Spells by School

Buff Cantrip/Orison
Level 0 Abjuration
Domain: Knowledge, Protection
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour
You are capable of laying stalwart defenses on those you wish to protect. Designate a defense and touch a creature. The target gains a +1 rank bonus on its next use of that defense.
You can only have one instance of this spell active at a time.

Shield (cantrip)
Buff Cantrip
Level 0 Abjuration
Range: 30'
Your watchful eye is more than capable of keeping another safe. You can lay a magical shield upon a creature in range. Until the start of your next turn, the target is immune to magic missle and you are considered to be using the Defend action on them with arcane defense.

Utility Ritual
Level 1 Abjuration
Range: 30', 20' Cloud Duration: Permanent
You place a magical alarm to notify you of trespass. Specify a one-word passphrase. When a corporeal creature the size of a mouse or larger enters the area without speaking this passphrase, you can either be mentally notified of the trespass if you are within 1 mile (and awoken if sleeping) or cause a ringing bell to sound loud enough to be heard 60' away.
Focus: Bell and silver wire
Preservative: An engraved set of silver bells and wire worth 1000 gp

Hold Portal
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Abjuration
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You lay down an arcane lock, making an object impossible to open. Touch a single closeable object such as a door, window, chest, tome, or portal and specify a one-syllable password. The objects locks and cannot be opened normally, unless the password is spoken.
Preservative: 250 gp worth of gold dust, sprinkled on the object

Mage Armor
Buff Ritual
Level 1 Abjuration
Range: Personal Duration: 1 hour per level
You surround yourself with invisible force armor. Reduce all damage you take by 2. At level 7, instead reduce all damage you take by 3. This damage reduction does not stack with that provided by armor.

Protection from Outsiders
Buff Ritual
Level 1 Abjuration
Domain: Freedom, Light, Protection
Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes per level
You lay a ward on a creature to protect it from a type of outsider*. The creature you touch gains a +1 rank bonus on defenses against such creatures. In addition, the target cannot be mentally controlled or possessed by such creatures and conjured or summoned creatures of this type cannot physically interact with the target.
You can cast this spell using concentration. If you do, or if you cast it using a spell point or spell slot, it grants advantage on defenses rather than a rank bonus.
*When you prepare or spontaneously cast this spell, select an outsider type. The spell's name changes to match this selection.

Buff Ritual
Level 1 Abjuration
Range: Personal Duration: 1 hour per level
You draw into a being an invisible arcane shield to protect you. Magic missile spells targeting you are negated. Additionally, you become Adept at parrying melee and ranged attacks and block an additional attack on a limited or better success when defending against multiple attacks.
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter increase the rank this spell grants by 1.

Elemental Trap
Damage Ritual
Level 2 Abjuration
(element) vs. Dexterity
Domain: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You lay down a trap of this spell's type*. Touch a closeable object such as a door, chest, or book, and specify a password of up to three syllables. If the target is opened without speaking the passphrase, the trap is triggered. Creatures within 5' of the target must resist or suffer 1d4 + 1 damage of the spell's type per level. Creatures hit with limited success suffer half damage. The item is not harmed by this eruption.
This spell ends after it is triggered unless you have made it permanent by means of a preservative, in which case you can reset it after an hour has passed with a touch.
Arcane Component: A bit of sulpher or saltpeter.
Preservative: 25 gp of gold dust per imbued level times the imbued level

Protection from Normal Missiles
Buff Ritual
Level 2 Abjuration
Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes per level
Your touch wards off ranged attacks. The target gains immunity to non-magical ranged weapon attacks. Once this spell has absorbed 10 hit points per level of such damage, this effect ends.
Arcane Component: A piece of tortoise or turtle shell.

Resist Elements
Buff Ritual
Level 2 Abjuration
Domain: Air, Earth, Fire, Protection, Water
Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes per level
Your touch wards off harmful elements. Touch a creature. It gains resistance to damage of the spell's type*.
*When preparing or spontaneously casting this spell, select acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The spell's name changes to match this selection.

Dispel Magic
Utility Ritual
Level 3 Abjuration
Abjuration vs. Charisma
Domain: Freedom, Knowledge
Range: 100' Duration: 1 round per level
You tear apart magic forces. Select a creature, object, magical effect, or 30' sphere you can see within range. Magic of a spell level equal to or lower than the number of odd levels you possess on or within the target is dispelled. In addition, you can attempt to dispel higher-level effects, in order of lowest level first. On a critical success, a higher-level spell is dispelled. On a major, it is suppressed. On a normal, it is suppressed for one round. On a failure, you cannot attempt to dispel any additional effects. If you target a specific magical effect of a higher level than you can automatically dispel, you have advantage on this attempt.
Conjured or summoned creatures dispelled by this spell are returned to their place of origin, or rendered out of phase (unable to act, be affected, or have an effect) if suppressed. Permanent magical effects, such as a magic weapon, cannot be dispelled by this spell. If they would be dispelled, they are instead suppressed for 24 hours.
If you cast this spell using a spell point or spell slot, you have reliability on its attempts. If you prepare this spell or are capable of spontaneously casting it, when you see a creature within range cast a spell, you can immediately cast this spell to attempt to counter it.
This spell is always effective in some measure. Even if you fail all attempts and no magic would be suppressed or dispelled by this spell, the lowest-level magical effect it targets is suppressed for one round.

Explosive Runes
Damage Ritual
Level 3 Abjuration
Force vs. Dexterity
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You place a violent trap within a message. Touch small runes you have permanently etched on an object by means of ink, engraving, or the like, and specify a password of up to three syllables. The target becomes only readable from within 5'. If the target is read without uttering the password, the runes explode, dealing 6d6 force damage to the object they were etched upon and all creatures and objects within 10'. A creature that did not trigger this effect can attempt to resist this damage.
After this spell is triggered, it ends.
Arcane Component: Small runes written clearly on a surface.
Preservative: 500 gp of silver powder sprinkled over the target

Magic Circle
Buff Ritual
Level 3 Abjuration
Domain: Astral, Freedom, Nature, Protection
Range: Touch, 20' Sphere Duration: (varies)
You wrap someone in a sphere of magic. Touch a willing creature and invoke a spell you can cast of a level lower than this spell's, or a level lower than your number of odd levels if you cast this spell as a ritual. This invoked spell must also have a duration, a range of touch, and target a willing creature. In addition, if you cast this spell as a ritual, the invoked spell must be a ritual. The invoked spell affects the target, the space around it in a 20' sphere, and creatures in that area when the spell is cast. Thus, a protection from undead spell would prevent a summoned undead creature from both interacting with creatures in the are and the area itself.
If the invoked spell's effects are constrained by usage, such as protection from normal missile's maximum damage negation, that constraint is shared amongst affected creatures. A creature who leaves the area and later returns regains this spell's benefits, but creatures who enter the area after the spell is cast do not. This spell uses the invoked spell's duration, including concentration requirements.
Divine & Arcane component: Runes of powdered silver drawn through the air

Scrying Ritual
Level 3 Abjuration
Domain: Freedom, Protection, Trickery
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour per level or 24 hours
You lay a ward against detection. Touch an object or creature. It becomes untargetable by detection and location spells, as well as any other form of scrying.
You can extend the duration of this spell to 24 hours by sprinkling 50 gp of diamond dust over the target.

Protection from Elements
Buff Ritual
Level 3 Abjuration
Domain: Air, Earth, Fire, Protection, Water
Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes per level
You lay down a powerful ward of elemental protection. Touch a creature. It gains immunity to damage of the spell's type*. Once this spell has absorbed 10 hit points per level of such damage, this effect ends.
*When preparing or spontaneously casting this spell, select acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The spell's name and type changes to match this selection.

Remove Curse
Healing Ritual
Level 3 Abjuration
Domain: Freedom, Justice
Range: Touch
At your command, curses unravel. Touch a cursed creature. You remove the lowest level curse afflicting it. If you cast this spell using spell points or a spell slot, you remove all curses afflicting it.

Dimensional Anchor
Control Ritual
Level 4 Abjuration
Domain: Astral
Range: 100' Ray Duration: Special
You abjure forth a lash that binds. Select a creature or object you can see within range and choose to bind it to your plane or rip it back to its native one. A green ray shoots from your hand and envelops the target in a shimmering emerald field. This ray can only miss on a critical failure. Otherwise, its effect varies based on your success level.
If you bind the target to your plane, the target cannot teleport, become ethereal or astral, change planes, or perform any other form of extradimensional movement. This effect lasts 1 hour per level on a critical success, 1 hour or a major, 10 minutes on a normal, 1 minute on a limited, and until the end of your next turn on a failure.
If you rip the target back to its native plane with this spell, it is also barred from returning to your plane for 1 day on a critical success, 1 hour on a major, or 10 minutes on a normal. On a limited success or failure, the target is temporarily sent to its native plane until the end of its next turn. On a failure, it can end this effect by spending an attack.

Globe of Invulnerability
Buff Spell
Level 4+ Abjuration
Range: Personal, 20' Sphere Duration: Concentration
You surround yourself in a faintly shimmering sphere of magical invulnerability. No magic of 3rd level or lower can function within the area. Spells and spell-like effects negated by this spell can pass through the area in any direction but no effect occurs inside inside it. Thus, a lightning bolt might strike one side of the shield and continue off away on the other, but no lightning would occur within. Any existing spells are suppressed within the sphere, as are magical items and abilities of effected levels. The globe can only be dispelled by a spell of high enough level to function within its area.
When cast at spell level 6, this spell prevents magic up to 4th level. At spell level 8, it prevents magic up to 5th level.
Arcane Component: A glass or crystal bead

Buff Spell
Level 4 Abjuration
Domain: Earth, Protection
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You make skin turn tough as impenetrable stone. Touch a creature. It gains immunity to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. If the target is hit by an attack that would deal slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage of 7 or more, they make a luck check. If the result is unlucky or if the attack was made by a weapon of +3 or greater enchantment, after absorbing the attack the effect ends.
Arcane & Divine Component: 100 gp worth of diamond dust, sprinkled over the target

Utility Ritual
Level 5 Abjuration
Abjuration vs. Push/Pull
Range: 30', 20' Sphere Duration: Permanent
You ensorcell something with powerful magnetism. Touch an object of up to 1 cubic foot per odd level in volume, choose attraction or avoidance, specify a password of up to nine syllables, and choose a trigger. A trigger can be creatures other than you who do not speak the password, objects of specific types (such as weapons, gems, or signet rings of the house of Thuja), or something similar. A trigger that enters the area is drawn to the target if you choose attraction, or repulsed out of the area if you choose avoidance.
If your target is complex, you can specify how this spell's effect occurs. In example, if the target is a doorway you can triggers to be pulled through it and if the target is a sword you can cause it to be drawn into triggers point-first.
If the target is not rooted in place, whether it is drawn to or repulsed from the trigger or whether the trigger is drawn to or repulsed from it is determined by mass, with the lesser mass being drawn to or repulsed from the greater. In the case of a trigger and target of equal mass, they are drawn to or repulsed from each other equally.
You can choose to reduce or exclude regions from this spell's area. This spell's area is linked to the target, so if the target moves, the area moves with it. A creature grasping a trigger can avoid this spell's effect by speaking the password (if you so allow) or successfully resisting it, though a creature suffers disadvantage on such an attempt to resist this spell if it is only holding the trigger in one hand.
Creatures being pulled or pushed into peril by this spell, such as off a cliff or into a spiked wall, can attempt to resist the effect, though if they are successful they still suffer half damage from a damaging effect or are left prone at the edge by a peril such as a cliff. A trigger that is pulled into the target or pushed out of the area can escape this effect through successfully resisting it (either by itself or with the aid of another), though moving the trigger through the area is treated as difficult terrain and this spell must be resisted for every 5' travelled.
Arcane Component: A magnetized needle
Preservative: 2000 gp worth of powdered diamond and iron dust

Break Enchantment
Healing Ritual
Level 5+ Abjuration
Domain: Freedom
Range: 30'
You sever all things magical and supernatural. Select a willing creature or unattended object that you can see within range. Spells, curses, transmutations, and other magical or supernatural effects on the target of this spell's level or lower are ended, or if the target is a +2 magic item or lower, it is disenchanted. In addition, you can attempt to end higher-level effects on the target, in order of lowest level first. On a critical success, a higher-level effect is dispelled or a +3 or better magic item has its enchantment suppressed for 24 hours. On a major, a higher level effect is suppressed for 10 minutes. On a normal, it is suppressed for one round. On a failure, you cannot attempt to dispel any additional effects.
If you cast this spell using spell points or a spell slot, you can target one creature or object per spell level, whether or not they are willing or unattended. This spell is always effective in some measure. Even if you fail all attempts and no magic would be suppressed or dispelled by this spell, the lowest-level magical effect it targets is suppressed for one round.

Private Sanctum
Utility Ritual
Level 5 Abjuration
Range: 10' per level Duration: Permanent
You lay down a powerful ward against magic. Select an area such as a privy, room, or inn within range and specify a passphrase of up to 9 words. The area blocks all detection, scrying, teleportation, planar travel. In addition, the area's perimeter prevents sound, vision, and scent from passing, with creatures only seeing a black fog without or within. A creature can speak this spell's passphrase to bypass any or all of these effect.
Arcane Component: A thin sheet of lead, a piece of opaque glass, a wad of cotton or cloth, and powdered chrysolite
Preservative: Powdered chrysolite worth 500 gp plus 10 gp per 10 square feet affected

=Ritual Scaling Spell
Acid Orb
Damage Cantrip
Level 0 Conjuration
Range: 30' Ray
Your vitriol singes your foes and those who stand too near. You can hurl an orb of acid, dealing 2d3 acid damage on a hit. On a major success, creatures adjacent to the target also take 1d3 acid damage. This splash damage does not benefit from bonus damage, but still stings nonetheless.

