knowledge in your world. Use monstrosities in your story to add:
• Astonishment
• Coolness
• Fun variety
Oozes are blob monsters that act with a bacteria-like mindlessness, such as gelatinous cubes, green slimes, and ochre jellies. They are often immune to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage and may even split into smaller creatures when physically attacked. They may be vulnerable to one element and reflect, absorb, or resist another. Without traditional sight, they are also immune to blindness and darkness and usually possess immunity to enchantments and illusions.
Oozes bring a disconcerting, semi-mindless foe to your world that can really shake up your players' strategies. Use oozes to:
• Throw a wrench at your players
• Add a creeping sense of danger
• Reward players who come up with unusual strategies
Plant creatures are fast-acting plants quick enough to not be considered objects, such as shambling mounds and treants. Some may be wise and verbose while others may be unintelligent or lacking any way to speak.
Plant creatures bring the forests, jungles, and other natural areas of your world to life. Use plant creatures in your story to add:
• Amazement
• Paranoia
• A moral challenge to nature-bound heroes

Creature Types

*Creatures marked with an asterisk are Outsiders

TypeExample Subtypes
AnimalAquatic, Bird, Insectoid, Mammal, Reptile
Celestial*Angel, Archon
ConstructAnimated Object, Golem
DragonChromatic, Gem, Metallic
Elemental*Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Fey*Beast, Fae
Fiend*Demon, Devil
GiantHigh, Low, Ogre, Troll
HumanoidDwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human, Goblin
Undead*Corporeal, Incorporeal


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