
The Ranger

LevelBenefitHero’s SurgesTitle
1Ranger Features, Combat Style, Hunter's Quarry, Survivor's Skills4Runner
2Favored Enemy, Skirmisher5
3Courser's Path, Favored Terrain5Scout
4Boon, Greater Combat Style6
5Valor, Favored Enemy6
6Courser's Path Feature7Tracker
7Boon, Favored Terrain7
8Courser's Path Feature8Courser
9Boon, Favored Terrain8
10Heroism, Favored Enemy9Pathfinder
LEVEL 2 Ranger
Favored Enemy
Select a specific type of creature, such as goblin, elf, dragon, undead, angel, or devil. You treat them as under the effects of your Hunter's Quarry and if you use Hunter's Quarry on such a creature, your attacks deal an additional 1 damage.
In addition, you extend your Reknown to such creatures or double it if your Reknown already extends to them.
At level 5 and level 10, select an additional Favored Enemy.
Boon Option: Select an additional Favored Enemy.
Once per turn after you've moved 15’ or more from the location you ended your last turn, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the damage of your next attack. If you do not use this feature on your turn, once before the beginning of your next turn you can use up to 15' of your remaining movement to move after the end of another creature's turn.
Boon Option: Use up to all of your remaining movement with this feature.
LEVEL 3 Ranger
Courser's Path
Your ranger training lifts you to new heights, allowing you to specialize in a particular skill set. Choose a Courser's Path.
Favored Terrain
Select a specific type of terrain, such as mountains, marshland, forest, desert, or urban. While in your favored terrain, you can't become lost, ignore naturally occurring difficult terrain, can move stealthily at a normal pace, and you and your allies travel at double your normal overland speed. In addition, when you forage, double the amount of food you find.
At level 7 and level 9, select an additional Favored Terrain.
Boon Option: Select an additional Favored Terrain.
LEVEL 4 Ranger
Greater Combat Style
Your Combat Style options expand to include the following options and you select an additional Combat Style.
Precise Shot: Your ranged weapon attacks ignore Disadvantage from Cover and Concealment.
Spellcasting: You become Trained in Divine Magic and learn a number of Nature Domain rituals equal to your level, the maximum spell level of which is equal to the number of odd levels you possess. Each level after taking this style, you learn an additional such ritual.
Boon Option: Add your Wisdom modifier to damage, healing, and hit points affected with Divine magic.
Two-Weapon Defense: When you have a limited or better Parry attempt against Multiple Attacks while wielding two weapons, you block an additional attack. In addition, you ignore the one-handed restriction when wielding two weapons.


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