Mage Hand
Utility Cantrip
Level 0 Conjuration
Range: 30' Duration: 1 minute or Concentration
You have mastered the ability to manipulate objects from afar. You can conjure a spectral floating hand within range that is capable of lifting up to 10 lbs. As part of casting this cantrip, and on your turn as an attack action, you can use this hand to perform simple actions you would be able to perform with a physical hand.
If you cast this cantrip while you have another instance of it active, the second instance requires concentration.

Find Familiar
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Conjuration
Range: 1 mile per level Duration: Permanent
You summon a tiny or smaller animal within range to act as your aide and companion. If you have a specific creature in mind, you can ensure this spell selects it by touching the creature at the end of its casting. Otherwise, the animal type is determined by a roll of d20:
RollAnimalBonus SkillLeveled Benefit
1-2Arachnid*Climb+5' Speed
3-6CanineSurvivalFamiliar can cast alarm 1/day
7-10FelineStealth+1 rank bonus to initiative
11-14BirdPerceptionFamiliar can cast feather fall 1/day
15-18RodentDeceiveNo 1/2 damage on major successes with Dexterity defense
19-20Snake**SwimRegain 1 HP on spell cast
* or insect ** or amphibian/reptile
The target's Intelligence increases to 2 while under the effects of this spell, allowing it to understand basic commands, which you can communicate telepathically. Additionally, while your familiar is in range, you gain the skill it grants (listed above, after its type). Your familiar acts on your turn, though it cannot make attacks. While you can see your familiar, you can use your Arcane Defense to make defense attempts for it. If it is hit by a targeted attack, it is slain. However, it is not considered a combatant (ally or enemy) in normal circumstances.
The first time you gain a level with your familiar, you gain its specific benefit (listed above, after its granted skill) and the ability to deliver touch spells through it. The second time you gain a level with your familiar, its Intelligence increases to 3, allowing it to communicate with you in a rudimentary fashion through your telepathic link. You can gain both these benefits immediately by burning 1000 gp of incense, herbs, and fat during the casting this spell.
This spell takes 2d12 hours to cast. The familiar does not age while under its effects. This spell ends when your familiar dies or when you release it from service. If you recast this spell on your former familiar, you regain any previous benefits.
Arcane Component: Charcoal, burned in a brass brazier
Preservative: A boon

Control Spell
Level 1 Conjuration
Arcane vs. Trip
Range: 100', 20' Cloud or 1 item Duration: 1 minute
You conjure a type of grease you desire to coat an item or surface. If used on a surface, creatures in the area who do not resist fall prone. Thereafter, when a creature attempts to move or stand up in the area, they must resist or lose their movement and fall prone. In addition, creatures that enter the area must resist or slide to the opposite side of the area and fall prone.
If used on an item, if a creature is bearing the item, they must resist or drop it. Thereafter, any creature attempting to pick up the item or use it must resist or drop the item and waste the action.

Movement Ritual
Level 1 Conjuration
Range: 10' Duration: Concentration, up to 2 hours + 1 hour per level
You conjure a creature to act as a mount. A conjuration resembling a light horse, pony, or equivalent steed outfitted with appropriate riding gear appears in adjacent unoccupied squares within range. A creature riding it can spend a move to direct it to move. It has a speed of 40', is spooked by the sight of battle, and is dispelled if it is attacked or takes damage.
If you cast this spell using a spell point or spell slot, it does not require concentration.
Arcane Component: A bit of horse (or appropriate animal) hair

Obscuring Mist
Control Ritual
Level 1 Conjuration
Domain: Air, Trickery, Water
Range: 0', 40' Cloud Duration: 1 minute
A dense mist pours from you, filling the area and making vision difficult. Creatures and objects in the area are concealed from other creatures and objects and creatures or objects with 20' or more of cloud between them are totally concealed from each other.
In strong winds, at the end of each of your turns, make a luck roll. If the result is unlucky, the mist is dispersed. In very strong winds, it is automatically dispersed at the end of your next turn.
If you prepare this spell or cast it spontaneously, you can cast it at any time with only an utterance.

Summon Monster
Hybrid Spell
Level 1+ Conjuration
Domain: Astral, Nature
Range: 30' Duration: Concentration
You summon beasts to fight at your side. Specify a creature or group of creatures whose total cost does not exeed 1 conjuration point (CP) per spell level. They appear in unoccupied squares of your choice within range. Immediately, and once per turn as part of your subsequent turns, you can direct creatures in range you conjured with this spell to take a movement at a speed of 30 and an action, using this spell's rank for attempts. If you do not direct a creature you conjured with this spell on your turn, it carries out its previous command or defends itself. If a conjured creature is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, or the spell ends, it dissolves away.
Creatures conjured by this spell are usually animal-like in appearance and possess a 2 intelligence. Their size determines their CP cost, along with any modifications.
CPSizeHit PointsDamage

*Cannot benefit from any bonus
Optional modifications:
Double speed: + 1/2 base CP
Flight: 2x total CP
Arcane Component: A tiny bag and a small candle

Unseen Servant
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Conjuration
Range: 30' per level Duration: 1 hour per level
You conjure an invisible servant to act as your right hand. An insubstantial, mindless force appears in an unoccupied square within range. It can perform tasks an average unskilled person could without significant exertion, and you can direct it to do so by merely speaking your command. It has a speed of 15' and is capable of applying 20 pounds of force or dragging 100 pounds plus 30 pounds per level. It is dispelled if it takes damage.

Acid Arrow
Damage Spell
Level 2+ Conjuration
Range: 300' Ray
With a flick of your wrist, you fire a magical arrow of acid. A creature it hits with limited or better success takes 2d4 acid damage per spell level. The target takes this damage again at the start of its next turn on a normal success, at the start of its next two turns on a major, or at the start of its next three turns on a critical, unless the acid is somehow neutralized.
Arcane Component: Powdered rhubarb leaf and an adder's stomach.
Focus: A dart.

Fog Cloud
Control Ritual
Level 2 Conjuration
Domain: Air, Water
Range: 100', 10' per level Cloud Duration: Concentration or 10 minutes per level
A bank of thick fog billows out at your command. The area obscures all sight beyond 5 feet. Creatures and objects in the area are concealed from other creatures and objects and creatures or objects with 5' or more of cloud between them are totally concealed from each other. In strong winds, make a luck roll each turn to see if this spell ends. In very strong winds, it automatically at the end of your next turn.
If you cast this spell using a spell point or spell slot, it does not require concentration.

Control Spell
Level 2 Conjuration
Radiant vs. Dexterity
Range: 100', 20' Sphere Duration: Concentration + 1d4 rounds
You fling out an explosion of shining glitter. Creatures in the area that do not resist are blinded until the end of your next turn. In addition, all creatures and objects in the area, including invisible ones, are outlined in glitter, making concealment impossible and rendering spells or properties that provide visual confusion, such as blur, ineffective.
Arcane Component: Ground mica

Summon Swarm
Hybrid Spell
Level 2+ Conjuration
Domain: Nature
Range: 30' Duration: Concentration + 2 rounds
A swarm of viscous vermin coalesces at your command. Select a creature or space you can see within range. The target or creatures in that space takes 3d4 + 3 piercing damage at the start of their next turn. A creature can spend an attack to fight off this swarm. If it does so, it takes only 1 point of damage piercing damage at the start of its next turn. Otherwise, it takes the spell's normal damage at the start of its next turn.
You must spend an attack on your turn to maintain concentration on this spell. The swarm this spell summons is made up of natural creatures such as rats, bats, spiders, or insects, which can be dispersed by effects that would disperse such creatures.
At each spell level above 2nd, you can target an additional creature with this spell.
Arcane Component: A square of red cloth

Control Spell
Level 2 Conjuration
Conjuration vs. Grapple
Range: 100', 30' Sphere Duration: 1 hour
You unleash an explosion of sticky webbing. Creatures in the area who do not resist are grappled by the webs. In addition, the area becomes difficult terrain and for every 5' a creature travels, it must resist this spell or be grappled again.
The web also negates projectile attacks. Creatures within it have concealment from adjacent creatures and total concealment from non-adjacent creatures, and vice versa. A creature can use an attack action to destroy an area of webbing equal to its size.
If there is no solid mass for the webbing to cling to (such as walls, a ceiling, etc.), it collapses to the ground in a 5' high pile. The web is flammable as well and if ignited, it will burn away in one round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to creatures within it.
Spiders and creatures under the effect of a spider climb spell cannot be grappled by this spell and can climb over and move through the area freely.
Arcane Component: A bit of spider web

Flame Arrow
Damage Ritual
Level 3+ Conjuration
Fire vs. Dexterity
Range: 100' Ray or Touch Duration: Permanent (ritual)
You light arrows in magical flame or conjure flaming arrows into your foes. When you cast this spell with spell points or a spell slot, one flaming arrow per spell level shoots from your hands. A creature struck by it takes 2d6 piercing and fire damage.
When you cast this spell as a ritual, touch up to 2 pieces of ammunition per level. The targets begin to smolder, and burst into flames when fired, dealing an extra 1d6 fire damage to targets they hit and igniting flamable objects or structures.

Phantom Steed
Movement Ritual
Level 3 Conjuration
Range: 5' Duration: 1 hour per level
You call forth a shadowy mount. Select two adjacent unoccupied squares within range. A quasi-real, horse-like creature fitted with what seems to be a saddle, bit, and bridle appears there. It has a speed of 10' per level, uses your rank in this spell for attempts, and moves without sound. It can only be ridden by the creature you specify and only takes move actions when its rider, while mounted, spends a move action to direct it to do so. If it is struck by an attack, make a luck check. On an unlucky result, this spell ends.
If you cast this spell at 8th level or higher, the steed ignores difficult terrain. At 10th level, the steed treats liquids as if they were firm ground. At 12th level, it can ride across gaps or chasms as if they were ground, up to a distance equal its speed. At 14th level, it can gains a fly speed equal to its speed.

Sepia Snake Sigil
Control Ritual
Level 3 Conjuration
Force vs. Dexterity
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You lay a powerful trap on a written work. Touch a section of writing to place a small sigil there. When the sigil is read without speaking a password you specify of up to five syllables, a sepia snake springs forth and attacks the nearest creature to the target other than you. If the snake's target does not resist, it is engulfed in an immobile, impenetrable shimmering amber field of force for 1d4 days + 1 per level. While within this field, the victim is in stasis and time does not pass for them.
If the snake's target resists, the snake disappears in a flash of brown light and a clap of loud noise, leaving its target dazed until the end of its next turn.
This spell ends after it is triggered, unless it has been preserved by a preservative, in which case you can reset it with a touch or allow it to reset naturally after 1 hour.
Arcane Component: Powdered amber, a snake's scale, and a pinch of mushroom spores
Preservative: 500 gp of powdered amber, sprinkled on the symbol

Stinking Cloud
Control Spell
Level 3 Conjuration
Poison vs. Constitution
Range: 30', 40' Cloud Duration: 3 rounds or Concentration
You unleash a billowing mass of nauseating vapors. Creatures in the area and those who end their turn in the area must resist or be nauseated while int the cloud and for 1d4 + 1 turns after leaving. Nauseated creatures lose concentration and can only take a single move action per turn. A naseated creature that has left the cloud can expend an attack to attempt to end this effect.
Beyond the nauseating effect, the area obscures all sight beyond 5 feet. Creatures and objects in the area are concealed from other creatures and objects and creatures or objects with 5' or more of cloud between them are totally concealed from each other.
In strong winds, make a luck roll each turn to see if the spell is dispersed. Very strong winds disperse the cloud at the end of your next turn.
Arcane Component: A rotten egg or skunk cabbage leaves

Black Tentacles
Hybrid Spell
Level 4 Conjuration
Conjuration vs. Grapple
Range: 100', 40' Sphere Duration: Concentration
You summon viscious tentacles to crush your foes. The area becomes difficult terrain and creatures that enter the area or start their turn there must resist or take 3d4 bludgeoning damage and be grappled. Large and larger creatures in the area must resist one additional tentacle attack per size category above medium. A creatured that starts its turn in the area grappled by a tentacle automatically takes the tentacle attack's damage again. Grappled creatures can spend an attack to attempt to escape.
Arcane Component: A piece of giant octopus or giant squid tentacle

Utility Ritual
Level 4 Conjuration
Range: 30' Duration: 1 hour per level or Concentration
You create something from nothing. Specify a non-magical object of mineral, metal, or nonliving vegetable matter of up to 1 cubic foot per level, such as a ladder, linen clothes, hemp rope, marble bust, or iron rod. It appears in an unoccupied space in range. To create a complex item such as a sword or lock you must succeed at a conjuration attempt. If you create a metal or mineral item with this spell, the duration is reduced to 1 minute per level or concentration.
Using an object created by this spell as a spell component causes the spell to fail.
Arcane Component: A tiny piece of matter of the same type you plan to create

Dimension Door
Movement Spell
Level 4+ Conjuration
Range: 400'
You open a portal to another place. Select an unoccupied space you can see in range or specify any direction and distance within range and step through the portal. You appear instantaneously from an identical portal at the target location.
You can bring objects you can carry through this portal, along with one adjacent, willing creature of your size or smaller. If your destination is a place already occupied by an object or creature, you and any creature traveling with you are shunted to the nearest unoccupied spaces within range, taking 1d6 force damage per each 100' increment you are shunted.
For each spell level above 4, this spell allows you to bring an additional creature with you.

