
While many arcane magic-users study or bargain to master the arcane, sorcerers manipulate it naturally. Through talent, blood right, or sheer will, you bend magic to your desire with explosive results known as sorcery.
Each time you evoke your sorcery, you choose its effects. Select a range, element, effect, and empowerments as outlined below.
1. Area
Your sorcery's area determines the area it affects.
Cone: Your sorcery roars out in a 15’ cone.
Line: Your sorcery unleashes in a 30’x5’ line.
Ray: Your sorcery lances forth in a 300’ ray.
Sphere: Your arcane prowess erupts from you in a 20’ diameter sphere (leaving you unaffected if you so choose).
Your sorcery's element determines its damage type and effects. Select either acid, cold, earth, fire, lighting, sonic, water, or wind.
At its base, your sorcery is an arcane evocation resisted by dexterity. Beyond this, you select the effect you would like it to have.
Damage: Your sorcery deals 1d12 damage of its type to creatures in its area, or half that damage if they resist.
  • Requires acid, cold, earth, fire, or lightning. If earth, your sorcery deals your choice of slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage.
    Impact: A concussive or whirling force throws your foes across the battlefield, tripping creatures in the area or pushing or pulling them 10' if they don't resist.
  • Requires earth, sonic, water, or wind.
    Repercussion: You unleash one of these effects on the area to creatures and objects that do not resist: Melt meltable objects, freeze liquids to ice, muddy or solidify the earth, ignite flammable objects, deafen creatures, or drench in water. Repercussions have a duration of 1 round, after which any lingering effect is treated as non-magical.
  • Requires acid, cold, earth, fire, sonic, or water.
    You empower your sorcery's effect by spending sorcery points. Your number of sorcery points is determined by your level, as defined in The Sorcerer table. Each empowerment costs one sorcery point and can be selected multiple times, with the effect stacking.
    Damage: Deal 1d12 acid, cold, earth, fire, or lightning damage to creatures in the area, or half that damage if they resist.
    Impact: Trip, push, or pull creatures in the area 10' if they do not resist. This can be either an earth, sonic, water, or wind effect.
    Range: Choose from one of these effects:
  • Double the area of your cone, line, or sphere.
  • Double the range of your ray or sphere.
  • Unleash your sphere up to 100' away.
    Repercussion: Double the duration of any existing repercussion or add an additional element and associated repercussion effect.

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