
Organizations allow heroes who subscribe to their goals the chance to become leaders in the world. Once per level, a hero whose dream aligns with an orginaztion can spend a fortune die within the organization to advance their affinity with their organization. Advancing affinity grants certain story benefits. In addition, a hero increases their renown with an organization by their affinity.
There are five major organizations on Krynn open to the common adventurer: Dragon Armies, Holy Orders of the Stars, Knights of Solamnia, Whitestone Army, and Wizards of High Sorcery.
Dragon Armies

Dragon Armies

The Dragon Armies are a force united under the goddess Takhisis intent on establishing her rule across Krynn.
Dream: To subjugate Krynn to Takhisis's rule.
Admission: Slay a meaningful foe of the dragon army, such as a member of the Whitestone Army, a Knight of Solamnia, a guard of a city not under control of the dragon army, or a member of the dragon army.
Obligations: In order to maintain rank in the Dragon Army, a hero must follow the orders of their superiors or kill them. A hero who fails to do so will be stripped of all affinity and hunted as a deserter, beneath a penalty of death.
Benefits:The Dragon Army offers its members food and shelter based on their affinity. In addition, with an affinity of Sergeant or higher, a member has command of the members below them in rank within their faction. However, this command is still obligated to carry out orders of their superiors. At an affinity of fewmaster and higher, a member can select a number of allies based on their affinity to serve as their personal aides. A Highlord commands the entire army. An Emporer commands the entire Dragon Army.
Factions: The Dragon Armies are made up of five armies. In order of power from least to most, they are the White Dragon Army, the Black Dragon Army, the Green Dragon Army, the Blue Dragon Army, and the Red Dragon Army.
In-fighting within the dragon armies, and even within an army itself, is usually encouraged and Takhisis wants the strongest to rise to the top. Ranks granted by Affinity within the Dragon Armies are valid between each faction, with transfers between armies being allowed once per level in place of increasing affinity.

Dragon Army Affinity

4FewmasterCommon1 Recruit
5SubcommanderCommon1 Soldier
6CommanderCommon1 Sergeant
7Regimental CommanderCommon1 Fewmaster
10HighmasterFine1 Dragon
12HighlordFine1 Dragon Army
15EmperorRoyalThe Dragon Armies
Holy Orders of the Stars

Holy Orders of the Stars

A diverse set of faithful followers of the gods, worshipers of any god can join their deity's Holy Order.
Dream: To grow their deity's worshippers across Krynn.
Admission: Ability to cast divine spells and worshipper of one of the Deities of Krynn.
Obligations: In order to advance affinity in a Holy Order of the Stars, a hero must be in good standing with their deity. A hero who falls out of good standing with their deity may be stripped of their affinity. However, regaining the good graces of their deity will usually result in the restoration of affinity. Finally, members are asked to donate what they can to the cause.
Benefits:Members of the Holy Orders of the Stars can expect food and shelter at any temple or faithful follower's abode. At a temple, accomodations are given to the best of the temple's ability. In addition, members can have spells of a spell level based on their affinity cast for them by another member capable of doing so at no cost. They can also requisition potions, oils, and scrolls of this level up to a value equal to the donations they have given.
Factions: There are twenty-one Holy Orders of the Stars, one for each god. Orders of the gods of good tend to be in opposition of the gods of evil and vice versa.
Ranks granted from affinity within a Holy Order may be transferable between factions if the faction convinces a hero to join their order and leave behind their previous one. This change usually comes at the cost of increasing affinity for one level.

Holy Orders of the Stars Benefits

AffinityGods of Good TitleGods of Neutrality TitleGods of Evil TitleAccommodationsSpell Access
5CurateMaster of EarthCurateGood3
6PrefectMaster of FirePrefectGood3
7CanonMaster of WaterCanonGood4
8ElderMaster of WindsSpiritorGood4
9PatriarchMaster of MysteryGreat5
10High PriestMaster of LightGreat5
11Master of TimeHigh PriestGreat6
12ApostleMaster of ElementsNightmasterRoyal7
13Master of the BookRoyal7
18Chosen ProphetRoyal9
Knights of Solamnia