Secure Shelter
Utility Ritual
Level 4 Conjuration
Range: 60' Duration: Permanent
You conjure a handsome place of repast. Specify a passphrase of up to seven words and select an unoccupied 20' by 20' by 20' surface in the area. A cottage made of material common to the terrain appears there. The interior of this cottage is level, clean, and dry, and boasts a sturdy door, two shuttered windows, and a small fireplace.
Regardless of composition, the building is treated as a stone building for purpose of fire and breaching. In addition, all entrances can be under the influence of hold portal and alarm spells and an unseen servant provides service to guests within the shelter. Each of these additional spell effects can be commanded or bypassed by creatures who speak the passphrase you specify. Finally, simple furnishings of eight bunks, eight stools, a trestle table, and a writing desk round out the accomodations.
Arcane Component: A square chip of stone, crushed lime, a few grains of sand, a sprinkling of water, and several splinters of wood.
Focus: A bell and silver wire, if you wish to include alarm spells.

Solid Fog
Utility Ritual
Level 4 Conjuration
Domain: Air, Water
Range: 100', 60' Cloud Duration: 10 minutes or Concentration
A bank of thick fog billows out at your command. Creatures and objects in the area are concealed from other creatures and objects and creatures or objects with 5' or more of cloud between them are totally concealed from each other. In addition, the fog is intensely difficult to displace. Moving through the area costs 15' of movement for each 5' moved, melee attacks suffer disadvantage, and ranged attacks fail if they travel more than 5' through the area. Additionally, the cloud slows falling, preventing falling damage if the falling creature or object passes through at least 10' of it.
Only the strongest of winds are capable of dispersing this spell, and do so over a minute of time.
Arcane Component: A pinch of dried, powdered peas combined with powdered animal hoof

Wizard Eye
Scrying Ritual
Level 4 Conjuration
Range: 1 mile Duration: 1 minute per level
You conjure arcane eyes to act as your own. 1 invisible sensor per level appears in an unoccupied square adjacent to you. As part of your turn, you can direct each sensor to fly at a speed of 60' and you can look through each sensor at will, seeing from their space as if with your own eyes. In areas of dim or no illumination looking through a sensor provides 60' of darkvision.
Arcane Component: A bit of bat fur

Damage Spell
Level 5 Conjuration
Poison vs. Constitution
Range: 30', 30' Cloud Duration: 1 minute
At your summons, a cloud of ghastly yellow-green vapors billows forth. Creatures in the area when this spell is cast, those who enter the area for the first time in a round, and those that start or end their turn in the area must resist or take 3d10 poison damage. In addition, creatures and objects in the area are concealed from other creatures and objects and creatures or objects with 5' or more of cloud between them are totally concealed from each other.
The cloud created by this spell moves 10' at the end of each round in a direction away from where it was first cast. Normal winds do not affect the cloud, though strong winds half its duration and can prevent or expedite its movement˜or cause it to travel˜laterally. Very strong winds disperse the cloud in 1 round.
The cloud is heavier than normal air and will descend into pits and down hills but not into liquids.

Faithful Hound
Hybrid Ritual
Level 5 Conjuration
Force vs. Dexterity
Range: 60' Duration: 1 hour per level
You conjure a faithful hound to serve as your guard. Specify a password of up to 9 syllables and select a room, passage, or portal within range. A hound-like creature that only you can see appears in an unoccupied square beside the target area and sets to watch. If a small or larger creature approaches the target without speaking the password, the hound commences a loud barking. If the creature continues into the area without speaking the password, the hound makes a bite attack with advantage and reliability, dealing 3d6 force damage to creatures that do not resist. The hound acts on your initiative, cannot be attacked, and can move anywhere within range as part of its turn.
The hound is able to see invisible and ethereal creatures as well as differentiate between reality and illusion. The hound can bark or attack for a number of rounds equal to your level before this spell ends. This spell also ends if you move than 100' away from the area the hound guards.
Arcane Component: A tiny silver whistle, a piece of bone, and a thread

Plane Shift
Movement Spell
Level 5 Conjuration
Conjuration vs. Charisma
Domain: Astral, Freedom
Range: Personal
You step into another plane. Specify a location on another plane and make a conjuration attempt. You teleport to the target with an accuracy determined by your attempt:
Critical Success: At the target.
Major Success: Within 1d10 miles.
Normal Success: Within 1d100 miles.
Limited Success: Within 1d100 x 10 miles.
Failure: Within an area that is visually or thematically similar to the target.
Critical Failure: On another random plane within an area that is vaguely related to the target.
If you target a summoning circle you have personally interacted with, you automatically arrive within it. If you attempt teleportation to a location you have never seen, you suffer unreliability on your conjuration attempt. If you have never visited the destination plane, you suffer disadvantage on your conjuration attempt.

Secret Chest
Utility Ritual
Level 5 Conjuration
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You enchant a chest to provide storage that bridges into the Ethereal Plane. Touch a container of up to 1 cubic foot per level and specify a password of up to nine syllables. When you speak this password, the target is reduced to a miniature facsimile of itself and its contents are sent to the Ethereal Plane. The contents remain inaccessible until the effect is reversed, which can be done by placing the miniature version on the ground and speaking the password.
Preservative: An elaborately crafted container worth no less than 5,000 gp

Movement Spell
Level 5 Conjuration
Domain: Astral
Range: Personal
You teleport yourself across vast distances. Select a location on your current plane and make a conjuration attempt. You teleport to the target with an accuracy determined by your attempt:
Critical Success: At the target.
Major Success: Within 1d10 miles.
Normal Success: Within 1d100 miles.
Limited Success: Within 1d100 x 10 miles.
Failure: Within an area that is visually or thematically similar to the target.
Critical Failure: Take 1d100 force damage and repeat the attempt.
If you target a summoning circle you have personally interacted with, you automatically arrive within it. If you can see the target or have spent at least a day at it, you have advantage on your conjuration attempt. If you have never seen the target, you have disadvantage. If you have never been to the target's local region, you also have unreliability.

=Ritual Scaling Spell
Utility Cantrip
Level 0 Divination
Range: Personal Duration: 1 day
Like a broken clock, you are skilled in glimpsing the future. After preparing spells or spending an hour in contemplation, you can roll 1d8. The next time you make an attempt that matches this result, you can reroll it and keep the result you prefer. After doing so, this cantrip ends.
You cannot gain a new premonition from this cantrip until the current one is fulfilled or ends.

True Strike (cantrip/orison)
Buff Cantrip/Orison
Level 0 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Personal Duration: 1 round
Your ability to see through time allows you to strike without fail. You can turn your next attack roll, no matter the result, into a normal success.

Comprehend Languages
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Personal Duration: 10 minutes per level
You gain an understanding of language. While touching a creature or text, you understand its language. You only gain comprehension of its literal wording through this spell. You do not gain any additional ability to speak or write through this spell, nor the ability to decrypt intentionally misleading words, coded messages, or deceitful languages, such as Thieves' Cant.
Arcane Component: A pinch of soot and a few grains of salt.

Detect Magic
Scrying Ritual
Level 1 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: 60' Duration: 1 round or Concentration
You unravel the details of a magical item or effect. Select a creature, object, effect, or area you can see within range. If a magical effect exists on the target, you sense its presence and make an arcane magic or divine magic attempt for you. On a limited success, you learn the area the effect exists over. On a normal, you also learn the school of the effect. On a major, you also learn the level or potency of the effect. On a critical, you learn the spell's name and purpose. If you roll a 20, you additionally identify the caster or all other spell effects on the target.
An additional round of concentration on a target allows you to raise the success level of your attempt by one, select another target, or detect an additional effect on a target. If multiple effects exist on a target, you detect the lowest level effect first. If you are aware of an effect, you can target it specifically to unravel its details.
If you spend an hour examining and testing a target and then drink 100 gold pieces worth of crushed pearl stirred into wine with an owl feather before casting this spell, you gain a complete understanding of all magical effects the target, including their history and purpose, and can attune it to an adjacent creature. When cast in such a fashion, this spell is sometimes referred to as Identify.

Detect Outsider
Scrying Ritual
Level 1 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: 60' Duration: 1 round or Concentration
You reach out magical senses, detecting the presence of creatures of this spell's type*. On the first round of this spell, you become aware if any creature of the spell's type is within range. On the second round, you become aware of the number. On the third, the location of each and its strength in relation to your own. This probing is detectable as magic and intelligent targets may perceive their being scried.
*When you prepare this spell or cast it spontaneously, select an outsider type. The spell's name changes to match this selection.

True Strike
Buff Spell
Level 1 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour
You provide a small glimpse of the future that allows for a quick shift in tact. Touch a creature. The target's next unsuccessful attack roll can be rerolled until successful.

Buff Ritual
Level 2 Divination
Domain: Darkness, Light
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour per level
You grant the ability to see anywhere. Touch a creature. It gains the ability to see naturally visible things within 60', despite limited lighting or absolute darkness, magical or otherwise. This vision is black and white but otherwise like normal sight.
Arcane Component: A pinch of dried carrot or an agate

Detect Deception
Scrying Ritual
Level 2 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Touch Duration: 1 round or Concentration
You reveal intentional deception. Touch an object, such as a wall, door, chest, or bowl of porridge. If the object contains a deception, such as a secret door, a trap, or poison, you become aware of it. If the target contains multiple deceptions, the nearest or weakest is revealed first, with subsequent deceptions being revealed over additional rounds of concentration. For large objects, such as walls or floors, you glean information from 10 square feet per level per round.

Detect Thoughts
Scrying Ritual
Level 2 Divination
Divination vs. Wisdom
Range: 30' Duration: 1 round or Concentration
You sense the presence of purpose or sentiment in those around you. Select an emotion, such as anger, hunger, curiosity, weariness, deception, or vengeance. You become aware of the number of creatures thinking such thoughts within range or the location of the nearest one. As an action, you can change the type of emotion you detect or focus on an individual creature's thoughts to learn the potentency of the detected emotion.
A creature possessing more hit points than your maximum can attempt to resist the detection of this spell, though your DM will secretly make this roll.
Arcane Component: A copper piece

Locate Object
Scrying Ritual
Level 2 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: 300' Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You track down an object. Specify a specific object you can clearly visualize, such as your coin purse, or a general object, such as a set up stairs down. If the object is within range, you sense its direction. Otherwise, you are aware of its absence.
As an action, or as part of your turn if you cast this spell using a spell point or spell slot, you can locate a new object.
Focus: A forked twig

See Invisibility
Buff Ritual
Level 2 Divination
Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes per level
Your grant sight into realms beyond the norm. Touch a creature. The target gains the ability to see objects or beings that are invisible, ethereal, or astral.
Arcane Component: Pinch of talc and a sprinkling of powdered silver

Scrying Ritual
Level 3 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: 400' Duration: 1 minute per level
You cast your senses beyond their mortal range. Choose a location within range you are familiar with or that is obvious (such as 15' behind a door, around a corner, down a pit, etc.). You either see (clairvoyance) or hear (clairaudience) as if you were there. You can pull your senses from this place at any time, and as an action you can return or senses to the location or switch between sight and hearing.
This spell does not pierce magical protection and spells such as silence or darkness affect it as if you stood in their effect. If a place is naturally dark, however, you can see as if it were illuminated 10' in all directions.
Focus: A small horn (clairaudience) or a glass eye (clairvoyance)

Utility Ritual
Level 3 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Touch Duration: 10 minutes per level
You grant the gift of language. Touch a creature. It gains the ability to speak and understand any standard language. Intentionally misleading forms of communication, such as thieves' cant, are not decoded by this spell.
Arcane Component: A small clay model of a ziggurat, shattered to cast

Detect Scrying
Scrying Ritual
Level 4 Divination
Range: Personal, 100' Cloud Duration: 24 hours
You raise a sensor to detect scrying. When any attempt is made within the area to magically detect, observe, locate, or otherwise scry information, you become immediately aware of its origin, target, and details. If an attempt is made to scry on anything within the area from outside the area, you can make an Arcana check opposed by the scrier's magic. If successful, you see the scrier in your mind and learn their direction and approximate distance. This effect persists until this spell ends or the triggering scrier ends its observations.

