
The ogres were once the most beautiful and intelligent creatures of Krynn, ruling a mighty empire and enslaving Humans. During the Age of Dreams, Igraine, a powerful Ogre governor learned compassion from a human slave who saved Igraine's daughter from certain death. Igraine decided that slavery was wrong and tried to explain to the other ogres how they were wrong in enslaving humans. Igraine was called an insane heretic and sentenced to death. Igraine fled with his followers to an island in the Dragon Isles and hid there. The humans then rose up and rebelled against their former masters. The ogres were cast down and made as ugly and cruel as their dark souls were.


Towering muscular creatures that resemble giants or deformed humans or orcs, the half-ogre is neither civilized nor savage, wandering through both worlds.
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Intelligence or Charisma, +1 to Strength, +1 to an ability score
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess the Endurance and Persuade (Intimidate) skills.
Languages: Common, Giant
Lifespan: Half-ogres live to about 70 years of age.
Size: Medium. Average Height: 7' ( 2d6+78 "). Average Weight: 350 pounds ( 1d100+300 pounds).
Speed: 35’
Vision: Low-light. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light.
Half-Ogre Traits
Long Arms: On your turn, your melee attacks increase their reach by 5'.


High ogres, also known as Irda, are a handsome and gentle race of ogres inhabiting an idyllic island located far from civilized lands.
Irda are tall, slender creatures, averaging six feet in height and weighing about 150 pounds. Females tend to be as tall and as heavy as males. Although slender, they are quite strong, as evidenced by their firm muscles. Their skin tones range from midnight blue to deep sea green. Their hair is usually black, but it can also be silver or white. Irda always wear their hair short and keep it carefully combed. Their drawn faces and drooping eyelids give a false impression that they are bored or uncaring. Their eyes are silver.
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Constitution or Charisma, +1 to two ability scores
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess the Deceive skill.
• When an effect would cause you to lose a hero's surge, you can make a Luck Roll to not lose it.
Languages: Common
Lifespan: Irda commonly reach the age of 500 years.
Size: Medium. Average Height: 6' ( 2d10+60 "). Average Weight: 150 pounds ( 6d10+120 pounds).
Speed: 35’
Vision: Low-light. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light.
Irda Traits
Forgettable: You can choose to fail Renown checks
Natural Spellcaster: You know an Arcane cantrip and are Trained in it.
Shapeshifter: As a full-round action, you can spend a hero's surge to polymorph into a Medium humanoid creature. Your ability scores do not change, though you can gain natural weapons of the creature type. This effect ends when you die or when you spend a full-round action to end it.
Shapeshifted: You are considered both a humanoid, ogre, and shapeshifter for your racial type.
World-Forsaker: Reduce your total hero's surges by 1.


The minotaurs of Krynn are a highly organized warrior race occupying the remote islands of Mithas and Kothas. Huge and brutish, the minotaurs believe their destiny is to conquer and enslave the world.
Minotaurs exceed 350 pounds in weight and seven feet in height. Short fur covers their massive bodies; a thin fuzz covers their faces and forearms. Their fur ranges from red-brown to near black. Their bullish faces are brutish and ugly, with broad snouts and wide-set eyes. Sharp, curving horns grow from their foreheads to a length of 6-12 inches for the females and one to two feet for the males. Minotaurs have good, strong hands with thick fingers ending in short claws.
Minotaur HEROES
Ability Modifiers: -1 to an ability score of your choice, +1 to Strength, +1 to an ability score of your choice
Bloodline Benefits:
• Increase your hit points by 1 per level.
• You are Trained in unarmed strikes.
• You possess the Run skill.
Languages: Common
Lifespan: Minotaurs live to about 150 years old.
Size: Medium. Average Height: 7' ( 4d6+72 "). Average Weight: 275 pounds ( 5d10+250 pounds).
Speed: 35’
Vision: Low-light. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light.
Minotaur Traits
Gore: Once per turn after you move at least 20' in a straight line, you can make an unarmed strike with your horns and deal double your damage dice.
Horns: You can use your horns to make an unarmed strike dealing 1d6 piercing damage.


Ogres are big, ugly, greedy humanoids that live by ambushes, raids, and theft.Their skin colors range from a dead yellow to dull black-brown to sickly violet. Their warty bumps are often of a different color — or at least darker than their hides. Their eyes are purple with white pupils and their teeth and talons are orange or black. Ogres have long, greasy hair of blackish-blue to dull dark green. Their odor is repellent, reminiscent of curdled milk.
Ability Modifiers: -1 to Intelligence, -1 to one ability score, +3 to Strength
Bloodline Benefits:
• Increase your hit points by 1 per level.
• You are Trained in unarmed strikes.
• You possess the Persuade (Intimidate) skill.
Languages: Giant
Lifespan: Ogres live to be about 90 years old.
Size: Large. You take up a 5'x10' space. In addition, you can wield two-handed weapons other than bows in one hand and can wield large weapons in two hands. However, you suffer a -1 rank penalty to Stealth and Dodge attempts. Average Height: 8' 6" ( 2d6+96 "). Average Weight: 600 pounds ( 1d100+550 pounds).
Speed: 40’
Vision: Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Ogre Traits
Extra-Villainous Nature: Reduce your total hero's surges by 2.
Reach: Increase the reach of weapons you wield by 5'.
Strong: Your base strength can exceed 19.


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