Knights of Solamnia

The Knights of Solamnia stand as the greatest order of chivalry in Ansalon. Founded by Vinas Solamnus in 1775 PC, in response to a vision sent by Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Habbakuk, the Knights of Solamnia are dedicated to the protection of Solamnia and Ansalon, service to the gods of Good, and above all to the ideals of honor. While there have been examples of corruption and disgrace among the Solamnic Knights, they have also given rise to some of Ansalon's greatest heroes, such as Huma Dragonbane and Sturm Brightblade.
Dream: To bring order, justice, and honor to Krynn.
Admission: A hero must be Trained in martial weapons and sponsored by a knight in good standing. They must then swear an oath of allegiance and face any challenge presented against their character by any other knight.
Obligations: To advance affinity, a hero must follow the orders of their superiors and uphold the Oath and Measure. The Oath is Est Sularus oth Mithas (My honor is my life). The Measure is the set of rules by which a knight lives his life, spanning over 30 volumes. In addition, a hero must donate ten percent of their profit each time they visit a knight outpost.
A hero who fails to meet these obligations may be censured or expelled. A hero who is intentially insubordinate or undermines the cause of the knighthood may be sentenced to death.
Benefits:Knights of Solamnia can expect common food and shelter at any outpost. In addition, they can secure arms and armaments for use by themselves and their companions whose values do not exceed the tithes they've paid. Finally, they may take on squires and command those of their order whose ranks are beneath theirs.
Factions: The Knights of Solamnia have three factions, Knights of the Crown, Knights of the Sword, and Knights of the Rose. New members are inducted into the Order of the Crown, who focus on loyalty and obedience and take Habbakuk as their patron.
Knights of the Sword focus on faith and heroism and take Kiri-Jolith as their patron. In order to join the Knights of the Sword, a hero must have 2 affinity with the knights and then undertake a quest of heroism. At the completion of this quest and when the hero seeks to advance their affinity, they must present themselves before a knightly council and have the tale told of their deed.
Knights of the Rose focus on wisdom and justice and take Paladine as their patron. In order to join their faction, a hero must have 3 affinity with the knights undertaken a great charitable deed. When the hero seeks to advance their affinity, they must present themselves before a knightly council and tell tale of their deed, or of their royal bloodline and the honor it has brought the knights.

Knights of Solamnia Benefits

AffinityKnight of the Crown TitleKnight of the Sword TitleKnight of the Rose TitleSquire
4Scepter KnightKnight of SwordsNovice of RosesSquire
5Shield KnightBlade KnightKnight of TearsSquire
6Shield of CrownsKnight CleristKnight of MindDefender
7Lord of ShieldsAbbot of SwordsKnight of HeartDefender
8Lord of CrownsElder of SwordsKnight of RosesDefender
9Master WarriorMaster of SwordsKeeper of RosesKnight
10Lord WarriorLord of SwordsMaster of RosesKnight
11High WarriorMaster CleristArchknightKnight
12Lord CleristLord of RosesNovice
13High CleristMaster of JusticeNovice
14Lord of JusticeNovice
15High JusticeNovice
Wizards of High Sorcery

Wizards of High Sorcery

The Wizards of High Sorcery the most ancient, venerated, and fearsome of all the magical orders of Krynn. They draw their power from the three moons and the Gods attributed to them, which is the basis for their three orders, the White, Red, and Black Robes. Having arisen during the Age of Dreams, the Wizards have sought to further and strengthen magic and magical knowledge while at the same time, creating a foundation of order and brotherhood among all who would claim the title of mage.
Dream: Strengthen magic and magical knowledge.
Admission: A hero must be able to cast second level arcane spells and then travel to a Tower of High Sorcery to undertake a deadly test that will leave them irreversibly scarred similar to a flaw.
Obligations: A Wizard of High Sorcery must not fight with other wizards within the Towers. In addition, they must donate any unused magic items and spellbooks to the order. Finally, they must bring any mortal capable of casting second level arcane spells who is not a Wizard of High Sorcery to a Tower to undertake the test.
A hero who fails to meet these obligations may be censured or sentenced to death.
Benefits:Wizards of High Sorcery have access to accommodations, common spell components, and arcane laboratories at any Tower. In addition, they can have spells cast for them and access spellbooks of a level based on their affinity at no cost at any Tower, though the school of spell or spellbook is restricted by faction. Wizards may also have magic items of a level based on their affinity repursed for their exclusive use at no cost at any Tower. They also reduce their time in memorizing and scribing spells by 1/4 when their moon is waning, 1/2 when their moon is waxing, and 3/4 when their moon is full. If all three moons are full, they can memorize and scribe spells instantaneously. If their moon is full, they can switch out any of their memorized spells for different spells by concentrating for one minute once per day. Finally, they may take on an apprentice.
Factions: The Wizards of High Sorcery have three factions, White Robes, Red Robes, and Black Robes. New members are inducted into an order of their choice.
White Robes pursue their dream in the hopes of benefiting the world and follow the white moon, Solinari. They do not provide access to Necromancy or Illusion spells.
Red Robes pursue their dream in hopes of bringing balance to magic and follow the red moon, Lunitari. They do not provide access to Enchantment or Necromancy spells.
Black Robes pursue their dream in hopes of gaining power and follow the black moon, Nuitari. They do not provide access to Abjuration or Evocation spells.
A wizard can change orders once per level instead of increasing their affinity.

Wizard of High Sorcery Benefits

AffinityWhite Robe TitleRed Robe TitleBlack Robe TitleSpell AccessRepurposing Access
19th Order9th Order9th Order2+0
28th Order8th Order8th Order2+0
37th Order7th Order7th Order3+1
46th Order6th Order6th Order3+1
55th Order5th Order5th Order4+2
64th Order4th Order4th Order4+2
73rd Order3rd OrderTrimorte5+3
82nd Order2nd OrderSibling to Darkness5+3
91st Order1st OrderBlackmage6+3


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