Locate Creature
Utility Ritual
Level 4 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: 300' Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You scry out something's location. Specify a familiar, clearly visualized individual or the nearest creature of a specific type, such as a human or unicorn, within range. If it is within range, you become aware of its location. If it is not, you become aware of its absence. If the target is in range and in motion, you also become aware of its direction and pace. Running water blocks location by this spell.
Arcane Component: A bit of bloodhound's fur

Scrying Ritual
Level 4 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Unlimited Duration: Concentration or 10 minutes
You cast out a magical sensor through which you can see and hear. Specify an individual creature or specific object or locale of which you have at least second-hand knowledge and make a divination attempt. If you only have second-hand knowledge of the target, this attempt is unreliable. If you are extremely personally familiar with the target, speak its true name, or use a fragment of it (such as blood, hair, a thread, or a shaving), this attempt is reliable. If the target is on another plane, you have disadvantage on this attempt (your DM may make the secondary roll secretly if you are unaware of the target's current plane).
If your attempt is successful, an invisible magical sensor appears in the nearest unoccupied space to the target and moves with it. You can see and hear through this sensor as if you stood there.
Creatures that can sense the presence of magic may notice this sensor. If you cast this spell as a ritual, it takes 1 hour to cast. If you cast this spell using spell points or a spell slot, it does not require concentration. If you attempt to cast this spell with an improvised focus, your DM may allow you to do so at disadvantage with a reduced duration equivalent to the reduced focus value.
Arcane Component: The eye of a bird of prey and a small amount of copper, zinc, and spirit of niter.
Arcane Focus: A mirror, crystal ball, or similar gazing device worth at least 1000 gp.
Divine Focus: A font containing 100 gp worth of holy water or a perfectly tranquil natural pool.

Contact Other Plane
Utility Ritual
Level 5 Divination
Range: Personal Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round per odd level
You send your mind to planes outside your own, seeking out an intelligence to answer a question. Begin asking questions at a rate of one question per round. All answers come in a single word, such as Yes, No, Maybe, Never, or Irrelevant. When you ask a question, your DM will roll a divination attempt for you, with the success level determining the usefulness of the answer. On a critical successes, you receive answer that is key to your question. On a major you receive a more helpful answer. On a normal, you receive a strictly truthful answer. On a limited, you receive Irrelevant. On a failure, you receive a lie. On a roll of 1, your contact with the mind of an alien being fractures your psyche.
If your psyche is fractured by this spell, whenever you cast a spell, your DM may adjust your actions as if you were under the effect of a confusion spell. Each time you take a long rest, your DM will make an Intelligence attempt for you to see if this condition ends, goes dormant, stays the same, or gets worse.

True Seeing
Buff Ritual
Level 5 Divination
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration
Your blessing grants the ability to see what truly is. Touch a creature. It gains the ability to see reality despite lighting levels, distorting effects, or magical interference to a distance of 120'. Illusion, polymorph, and concealment effects are pierced by this spell, along with ethereal and astral effects.
If you cast this spell using spell points or a spell slot, it lasts for 10 minutes and does not require concentration or a material component.
Arcane & Divine Component: An ointment made from saffron, fat, and rare mushroom powder worth 250 gp, applied to the eyes

=Ritual Scaling Spell
Control Cantrip
Level 0 Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 30'
Your enchantments are so compelling they can leave those who stand against you reeling. You lay a compulsion upon a creature you can see within range. If it does not resist, it is pushed 5' and loses its next attack on a normal success, its next attack and movement on a major, and next turn on a critical. Even on a miss, targets struggle to deny your charisma.

Utility Cantrip
Level 0 Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 5' Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 per level
Your tongue is skilled in compulsion. Make a suggestion to an intelligent humanoid within range. If the target does not resist, it treats this suggestion as if it were from a close friend.
You may be able to convince the target to provide you access to a restricted area, give you a free meal, not search your person, or other actions they would only allow someone they favor. On a major success, this cantrip's duration changes to minutes. On a critical, it changes to hours. On a 20, the duration becomes permanent. On a failure, the target realizes you attempted to exert magical influence over them.
When this cantrip ends, the target realizes you magically manipulated them. You can only have one instance of this cantrip active at a time. If you attempt to cast this cantrip again, the previous instance ends. This cantrip is unreliable on creatures with more hit points than your maximum.
Arcane Component: Chalk, lampblack, or vermillion applied to the face

Charm Person
Control Ritual
Level 1 Enchantment
Charm vs. Charisma
Range: 30' Duration: 1 hour per level
You lay a charm on humanoid creature within range with whom you can communicate. If the target is being threatened or attacked by you or your allies or has more hit points than ten times your level, it can attempt to resist this effect. While charmed, the target considers you, your words, and your actions in the best possible light, as if you were great friends.
Any act by you or your allies that threatens the target ends this effect. When this spell ends, the target becomes aware you ensorcelled it.

Control Ritual
Level 1 Enchantment
Compulsion vs, Charisma
Range: 30' Cone Duration: 2d4 rounds
Your words and gestures weave deeply into minds. Creatures in the area that can see and hear you and do not resist stop what they are doing and stare blankly your way, hypnotized. You can make a single, brief request which, if reasonable, targets accept in the best possible light and you can release them from their trance to take the suggested action. Any immediate threat or injury ends this compulsion, as does someone shaking or slapping the victim.
This spell is unreliable against creatures in combat. While hypnotized, creatures suffer unreliable perception. Creatures who do not resist this spell or who resist on a limited success do not recall being ensorcelled. Even after this spell ends, affected creatures retain their postive attitude toward you in regards to your suggestion.
This spell can be cast as a ritual, but only through a preperation feature such as Arcane Preperation.

Control Spell
Level 1+ Enchantment
Range: 100', 30' Sphere Duration: 1 minute
You cast forth an irresitible compulsion to sleep. Roll 2d4 per spell level and multiply by 4. This many hit points worth of concious creatures in the area fall unconcious, in order of lowest hit points first. Physical jarring or damage of any sort awakens a target.

Utility Ritual
Level 2 Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 10' Duration: Permanent
You wipe a mind of memory. Select a creature you can see within range. It forgets the events of up to 1 minute per level. If the target is unwilling, at the beginning of its next turn it can attempt to resist this effect.
Preservative: a pinch of powdered amber

Hold Person
Control Spell
Level 2+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Domain: Astral, Justice
Range: 60' Duration: Concentration
Your enchantment freezes a foe in place. Select a humanoid creature with no more than 20 hit points that you can see within range. The target is paralyzed. At the start of its turns, it can attempt to end this effect.
At each spell level above 2nd, an additional creature can be targeted.
Arcane Focus: A straight piece of iron

Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter
Control Spell
Level 2+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 30' Duration: Concentration
Your joke compels riotous laughter. Select an intelligent creature in range. It falls prone in a fit of manic laughter. If the target has more than 30 hit points it can attempt to resist this effect. While in a fit of manic laughter, a creature is unable to take actions or move. A creature that takes damage while under this effect can attempt to end it.
At each spell level above 2nd, you can target an additional creature with this spell.
Arcane Component: Tiny tarts thrown at the target and a feather waved in the air

Control Spell
Level 3+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 100' Duration: Concentration
You send a mind into fury. Select a creature you can see within range. The target becomes enraged. At the end of the target's turns, it can attempt to end this effect. In addition, if the target has more than 40 hit points, it can attempt to resist this effect. For each spell level above 3rd, you can target an additional creature with this spell.

Control Spell
Level 3+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 100' Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
You lay a seemingly benign compulsion over another. Select a creature you can see within range and suggest a one-sentence course of action, worded in a manner as to make it sound reasonable. The target attempts to carry out this action when they are able to. Targets with more than 60 hit points can attempt to resist this effect. If the suggestion is obviously harmful to the target, such as a suggestion to impale themselves on a spear, this spell fails.
A target can be deceived by means of this spell, but if the deception becomes apparent (such as when a creature jumps into a pool of acid after being suggested it is water), the effect ends. This effect also ends after the suggested activity is completed.
For each spell level above 3, you can target two times as many creatures with this spell's suggestion.
Arcane Component: A snake's tongue and a bit of honeycomb or sweet oil

Charm Monster
Control Ritual
Level 4 Enchantment
Charm vs. Charisma
Range: 30' Duration: 1 hour per level
You ensorcell a monster. Select a creature you can see within range. It consider you, your words, and your actions in the best possible light, as if you were great friends. If the target has more hit points than ten times your level or if it is being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, it can attempt to resist.
Any act by you or your allies that threatens the target ends this spell. When this spell ends, the target becomes aware you ensorcelled it.

Control Spell
Level 4 Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 100', 30' Sphere Duration: Concentration
You call down a circle of madness. Creatures within the area who do not resist become confused. At the start of a confused creature's turn, roll 1d10. The result determines how the target acts:
1 - The target spends its turn moving safely away from any interaction that is taking place, as if disinterested
2-6 - The target spends its turn doing nothing. Afterwards it can attempt to end the spell's effect.
7-9 - The target spends its turn making melee attacks against a random creature within reach.
10 - The target acts normally and can spend an attack to attempt to end this spell's effect.
Arcane Component: Three nut shells

Control Spell
Level 4+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 100' Duration: 1 minute
You render a foe obscenely clumsy. Select a creature you can see within range. It suffers disadvantage on all attempts and immediately drops anything it was holding. In addition, the target becomes unable to pick up or hold anything and whenever it attempts to move in a fashion other than crawling, it falls prone.
A target with more than 10 hit points per spell level can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect. If it succeeds, lingering lack of body control causes it to be slowed. While slowed, it can spend an attack to attempt to end the slowing effect.
For each spell level above 4, you can target an additional creature with this spell.
Arcane Component: A dab of solidified milkfat

Control Spell
Level 4+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Domain: Justice
Range: 30' Duration: Permanent
You command an unbreakable quest. Select a creature you can see within range and order it to carry out a specific service or refrain from a certain action. The target must follow your given command until it completes the task, at which point the spell ends. If the task is open-ended, such as 'Wait here' or 'Defend this area against attack', the spell remains in effect for 2 days per spell level.
You cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death. A creature is only required to follow the letter of the command, not the spirit, so clever creatures may find ways to subvert its purpose. If the target has more than 20 hit points per spell level it can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect.
Dispel Magic cannot end this effect, though restoration, break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, or wish cast at an equal or higher level can attempt to.

Hold Monster
Control Spell
Level 4+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Domain: Astral, Justice
Range: 100' Duration: Concentration
With a word and gesture, you root a foe in place. Select a creature with 60 hit points or less that you can see within range. It is paralyzed. A target can attempt to end this effect at the start of its turns.
At each spell level above 4th, you can target an additional creature with this spell.
Focus: A straight piece of iron

Dominate Person
Control Spell
Level 5+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 100' Duration: Concentration
You place a mind under your control. Select a humanoid of up to 10 hit points per spell level that you can see within range. Once per round when the target takes a turn, you can force it to act as you desire. The target can attempt to end this control at the end of a turn in which its actions have been dominated. If you force the target to take a suicidal action, it can attempt to end this spell prior to doing so.
If you cast this spell over the course of an hour on a target, its duration changes to one day per spell level. In addition, as an action, you can provide the target with a command. The target gets one attempt per day to resist a command. If it resists, this spell ends. If it does not, it will continue to attempt to carry out this command to the exclusion of all other activities not necessary for its survival (such as eating and sleeping). Finally, as a full round action requiring concentration, you can receive full sensory input from the target as if you were in its body.

Control Spell
Level 5 Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Intelligence
Range: 100' Duration: Permanent
You tear apart intelligence. Select a creature you can see within range. Its Intelligence score becomes 1, the roughly equivalent of a puppy's. It loses the ability to speak, understand communication, cast spells, parry, or make weapon attacks. It retains its knowledge of friend and foe and can follow or protect those it trusts.
If the target has more than 70 hit points, it can spend an action to attempt to end this effect.

Lamentable Belaborment
Control Spell
Level 5+ Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Range: 30', 20' Sphere Duration: Concentration + 3 rounds
You strike up an argument that eventually leads conversers into madness. Intelligent creatures within the area must resist or be compelled into discussion with you. Targets that do not speak your language have reliability resisting this effect. Targets with less than 30 hit points cannot resist.
Affected targets begin a discussion with you and other targets on the topic you choose, making a luck roll at the end of each of their turns while you maintain concentration on this discussion. On the first unlucky result, a target wanders off in confusion, avoiding you. On the second, they fall prone, lamenting the hopelessness of finding reason. On the third, they become enraged and return to attack other targets under the affect of this spell. A roll of 1 counts as two unlucky results. A roll of 20 ends the effect.
A target wounded by an enraged target becomes enraged. If only one target remains, it continues this argument with itself. This effect ends for a target if it is attacked by you or another creature not under the effects of this spell.
For each spell level above 5th, double this spell's range and increase the size of its sphere by 10'.

Symbol of Sleep
Control Spell
Level 5 Enchantment
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Domain: Trickery
Range: 60' Duration: Permanent
You enchant a symbol capable of sending others into a catatonic state. Touch a large, clearly-visible rune you have spent 10 minutes inscribing into a solid surface such as a floor, door, arch, or wall, then specify a password of up to nine syllables and a trigger. A trigger can be something general, such as touching the symbol, walking beneath the symbol, or looking at the symbol, and it can be further limited by specifying a triggering creature type, name, deity of worship, or similar selection criteria.
Provided the symbol is not covered or obscured, when the trigger is met by a creature that does not speak the password, the symbol is activated in a brilliant glow of light. Creatures within range that have line of sight to the symbol and less than 40 hit points and do not speak the password fall unconcious 1 hour.
If you have made this spell permanent through a preservative, you can reactivate the symbol 1 hour after it was triggered by touching it. Otherwise, it reactivates automatically at the dawn of the next day.
Arcane Component: Mercury and phosphorus
Preservative: 1000 gp of powdered diamond and opal

=Ritual Scaling Spell
Utility Cantrip/Orison
Level 0 Evocation
Evocation vs. Charisma
Domain: Air, Light
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour
You are capable of bringing light to the darkness. Your touch can cause an object to glow like a torch, shedding bright light of a color you desire in a 20' radius and dim light an additional 20'. If the object is possessed by an unwilling creature, it can attempt to resist this effect.
If you cast this cantrip while you have another instance of it active, the second instance requires concentration.
Arcane Component: A firefly or bit of phosphorescent moss

Ray of Frost (cantrip)
Hybrid Cantrip
Level 0 Evocation
Range: 60' Ray
You can unleash cold as piercing as a spurned lover's stare. At your gesture, a frigid ray blasts force. A creature hit by it takes 1d6 cold damage and has its speed reduced by 10'. You can use a hampering effect to increase this cantrip's speed reduction by 5' and even on a miss, the target still gets goosepimples.

Thunderwave (cantrip/orison)
Hybrid Cantrip/Orison
Level 0 Evocation
Domain: Air, Freedom
Range: Touch
You hold thunder in the palm of your hand. With a successful touch, you can deliver a thunderous force, pushing your target 5' and dealing 1d6 sonic damage.

Burning Hands
Damage Spell
Level 1+ Evocation
Fire vs. Dexterity
Range: 15' Cone
At your word, flames leap from your fingers. Flames erupt in a fan, dealing 2d4 fire damage per spell level. Flammable materials are ignited by this spell.

Floating Disk
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Evocation
Range: 30' Duration: 1 hour per level
You create a slightly concave disk of force in range that follows you about. It is 3' in diameter and can hold 100 pounds of weight or 2 gallons of liquid per level. The disk floats above the ground at a speed of 30'. You can spend a move action to direct the disk to move in a manner other than following you. The spell ends if the disk ever moves out of range.
Arcane Component: A drop of mercury

Magic Missile
Damage Spell
Level 1+ Evocation
Range: 300'
You fire a volley of magical missiles at your foe. 2 missiles per spell level burst from your fingers to impact one or more creatures you can see in range. Each missile deals 1d4 + 1 force damage.
When you cast this spell, you can choose to try to force more missiles to appear. If you do so, make an arcane magic attempt. On a normal success, you get 2 missiles per spell level. On a major, you get 3. On a critical, one of these missiles critically hits. On a limited, you get 1 and on a failure, you missiles hit your target as harmless sparks.
Alternatively, you can choose to fire 1 missile per spell level, then concentrate on this spell. At the start of each of your turns while concentrating on this spell, make an arcane magic attempt. On a normal success, as an attack action you can fire 1 more missile per spell level. On a major, you can fire 2. On a critical, one of these missiles critically hits. On a failure, this spell ends.

Ray of Frost
Hybrid Spell
Level 1+ Evocation
Range: 60' Ray Duration: 1 minute
Your gesture fires a brutally frigid ray. A creature hit by it takes 2d6 cold damage per spell level and has its speed reduced by 15' per spell level. You can use a hampering effect to increase this speed reduction by 10'. The target can spend an attack to attempt to end this slowing effect by resisting cold with Constitution.

Shocking Grasp
Damage Spell
Level 1+ Evocation
Range: Touch
Your grasp delivers a brutal jolt of electricity. Your successful touch deals 2d8 + 2 lightning damage per spell level. This damage is considered a single die for purposes of hampering and devastating effects. You have reliability with this attack against targets utilizing metal armor or metal shields.

Hybrid Spell
Level 1+ Evocation
Sonic vs. Strength
Domain: Air, Freedom
Range: 10' + 5' per spell level Cone
You unleash a mighty clap of thunder. Creatures in the area who do not resist take 2d6 sonic damage per spell level and are pushed the distance of the cone, as are any unsecured objects. On a limited success, this spell deals half damage. The boom of this spell can be heard up to 300' away.

Continual Light
Utility Ritual
Level 2 Evocation
Domain: Light
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You create enduring light. Touch an object. A light spring from it. It can be of a color of your choice and up to as a bright as a torch, casting bright light in a 20' radius and dim light an additional 20'. This light creates no heat and requires no oxygen or fuel and cannot be extinguished.
This spell negates the Darkness spell and all other darkness spells of its level or lower.
Preservative: 500 gp worth of powdered ruby sprinkled on the target

Control Spell
Level 2 Evocation
Domain: Darkness, Trickery
Range: 100', 30' Sphere Duration: 10 minutes
Your word invokes a flood of absolute black. Magical darkness fills the area, so consuming even darkvision and infravision cannot penetrate it. Only magical light of an equivalent or greater spell level is capable of piercing it.
You can target an object with this spell. If you do, it sheds the darkness like a torch sheds light, and thus can be blocked by completely covering it in something like a barrel or a sheath.
This spell negates the Continual Light spell and all other light spells of 2nd level or lower. It requires no somatic component.
Arcane Component: A bit of bat fur and either a drop of pitch or a piece of coal

Elemental Sphere
Damage Spell
Level 2+ Evocation
(element) vs. Dexterity
Domain: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Range: 100' Duration: Concentration
You call forth a sphere of primordial distruction. Select an unoccupied space within range. A 5' diameter globe of this spell's type* appears there. When you cast this spell and as an attack action, you can roll the orb up to 30'. Creatures the globe collides with must resist or take 1d6 damage of the spell's type per spell level, as must creatures that end their turn adjacent to it. Creatures that are hit with limited success suffer half damage.
*When you prepare or spontaneously cast this spell, select acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The spell's name and type change to match this selection.

Gust of Wind
Control Ritual
Level 2 Evocation
Evocation vs. Push
Domain: Air
Range: 0', 60'x10' Line Duration: Concentration
Wind explodes from your fingertips. Creatures in the area who do not resist are pushed 15' on a normal success, 30' on a major, or 60' on a critical, or until they are out of the area. Movement toward you in the area is hindered. As an attack, or as part of your turn if you cast this spell with spell points or a spell slot, you can change the direction of the blast and attempt to push creatures in the area again.
This spell is reliable against creatures with wings and those whose size is small or smaller. It is unreliable against large and larger creatures. This spell is capable of dispersing clouds, blowing out torches and lanterns, stirring up dust, and anything else a strong wind might do.
Arcane Focus: A tiny billows

Scorching Ray
Damage Spell
Level 2+ Evocation
Range: 100' Ray
You unleash bolts of fire. Fire one ray per spell level at one or more targets in range. A creature hit by a ray suffers 2d6 fire damage.

Damage Spell
Level 3+ Evocation
Fire vs. Dexterity
Range: 400', 40' Sphere
You invoke explosive fire upon your foes. A tiny ball of fire shoots from your hands, bursting upon impact or when it reaches the center of the targeted area. Creatures in the area who do not resist take 2d6 fire damage per spell level and unattended objects in the area ignite if combustible or melt if prone to melting.

Lightning Bolt
Damage Spell
Level 3+ Evocation
Lightning vs. Dexterity
Range: 100', 120'x5' Line or 60'x10' Line
You unleash lighting. A bolt of electricity erupts from a space you specify within range and lances away from you. Creatures in the area who do not resist take 2d6 lightning damage per spell level. This spell is destructive and may blast through thin barriers, melt soft metals, or ignite flammable objects. If the full length of the bolt is blocked by a non-conducting barrier it cannot blasted through, such as a stone wall, this spell loses 1/6 of its length and then rebounds in the same manner a ball might, creating an addtional area of effect. This additional area may subject new creatures an objects to its affect or strike creatures it has already struck again.
Arcane Component: A bit of fur and an amber, crystal, or glass rod

Tiny Hut
Utility Ritual
Level 3 Evocation
Range: 0', 20' Sphere Duration: 2 hours per level
You weave a protective space from the forces of magic. An immobile sphere of force of a color of your choosing forms around you, centered on your feet. Up to nine other Medium-size creatures can be in the area at the time this spell is cast. If the number of creatures or size of a creature exceeds this, the spell fails.
The interior of the hut is a comfortable temperature. It cannot cannot be seen from outside, but creatures within can see outside. If you leave the hut, this spell ends. However, creatures in the area when this spell is cast can pass out and back into the hut at any time. Nothing else can pass through the hut in either direction, including spells and magical effects.
Arcane Component: A small crystal bead

Wind Wall
Utility Spell
Level 3 Evocation
Wind vs. Strength
Domain: Air, Protection
Range: 100', 20' per spell level Wall Duration: Concentration
You call forth a roaring wall of wind. An invisible curtain of vertically rushing hurricane-force wind springs up in the area. This wall is 10' high per spell level and 2' thick. Passing through the wall is difficult. Walking creatures of tiny or smaller size, flying creatures of small size or smaller, and gaseous creatures cannot pass through the area and lose their movement and must resist or fall prone if they try. Gases, including gaseous breath weapons, and objects of small or smaller size, such as arrows, are also rebuffed. Walking creatures of small or larger size must resist this spell in order to pass through, as must any form of attack. Creatures that resist this spell may still have loose articles of clothing or items torn from their person.
Arcane Component: A tiny fan and an exotic feather.

Fire Shield
Buff Spell
Level 4 Evocation
Fire or Cold vs. Dexterity
Range: Personal Duration: 1 minute
You ignite yourself in the protective retribution of magical flames. Choose hot or cold flames. Your body is wrapped in such flames which do not harm you or your possessions but rather provide the following benefits.
1. Bright light in a 20' radius and dim light an additional 20'.
2. Resistance to cold damage (hot flames) or fire damage (cold flames).
3. No damage or negative effect from cold effects (hot flames) or fire effects (cold flame) that you resist.
4. Creatures that hit you with melee attacks take your choice of 1d6 + 7 fire damage (hot flames) or cold damage (cold flames), or this damage type in the unreduced damage the triggering attack dealt.
Arcane Component: A bit of phosphorus for the fire shield or a live firefly or glowworm (or the tails of 4 dead ones) for the cold shield

Ice Storm
Hybrid Spell
Level 4+ Evocation
Domain: Water
Range: 400', 40' Sphere Duration: 1 round
You call down hailstones to thunder the ground. Creatures in the area take˜1d10 cold and bludgeoning damage per spell level and the area slickens into difficult terrain. Creatures within it suffer disadvantage against pushes, pulls, and trips, and can be shifted an additional 5 feet with hampering effects.
Arcane Component: A pinch of dust and a few drops of water.

Resilient Sphere
Control Spell
Level 4+ Evocation
Range: 30' Duration: 10 minutes
You fire a ray that envelopes its target in a shimmering globe. Select a medium or smaller creature you can see within range. It is encased in an 8' sphere of force. If the target is unwilling, attempt to strike it with a force ray attack. On a failure, this effect lasts until the start of the target's next turn. On a limited, it lasts until the end of the target's next turn. Nothing can pass through this sphere in any direction, though the target can breathe without issue. In addition, when you cast this spell, decide whether the sphere is mobile or immobile. If it is mobile, creatures exerting enough force on it can roll it.
At spell level 6, you can target large creatures with this spell. At spell level 8, you can target huge creatures.
Arcane Component: A hemispheric piece of clear crystal and gum arabic

Utility Ritual
Level 4 Evocation
Domain: Knowledge
Range: Unlimited Duration: 1 round
You send a message. Select a creature with whom you are familiar and specify a short message of twenty-five words or less. The subject receives this message telepathically. It recognizes you if it knows you and can choose to respond immediately in the same fashion. This spell can be used to send messages to semi-intelligent creatures such as animals, but their reaction is limited by their intelligence and they are not obligated to act on your words in any manner.
If you are not on the same plane as the target, you must succeed on an evocation attempt or this spell fails.
Arcane Component: A bit of fine copper wire.

Wall of Fire
Damage Spell
Level 4+ Evocation
Fire vs. Dexterity
Domain: Fire
Range: 100', 20' per spell level Wall Duration: Concentration
Your call forth a flaming wall. A 10' high, 10' wide wall of fire bursts into being. Creatures who do not resist, who move into the wall, or who start their turn there take 4d4 fire damage, plus 2 per spell level. Creatures that resist this spell move to the nearest unoccupied space outside of the area. Flammable objects that remain within the area for more than 1 round are incinerated by this spell.

Wall of Ice
Hybrid Ritual
Level 4 Evocation
Domain: Water
Range: 100', 10' per level Wall or 5' per level Sphere Duration: 1 minute per level
You invoke a wall of bitterly cold ice. You can choose to form this spell in a wall or sphere. If formed in a wall, it is 10' high, which can be placed horizontally so long as it is solidly fixed to a structure strong enough to bear its weight, such as ravine walls to form a bridge. If it is formed in a sphere, it must also be solidly placed with at least 1/3 of it supported. Either way it is created, it is 1 inch thick per level and its ice does not extend into solid matter.
This spell's ice can be broken through by dealing 1 physical or fire damage per inch of thickness to a 5' square segment. If this ice is broken, a sheet of magical cold is left where it once stood. Creatures passing through this cold take 1d6 cold damage plus 1 per level.
The sudden melting of this spell's ice, such as with a fireball, burning hands, or other powerful fire effect ends magical cold effect and creates a cloud identical to the fog cloud spell in the melted area.
Arcane Component: A piece of rock crystal such as quartz

Cone of Cold
Hybrid Spell
Level 5+ Evocation
Cold vs. Dexterity
Range: 60' Cone Duration: 1 round per spell level
With a gesture, a blast of extreme cold explodes from your palm. Creatures in the area must resist or take 2d6 + 2 cold damage per spell level. In addition, this spell freezes normal liquids and slickens the ground in the area into difficult terrain. Creatures treading it suffer disadvantage resisting pushes, pulls, and trips, and can be moved an additional 5 feet with hampering effects.
Arcane Component: A small crystal or glass cone

Interposing Hand
Control Spell
Level 5 Evocation
Range: 200' Duration: Concentration
You invoke an arcane force to defend you. Select a creature, object, or space that you can see. A 10' high by 10' wide by 2' thick evocation that usually resembles an open hand appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within range˜between you and the target. Unless commanded otherwise, the hand unerringly stays between you and the target, even if the target polymorphs, becomes invisible, or otherwise alters its normal visibility. Depending on the target's size and proximity, this interposition grants you cover or total cover from the target's attacks and vice versa. In addition, the hand prevents a target with less than Legendary strength from moving toward you, and causes a target with at least Legendary strength to treat pushing forward against it as difficult terrain.
As a move action on your turn, you can direct the hand to act in a different fashion. It has a speed of 60' in all directions and it remains in an open hand form. It can be oriented in any direction and used to lift or push up to 1000 pounds, or twice that at half speed. It cannot take any reactive or intelligent actions other than imposition, and it cannot combine imposition with other directed activities.
The hand has 50 hit points and uses your rank in this spell for defenses. If it is reduced to 0 hit points or goes more than 200' from you, this spell ends.
Arcane Component: A soft glove

Wall of Force
Utility Spell
Level 5+ Evocation
Range: 30', 20' per spell level Wall or 5' per spell level Sphere Duration: 1 minute or Concentration
You invoke an invisible, nigh-indestructable barrier of force. When you cast this spell, choose a wall or a sphere. If you choose a wall, this spell creates a 10' high wall within range. If you choose a sphere, its effect does not penetrate solids. Either way, this spell creates an invisible, quarter-inch thick field of force that cannot be breached, even by incorporeal or ethereal creatures, nor can it be damaged or dispelled. It blocks all physical and magical effects, including sounds and breath weapons, though it does not prevent visual effects such as a medusa's gaze. It can, however, be bypassed via teleportation and cancelled by effects that destroy magic such as a disintegrate spell or a rod of cancellation or sphere of annihilation.
Arcane Component: A pinch of powder from a clear gem

Wall of Stone
Control Spell
Level 5+ Evocation
Domain: Earth, Protection
Range: 200', 10' per spell level Wall Duration: Permanent
You magic into being a creation of stone. Create a 5' high structure supported from surrounding earth or stone. Creatures in the area when this spell is cast are pushed out to an adjacent space they choose. The wall is two inches thick at spell level 5, three at 7 and four at 9. Each 5 foot square of the wall has 15 hit points per inch of thickness and resists physical damage. The wall can be made taller or thicker by sacrificing corresponding length. It does not need to be created vertically, however, it does need to be attached to support points. I.e. a bridge needs to be buttressed and permanently anchored to either side of the gap it spans. Adding custom work such as buttressing or arrow loops reduces the wall's length by half.
Arcane Component: A small block of granite

=Ritual Scaling Spell
Dancing Lights
Utility Cantrip
Level 0 Illusion
Range: 120', 20' Cloud Duration: 1 minute or Concentration
Just like your heart, your illusions are capable of lighting a path or leading the gullible astray. Create a single, faintly glowing humanoid shape or up to four lights that resemble lanterns, torches, or will-o'-wisps within the area. Figments this cantrip creates cast dim light in a 20' sphere. You can move the lights within the area and move the area within range as part of your turn. If you cast this cantrip while you have another instance of it active, the second instance requires concentration.

Control Cantrip/Orison
Level 0 Illusion
Figment vs. Intelligence
Domain: Trickery
Range: 30'
You are capable of producing audacious magic on whim. Select a creature you can see within range. Figments of light flare into its eyes. If it does not resist, until the end of its next turn it suffers a -1 rank penalty on its attempts on a normal success, disadvantage on a major, or is blinded on a critical. Even on a miss, the target is left blinking its eyes.
The target can spend an attack to end this cantrip's effects.

Minor Image
Utility Cantrip
Level 0 Illusion
Figment vs. Intelligence
Range: 60' Duration: 1 minute or Concentration
Among other things, you carry the ability to conjure illusions up your sleeves. You can create an illusory sound or silent image in a square you can see within range. A sound can be heard at a distance up to this cantrip's range and an image can be of an object of up to 5 cubic feet in size. Neither the sound nor the image is capable of causing real harm.
A creature observing the illusion can attempt to disbelieve it. If the image or the sound's square is attacked, this cantrip ends.

Color Spray
Control Spell
Level 1+ Illusion
Pattern vs. Wisdom
Range: 15' Cone Duration: 1d4 rounds
You blast the area with a vivid spray of clashing colors. Creatures in the area must resist or be stunned and those with less hit points than 1d8 per spell level are also blinded if struck with a major success and knocked unconcious on a critical. Targets struck with limited success instead suffer a -1 rank penalty on defenses. Targets with more hit points than the blind threshold can attempt to end this spell's effect at the start of their turns.

Disguise Self
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Illusion
Glamer vs. Intelligence
Range: Self Duration: 1 hour per level
You cloak yourself in an illusory appearance. You can make yourself, along with any possessions you wish, appear a foot taller, shorter, fatter, or thinner, and completely different in detail. You must maintain your overall creature type, including arrangement of limbs, and the illusion is nothing more than a glamer. Creatures inspecting or observing something inconsistent with your image can attempt to resist the illusion, as can those who interactact with illusory components, such as somone you strike with a stick disguised to look like a sword.

Illusory Script
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Illusion
Phantasm vs. Charisma
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You enchant words into a secret message. Touch a page, sign, scroll, or other short missive and designate people you wish capable of reading them. To others, the information appears as a different message, a foreign language, or something else you decide. If you so desire, creatures attempting to dispel this effect with less than critical success destroy all affected writing.
At level 5, creatures who attempt to glean further meaning, dispel, or decipher this script can also be implanted with a suggestion (as per the suggestion spell) if they do not resist.
Focus: Suitable writing material and instrument
Preservative: 50 gp of lead-based ink, used to write the message

Utility Ritual
Level 1 Illusion
Figment vs. Wisdom
Range: 300' Duration: Concentration + 10 minutes
You craft an illusion. Create an auditory and visual image with a size of up to 10 cubic feet per level within the area. This illusion can act within the area as directed and as an action while concentrating on it, you can alter its effects.
A creature interacting with the illusion can attempt to disbelieve it. If the illusion is attacked, the spell ends, unless it is permanent or you are concentrating and spending actions to provide realistic reactions.
At 3rd level, you can produce olfactory effects to pair with the illusion. At 5th level, its duration becomes permanent. Additionally, you can begin to produce thermal effects. At 7th level, as a move action you can move the illusion within range. At 9th level, you can program the illusion to move, act, and react in any manner you desire without requiring concentration.
No effect of this spell is capable of causing real harm.
Arcane Component: A bit of fleece and several grains of sand
Preservative: 1000 gp worth of gold dust per odd caster level

Magic Aura
Utility Ritual
Level 1 Illusion
Glamer vs. Intelligence
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You glamer an item to appear magical or disguise the magical nature of an item. Touch an object and imbue it with a subtle glow, sheen, hum, or similar glamering effect, or hide such traits. Creatures that interact with the target's false or concealed effects use magical means to investigate it can attempt to resist this spell.
Certain powerful items and artifacts may be too potent to be affected by this spell.
Arcane Component: A small square of silk
Preservative: A square of exotic silk stiched with silver worth 1000 gp

Buff Spell
Level 2 Illusion
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration
You lay an illusion over a creature's form, making them appear to shift and waver. Touch a creature. They gain concealment. If you cast this spell on yourself, it lasts for one minute and does not require concentration.

Hypnotic Pattern
Control Spell
Level 2+ Illusion
Range: 100', 30' Sphere Duration: Concentration + 2 rounds
You weave a twisting pattern of colors through the air that capture the eyes. Roll 2d4 per spell level and multiply by 4. This many hit points worth of seeing creatures in the area are fascinated, in order of lowest hit points first. While fascinated, creatures take no actions and suffer disadvantage on perception attempts. Physical jarring or damage of any sort ends this effect on a target.
This spell requires no verbal component.
Arcane Component: Lit incense or a glowing phosphorescent rod

Buff Spell
Level 2+ Illusion
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Beneath your fingers, anything can be made to disappear. Touch an object or creature. The target fades into invisibility. If the target is a creature, its possessions and anything it conceals upon its person also become invisible, while objects that leave its possession lose this effect. This spell ends if the target makes an attack or casts a spell on a creature other than itself.
At each spell level above 2nd, you can target an additional creature or object with this spell.
Arcane Component: Eyelash, bit of gum arabic

Magic Mouth
Utility Ritual
Level 2 Illusion
Range: 30' Duration: Permanent
You place a triggered illusion. Select an object or space of up to 1 square foot per level within range and specify a trigger. When the trigger occurs within 30' of the target, an illusion unfolds. This illusion can be both visual and auditory and lasts up to 1 round per level, delivering up to 25 words per round. A mouth can appear to threaten those who approach, an illusory trap could thunder the air, or the lips of a statue could whisper a message. No effect of this spell can cause real harm.
If you are on the same plane when the illusion is triggered, you become immediately aware, and can be awakened if sleeping. This spell ends after it is triggered unless you have made it permanent by means of a preservative, in which case it resets when you spend an action within range to reset it, or after an hour passes.
Arcane Component: A bit of honeycomb
Preservative: 100 gp worth of jade dust, sprinkled on the object

Mirror Image
Buff Spell
Level 2+ Illusion
Range: Personal Duration: 1 minute
Illusory clones make you difficult to keep track of. 2 duplicates per spell level spring from you, mimicking your actions. When you are hit by a targeted attack, randomly determine if the attack struck you or a duplicate. If a duplicate was struck, you take no damage but the duplicate is destroyed.
After casting this spell, you can make an attack.

Phantasmal Force
Hybrid Spell
Level 2+ Illusion
Phantasm vs. Wisdom
Range: 60' Duration: Concentration
You pierce a mind with a phantasm. Select a creature you can see within range. You create a phantasm in its mind consisting of an object, creature, or force. This phantasm exists within the target's mind in a space within this spells range and is fully believable to the creature in every sensory aspect. The effects this have on the creature vary depending on the phantasm. If it believes a sealed door exists in a hallway, it will not be able to see past it or get through it without bashing its way through or finding another means to open it. If it believes a bridge exists over a chasm, if it desires to cross the chasm it will attempt to use it. If it sees itself attacked by a dragon, it will suffer wounds from it. As an action, you can change the phantasm you create.
If you choose to attack the target with a phantasmal threat, when you cast this spell and as an action on your turn you can cause the target to suffer from a martial maneuver or to believe it has been injured, taking 1d6 psychic damage per spell level. After interaction with a phantasm, or when an ally spends an action to convince the target the phantasm is not real, the target can attempt to end this effect.
At spell levels above 2, you can target an additional creature with this spell.
Arcane Component: A bit of fleece.

Shadow Evocation
Utility Spell
Level 3+ Illusion
Figment vs. Intelligence
Range: As the spell imitated Duration: As the spell imitated
Through shadowy illusion, you unleash a quasi-real evocation. Select an arcane evocation spell of up to 1 spell level lower than the spell level of this spell. You cast an illusory version of this spell. In addition to any attempt the imitated spell offers, creatures interacting with it can attempt to resist this spell. If they do so, they are not affected by the imitated spell. In addition, objects are not affected by the imitated spell.
In example, if you imitate burning hands, creatures in its 15' cone can both attempt to resist it and this spell. If they only resist burning hands, they may still take half damage. If they resist this spell, they take no effect from burning hands.

Utility Ritual
Level 3 Illusion
Glamer vs. Intelligence
Range: 100', 20' per level Cloud Duration: 1 hour per level
You lay down an illusion of vacancy and neglect. Specify a passphrase of up to five words. Creatures beholding the area see dust, cobwebs, dirt, decay, or any other conditions of disuse that you desire and creatures passing through the area without speaking the passphrase leave tracks and other normal evidence of the area's disturbance.
Objects and willing creatures in the area when this spell is cast that remain perfectly motionless can be concealed by it. Creatures passing through will not notice them unless they specifically initiate forceful contact to search the area, in which case they can attempt to resist this spell. A normal success allows a creature to tell there is an invisible object or creature present, a major allows them to see the object or creature, and a critical success allows them to see through the entire illusion.
The slightest movement or action of an object or creature rendered invisible by this spell causes it to become visible. You can reduce the area affected by this spell to fit your needs.
Arcane Component: A 100 gp square of the finest black silk

Hallucinatory Terrain
Utility Ritual
Level 4 Illusion
Glamer vs. Intelligence
Domain: Nature
Range: Sight, 30' per level Sphere Duration: Permanent
You make one type of terrain look, sound, and smell like another. Open fields could be made to resemble a swamp, a road a crevasse, and a pond a hill. Structures, equipment, and creatures within the area are not disguised by this illusion, though they may be concealed. Creatures who interact with a false aspect of this illusion can attempt to see through the effect.

Improved Invisibility
Buff Spell
Level 4 Illusion
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration
Your touch bestows nigh-unbreakable invisibility. Touch a creature or object of up to 10 cubic feet. It becomes invisible. If the target is a creature, its possessions also become invisible, so long as they remain on its person.

Phantasmal Killer
Damage Spell
Level 4 Illusion
Phantasm vs. Wisdom
Range: 100'
You unleash a creatures's worst terror upon its mind. Select a creature you can see within range. A phantasm of a horrifying monster that only it can see appears adjacent to it and attacks. If the attack hits, the target takes 6d6 psychic damage, and you repeat the attack until you miss.

Rainbow Pattern
Control Spell
Level 4 Illusion
Pattern vs. Wisdom
Range: 100', 30' Sphere Duration: 1 minute or Concentration
You unleash a mesmorizing rainbow of interwoven colors. Seeing creatures in the area must resist or be captivated. Captivated creatures cannot leave the area or take any action other than to defend themselves.
As part of your turn you can move the area 30' in any direction. If you do, on their turn, captivated creatures duplicate this movement. If following the pattern would result in obvious danger, a captivated creature can attempt to end this effect.
This effect also ends if a creature is attacked or if it can no longer see the pattern. Creatures with more than 50 hit points can attempt to end this effect at the end of their turns.
Arcane Component: A piece of phosphor
Focus: A crystal prism

Shadow Conjuration
Utility Spell
Level 4+ Illusion
Figment vs. Intelligence
Range: As the spell cast Duration: As the spell cast
Through shadowy illusion, you unleash a quasi-real conjuration. Select an arcane conjuration spell of up to 1 spell level lower than the spell level of this spell. You cast an illusory version of this spell. In addition to any attempt the imitated spell offers, creatures interacting with it can attempt to resist this spell. If they do so, they are not affected by the imitated spell. In addition, objects are not affected by the imitated spell.
In example, if you imitate summon monster to summon a dire ape, creatures hit by the dire ape's attacks can attempt to resist it. If they do, they take no damage from its attacks.

Utility Ritual
Level 5 Illusion
Phantasm vs. Wisdom
Range: Unlimited Duration: 24 hours
You enter another's dreams. Speak the name of a creature known to you that is capable of dreaming. The next time it falls asleep (or if it is currently), you are made aware and may enter its dreams for up to 5 minutes per level. While in its dreams, you can communicate with the target or manufacture any experience for it you desire.
If the dreams you create are nightmarish, the target can attempt to end this effect. If it fails to do so, it gains no benefit from its sleep, cannot take a long rest for the duration of this spell, and suffers 1d10 psychic damage upon awakening.
You can choose whether or not a target remembers its dreams when it awakes, though if your desires are at odds, it can attempt to resist this effect.
While within a target's dream, you are aware of your surroundings but are otherwise in a trance-like state, unable to move, defend yourself, or take actions.
For each odd level you possess above 9, you can target an additional creature with this spell. This spell is capable of contacting recipients on other planes.

False Vision
Scrying Ritual
Level 5 Illusion
Domain: Knowledge, Protection, Trickery
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You cast forth trickery capable of deceiving all divination. Touch a creature, object, or enclosed area of up to 5 cubic feet per level. When, location, detection, or scrying attempts are made on the target, you become immediately aware and can return a false image or response that you specify when this spell is cast, or you can concencentrate to provide whatever false result you desire.
Preservative (enclosed area only): 500 gp worth of jade dust per 5 cubic feet, sprinkled over the area

Utility Ritual
Level 5 Illusion
Glamer vs. Intelligence
Range: 30' Duration: 12 hours
You cast out a cloak of illusion. Select up to one creature per odd level you possess within range that you can see and alter them and their possessions to appear different. Each target can be made a foot taller or shorter, fatter or thinner, and completely different in detail. You must maintain your overall creature type, including arrangement of limbs, and the illusion is nothing more than a glamer. Creatures inspecting or observing something inconsistent with your image can attempt to resist the illusion, as can those who interactact with illusory components, such as somone you strike with a stick disguised to look like a sword.
Unwilling creatures targeted by this spell can attempt to resist it.

Shadow Door
Utility Spell
Level 5 Illusion
Range: 30' Duration: 1 minute
You mislead others with a false door. Select a square in range to place an illusion of a door. If you step through this door, you become invisible and can teleport to an unoccupied square in range. Creatures who open the door and look inside see an illusion of whatever you desire. However, if they attempt to enter they either pass through to the next square (if you created the door in open space) or are rebuffed by what appears to be magic (if you placed the door against a barrier, such as a wall).

=Ritual Scaling Spell
Chill Touch (cantrip/orison)
Hybrid Cantrip/Orison
Level 0 Necromancy
Cold & Necrotic
Domain: Darkness, Death
Range: Touch Duration: 1 round
You can turn your hand as frigid as a former lover's heart. Your successful touch deals 1d6 cold and necrotic damage and the target is weakened on its next attack.
An undead creature takes no damage from this cantrip. Instead, until the end of its next turn, it reduces its damage by the damage this cantrip would have dealt. On a critical hit, it also spends its next movement to move away from you. A undead creature with more hit points than your own can spend an attack to end the damage reduction effect.

False Life (cantrip)
Buff Cantrip
Level 0 Necromancy
Range: Personal Duration: 1 hour
Your experience with the undying has left you somewhat capable of the same. By concentrating for one minute, you can gain 2 temporary hit points per odd level you possess.

Ray of Enfeeblement
Control Cantrip
Level 0 Necromancy
Range: 60' Ray
The strength of others withers before your ire. You can fire a coruscating ray from your finger. A creature hit by it is weakened and suffers unreliability on Strength checks and their next attack before the end of their next turn. On a major success, this effect lasts for their next two attacks. On a critical, it affects all attacks until the end of their next turn. Even on a miss, their step seems a little less spry.

Animate Dead
Hybrid Spell
Level 1+ Necromancy
Domain: Death
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration up to 24 hours + Permanent
You animate the dead. Touch one medium corpse per spell level. It rises as an unintelligent skeleton or zombie. Immediately, and as part of each of your subsequent turns while you maintain concentration on this spell, you can command targets of this spell you can see to move and take an action. Targets use this spell's rank for attempts. If you do not direct a corpse you animated with this spell on your turn, it follows its previous command or attacks the nearest living creature it perceives.
Skeletons have a speed of 30, deal slashing damage, and are resistant to piercing damage. Zombies have a speed of 20, deal bludgeoning damage (and half damage on a Limited Success), and are resistant to bludgeoning damage.
A corpse animated by this spell can never be raised from the dead. If you recast this spell, you can regain control of a number of uncontrolled undead raised by it within 60' equal to the number you could have raised. Without a perservative, you can only regain the resources used to cast this spell by destroying the undead it created.
You can use this spell to animate corpses that are not medium in size. The equivalent cost (EC) to raise such corpses and their hit points and damage are as follows.
Cost (EC)SizeHPDamage
*Does not benefit from bonuses of any source.
Arcane & Divine Component: A drop of blood, a piece of flesh, and a pinch of bone dust.
Preservative: An onyx gem worth 25gp per EC, placed into the mouth or eyesocket of the corpse.

Cause Fear
Control Spell
Level 1+ Necromancy
Fear vs. Wisdom
Domain: Death, Trickery
Range: 30' Duration: Concentration
You unleash a terrible fear upon a foe. One creature of your choice per spell level within range spends its turns moving away from you in the fastest and safest manner possible. A target with more than 1d8 hit points per spell level can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect.
This spell can be reversed to remove a fear effect from a target, and is referred to as Remove Fear when doing so.
Arcane Component: A bit of bone from an undead creature

Chill Touch
Hybrid Spell
Level 1+ Necromancy
Cold & Necrotic
Domain: Darkness, Death
Range: Touch Duration: 1 minute
Your fingers cloud with icy, black magic. On a successful touch, you deal 2d6 cold and necrotic damage per spell level to your target and it is weakened. Against an undead target, you deal no damage but cause the target to use their turn to flee from you. A target can spend an attack to attempt to end this spell's effects, though undead with less hit points than your damage result cannot attempt to do so for 1 turn on a normal success, 2 turns on a major, or 3 turns on a critical.
On a limited success with your touch attack, you can end this spell to deal 1/2 its normal damage.

Control Spell
Level 2+ Necromancy
Curse vs. Constitution
Domain: Darkness, Justice, Light
Range: 100' Duration: Permanent
You curse the target with a sensory affliction. Select a creature you can see within range and choose blindness, deafness, or muteness. The target is afflicted with is effect. If the target has more hit points than 2d8 per spell level, it can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect.

Command Undead
Control Spell
Level 2+ Necromancy
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Domain: Astral, Death
Range: 30' Duration: 24 hours
Your orders compel undead. Select an undead creature within range. If the target is unintelligent, it falls completely under your command. If the target is intelligent, it is charmed by you, seeing all of your words and actions in the best possible light.
If the target has more hit points than 2d8 per spell level, it can attempt to end this effect at the end of each of its turns.

False Life
Buff Ritual
Level 2 Necromancy
Range: Personal Duration: 1 hour
You draw necromantic power over your skin, imbuing yourself with unnatural strength. You gain 1d10 temporary hit points plus 1 per level.
Arcane Component: Alcohol for tracing sigils on your body

Ghoul Touch
Control Spell
Level 2+ Necromancy
Poison vs. Constitution
Domain: Death
Range: Touch Duration: 1d6+2 rounds
You cripple a foe with a ghoul's necrotic woe. Your successful touch causes a creature to exude a carrion stench and, if it has less than 10 hit points per spell level, paralyzes it. Creatures other than you that start their turns within 10' of the target must resist or become sickened, suffering a -1 rank penalty to all attempts. Sickened creatures can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect.
Arcane Component: A scrap of cloth taken from a ghoul's clothing or a pinch of earth from a ghoul's lair.

Spectral Hand
Buff Ritual
Level 2 Necromancy
Range: 100' Duration: 1 minute per level or Concentration
You shape a ghostly, incorporeal hand from your life force. Roll 1d4. You take this much true damage, and the hand gains this many hit points. The hand moves with you, or you can move it within range as a move action. You can deliver touch attack spells of up to 4th level through the hand and gain a +1 rank bonus to such attacks when doing so. As an attack action, you can direct the hand to manipulate any object as you could, lifting as much weight as you might.
You use your your rank in this spell for the hand's attempts. While not manipulating an object, the hand is immune to non-magical attacks and is reliable on defenses. If the hand is destroyed, you must take another 1d4 true damage to recreate it. If the hand leaves the spell's range or is destroyed and recreated, it reappears at your side at the start of your next turn.

Hold Outsider
Control Spell
Level 3+ Necromancy
Compulsion vs. Charisma
Domain: Astral, Death, Light
Range: 100' Duration: Concentration
Your command freezes an outsider of this spell's type* in place. Choose an outsider of this spell's type with 40 hit points or less that you can see within range. It is paralyzed. An intelligent creature affected by this spell can attempt to end this effect at the start of its turns.
At each spell level above 3, you can target an additional creature with this spell.
*When you prepare or spontaneously cast this spell, select a type of outsider. The spell's name changes to match this selection.
Arcane Component: A pinch of sulfur and powdered garlic

Vampiric Touch
Hybrid Spell
Level 3+ Necromancy
Range: Touch
Through terrible necrotic magic, you drain away life. Your successful touch of a creature deals 1d6 necrotic damage per spell level and you regain an equal number of hit points. Any excess healing done by this spell is converted to temporary hit points.
If cast on an undead target, this spell's effects are reversed.

Hybrid Spell
Level 4+ Necromancy
Disease vs. Constitution
Domain: Darkness, Death, Trickery
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You unleash a terrible disease. Your successful touch of a creature weakens it and reduces its current and maximum hit points by 1d10 per spell level.
A target with more hit points than 10 per spell level can spend an attack to attempt to end this spell's effects, as can a target that takes a long rest. If this attempt results in a failure, roll 2d6 and apply an additonal effect as follows (on a critical failure, roll 2d6 twice): On a 2-3, the target is additionally rendered mute. On a 4-5, it is slowed. On a 6-8, it is deafened. On a 9-11, it is dazed. On a 12, it is blinded. If the target rolls an effect it is already suffering from, it instead reduces its current and maximum hit points by an additional 1d10.
Any creature that comes into physical contact with the target other than you must resist this spell or be afflicted by it.

Hybrid Spell
Level 4+ Necromancy
Range: 100' Ray Duration: Permanent
A black bolt of crackling negative energy springs from your finger to sap life. A creature hit by this ray has its current and maximum hit points by 1d8 per spell level and suffers disadvantage on all attempts. Creatures who have more than 10 hit points per spell level can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect.
Against undead creatures, this spell does not cause disadvantage and instead increases the target's current and maximum hit points by an amount equal to hit point reduction it would have caused.

Magic Jar
Control Spell
Level 5+ Necromancy
Necrotic vs. Charisma
Range: 20' per spell level Duration: 8 hours
You cast your soul into a vessel in preperation of possessing another body. Your body falls to the ground lifeless and your soul enters the spell's focus. From within the focus you have no physical senses available but can sense other sentient life forces within range, including their relative health and as a full round action you can attempt to possess a life force within range. If this attempt succeeds, your soul is transferred to the target and the target's soul is trapped in the focus. If you fail to possess a target, you cannot attempt to possess that target again until the next time you cast this spell.
While possessing a target, you use the target's hit points and Strength, Consitition, and Dexterity scores, but retain all mental abilities and skills you possessed in your previous body (though the target's body and equipment might restrict your use of them).
You can revert a possession initiated by this spell to return to the focus or your body as an action, so long as they are within range. You are forcibly returned to one of your choice if the body you possess is slain or destroyed. When you return to the focus, the soul of the target is returned to its body. If its body has been slain or destroyed, it dies. If your body has been destroyed or killed you cannot return to it. If you are forced out of a possession or the focus and cannot return to either your body or the focus, you die. If the focus is dispelled or destroyed or you return to your body, this spell ends.
This spell's duration increases to 12 hours at spell level 6, 18 hours at spell level 7, 24 hours at spell level 8, and becomes permanent at spell level 9.
Focus: A gem or crystal worth at least 100 gp

Symbol of Pain
Control Spell
Level 5 Necromancy
Necrotic vs. Constitution
Domain: War, Justice
Range: 60' Duration: Permanent
You enchant a symbol capable of crippling others with wracking pains. Touch a large, clearly-visible rune you have spent 10 minutes inscribing into a solid surface such as a floor, door, arch, or wall, then specify a password of up to nine syllables and a trigger. A trigger can be something general, such as touching the symbol, walking beneath the symbol, or looking at the symbol, and it can be further limited by specifying a triggering creature type, name, deity of worship, or similar selection criteria.
Provided the symbol is not covered or obscured, when the trigger is met by a creature that does not speak the password, the symbol is activated in a brilliant glow of light. Creatures within range that have line of sight to the symbol and do not speak the password suffer wracking pains while within the area and for˜1 hour afterwards. Creatures suffering wracking pains have˜unreliability on attempts and cannot regain hit points. Creatures with more than˜40 hit points can attempt to end this effect at the end of their turns.
After activating, the symbol radiates its effect for 1 hour, subjecting creatures who enter the area without speaking the password to its effects. If you have made this spell permanent through a preservative, you can reactivate the symbol with a touch. Otherwise, it reactivates automatically at the dawn of the next day.
Arcane Component: Mercury and phosphorus
Preservative: 1000 gp of powdered diamond and opal

Waves of Fatigue
Control Spell
Level 5 Necromancy
Range: 30' Cone Duration: 8 Hours
You pour forth waves of negative energy. Creatures in the area are slowed and weakened. Creatures can spend an attack to attempt to end one of these effects.

=Ritual Scaling Spell
Affect Normal Fires
Utility Cantrip/Orison
Level 0 Transmutation
Domain: Darkness, Fire, Trickery
Range: 60', 5' Sphere
Fire obeys your bidding. You alter the intensity of a non-magical fire within the area, extinguishing it, reducing its flames to coals, turning it to a raging inferno, or anything in between.
Alternatively, you can turn the fire magical, causing it to cast twice the light without burning faster or hotter or doubling the heat without burning brighter or faster. When you do so, the duration becomes Concentration, or you can spend a Hero's Surge to make the effect permanent.
Focus: A fire
Preservative: 10 gp of gold dust sprinkled over the fire

Animate Rope
Utility Cantrip
Level 0 Transmutation
Arcane vs. Grapple or Trip
Range: 120' Duration: 1 round or Concentration
For you, animating objects is a simple feat. You can animate a rope within range, causing it to rise vertically, pass over surfaces, tie in knots, or otherwise manipulate as you had it in your hands. Against a creature you can see, you can use the rope to make a grapple or trip attempt.
Arcane Component: A rope

Utility Cantrip
Level 0 Transmutation
Range: 10'
At the wave of your hand, magic springs. You can perform a small, harmless magical trick or task within range. Examples include heating or cooling a drink, repairing an object of up to 1 cubic inch of damage, drawing a symbol, opening an unlocked door, lighting or extinguishing a candle, or cleaning or soiling an item of up to 1 cubic foot in size.

Buff Spell
Level 1 Transmutation
Polymorph vs. Constitution
Range: 30' Duration: 1 minute
You alter something's size, growing or shrinking it. Choose an object or creature you can see within range and increase its size to the next size category, doubling its dimensions and multiplying its weight by 8, or decrease its size one category, reducing its dimensions by half and dividing its weight by 8. If the target is a creature, it has its possessions enlarged or reduced as well, though when they leave its possesion they immediately revert. If environmental constraints would harm the target through this transformation, the spell fails.
While enlarged, a creature increases its Strength modifier by 2 and gains reliability on Strength checks but reduces its Dexterity modifer by 2 and suffers unreliability on Dexterity checks. While enlarged, a weapon increases its damage dice one size and requires a creature to be one size larger than it normally would to wield. These effects are reversed for reduced creatures or objects.
If the target is an unwilling creature or an object possessed by an unwilling creature, the creature can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect.
After casting this spell, you can make an attack.

Expeditious Retreat
Movement Ritual
Level 1 Transmutation
Domain: Astral, Freedom
Range: Touch Duration: 1 minute per level
You bestow extraordinary swiftness. Touch a creature. The target doubles its speed and jumping distances.
If you prepare or spontaneously cast this spell, you can cast it with a move action and allow the target to immediately take a move action.
Arcane Component: Grasshopper's leg (broken to cast)

Feather Fall
Movement Ritual
Level 1 Transmutation
Range: 30', 20' Sphere Duration: 1 minute per level
You cause creatures or objects to fall safely. Up to 300 lbs. per level of objects or creatures of your choice within the area fall at a rate of 10' per second, taking no falling damage.
If you prepare or spontaneously cast this spell, you can cast it at any time with only an utterance.
Arcane Component: A feather

Utility Ritual
Level 1 Transmutation
Range: 100' Duration: 1 minute per level
You magically unlock a stuck, barred, locked, or magically held object. This spell can be used to open secret doors whose location is known but the access is not. This spell can only unlock a single lock on a closeable object; if multiple locks are in place, multiple spells are required. You can select which lock you address with this spell as long as you are aware of it.
When used on magical locks, this spell suppresses them for its duration.
Focus: A door knocker

Magic Weapon
Enchanting Ritual
Level 1 Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You imbue a weapon with magic. Touch a nonmagical weapon or implement. It becomes enchanted +1. You can specify a name or password of up to one syllable per +1 that turns this effect on and off, and you can include sigils or engraving on the target in like number as well.
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, increase the maximum bonus this spell can grant by 1 and gain the ability to target magical weapons and implements with lower enchantments than you can grant. In example, at level 5 you can target a +1 glaive or a non-magical scythe to make either +2.

Scribe Scroll
Enchanting Ritual
Level 1 Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You scribe an arcane spell you know onto a length of parchment. Anyone who can read the Arcane language can cast this spell from the scroll with an action. Doing so consumes the scroll.
This spell takes one hour per spell level scribed to cast.
Arcane Component: Arcane reagents such as specials inks and parchament worth 10 gp x the scribed spell level x the caster level imbued
Focus: A quality writing surface and a set of scribing quills and ink
Preservative: Arcane reagents worth 5 gp x the scribed spell level x the caster level imbued

Alter Self
Utility Ritual
Level 2 Transmutation
Range: Personal Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You alter your physical form. Choose a species of your type, size, and number of limbs. You polymorph your appearance into that of such a creature, gaining one of the following traits it could possess:
Swiftness: Your speed becomes 40'.
Fangs: You gain an unarmed attack you are Trained in that deals 1d6 + 1 magical slashing or piercing damage.
Acquatic: You gain a swim speed equal to your own and the ability to breathe underwater.
Scales: You reduce physical damage by 3.
Climber: You gain a climb speed equal to half your own.
This spell does not alter your vision, ability scores, or other racial abilities or features.
If you try to alter your appearance to look like a specific creature, you can use your rank in this spell for your deceive attempts. If you cast this spell using spell slots or spell points, it does not require concentration.

Brew Potion
Enchanting Ritual
Level 2 Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You create a magical potion or oil. Touch a liquid you have spent 8 hours preparing in a laboratory, then imbue a spell by casting a spell capable of targeting a single creature (such as mirror image or cure wounds) or an object (such as grease or heat metal) on the liquid. A spell capable of targeting a creature creates a potion and a spell capable of targeting an object becomes an oil. When a potion is imbibed, the imbued spell affects the imbiber. When an oil is applied to an item, the imbued spell affects the item.
You need not be the source of the imbued spell. A different caster or magic item can provide it.
Arcane Component: Arcane reagents worth 15 gp times the spell level imbued times the caster level imbued.
Focus: An arcane laboratory.
Preservative: Arcane reagents worth 10 gp times the spell level imbued times the caster level imbued.

Movement Ritual
Level 2 Transmutation
Transmutation vs. Strength
Range: 30' Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
With a word and gesture, you elevate something into the air. Select a creature or object of up to 100 lbs. per level that you can see within range. As part of casting this spell and as an attack action, or as a move action if you target yourself, you can move the target up to 20' vertically. If the target is unwilling or in possession of an unwilling creature, it can attempt to resist this effect.
Focus: A small leather loop or golden wire in the shape of a ladle

Control Spell
Level 2 Transmutation
Fire vs. Constitution
Range: 400', 40' Cloud Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
At your word, a fire erupts into chaos. Choose a fire within range, or up to a 20 cubic foot area of flame. It bursts into blinding fireworks or billowing clouds of smoke and is then extinguished.
If you cause an explosion of fireworks, creatures in the area who do not resist are blinded. A creature can spend an attack to attempt to end this effect.
If you cause an eruption of smoke, breathing creatures in the area who do not resist begin coughing violently and are weakened. After exiting the smoke, a coughing creature can spend an attack to attempt to end the effect. The smoke cloud prevents any vision into or within it.
If you cast this spell on a permanent magical fire, it is only extinguished for 1 minute.
Arcane Component: An open fire source, such as a torch, campfire, or hearth fire.

Rope Trick
Utility Ritual
Level 2 Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour per level
You send a rope up to an extradimenionsal space. Touch a rope. One end of it rises up vertically to a height of your choosing. Creatures that climb to the top of the rope can pass through a 3' by 5' window to enter an extra-dimensional space large enough for eight medium creatures. Creatures within this space cannot be seen or targeted by creatures outside the space, nor can they target creatures outside the space. However, creatures within the space can see out the window where the rope attaches. The rope can be pulled up from inside to leave no evidence of this space. When this spell ends, everything within the space is ejected out the window.
Arcane Component: Powdered corn extract and a twisted loop of parchment.
Focus: A 5' or longer rope

Spider Climb
Movement Ritual
Level 2 Transmutation
Domain: Nature
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You grant the ability to cling to any surface. Touch a creature. It gains the ability to traverse any surface, veritical or horizontal, even upside down. In addition, the target treats webs as normal surfaces, and pulling the target from a wall or ceiling is as difficult as it would be to lift them completely from the ground.
If you cast this spell with a spell point or spell slot, it does not require concentration. You can also cast this spell as a ritual without concentration, though the target must employ bare hands and bare feet to gain its benefit.
Arcane Component: A drop of bitumen and a live spider, both eaten by the target

Bestow Curse
Control Spell
Level 3 Transmutation
Curse vs. Wisdom
Domain: Astral, Darkness, Justice
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You lay down a terrible curse. Touch a creature and inflict it with one of the following effects: Unreliability on all attempts. Disadvantage on all attempts. 1d4 additional true damage from all damaging effects. Two numbers of your choice greater than 1 that opposing creatures treat as 20s in attempts against it.
After being afflicted with the chosen effect, at the start of each of their turns, the target must make a luck roll. If they are lucky, they do not suffer this curse's effects on this turn. On a 20, this spell also ends. On a 1, they lose their whole turn.
If a target has more than 40 hit points, at the start of its turns it can attempt to end this effect.

Buff Spell
Level 3 Transmutation
Range: Personal Duration: 1 minute
You create a disparity in spacetime that displaces you at random. Roll iniative for this spell and continue to roll initiative for it every round while under its effects. When this spell acts, you disappear and instantaneously reappear 10' from your position. Because this shunting is so sudden, creatures that act after this spell in the round cannot target you, unless they could strike both your initial and current position with an attack (such as with an area-effecting spell). If you blink into a moveable object of a mass comparable to your own, it is shoved aside. If blinking is impossible except into a fixed, solid object, you appear on the Ethereal Plane and are stranded there for 2d6 hours, at which point you reappear in the nearest free space to your last location.
After casting this spell you can take an attack action.

Movement Ritual
Level 3+ Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes
You grant the ability to fly. Touch a creature. It gains a fly speed of 60. When this spell ends, if the target is still airborn it floats down at a rate of 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds.
If you cast this spell with spell points or a spell slot, at each spell level above 3rd you can target an additional creature.
Arcane Component: A bird's wing feather

Gaseous Form
Movement Ritual
Level 3+ Transmutation
Domain: Air, Freedom
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You grant someone insubstantiality. Touch a willing creature. It and its possessions turn into a gaseous version of themselves. The target gains a fly speed of 10' and can pass through small openings such as cracks in stone that a breeze might trickle through. In addition, it cannot be harmed by attacks from non-magical weapons or spells that do not have an effect on insubstantial or gaseous creatures. However, it cannot make attacks, manipulate objects, speak, or cast spells. This spell ends if the target is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points.
If you cast this spell with spell points or a spell slot, at each spell level above 3rd you can target an additional creature.
Arcane Component: A bit of gauze and a wisp of smoke

Buff Spell
Level 3+ Transmutation
Polymorph vs. Strength
Range: 60', 30' Sphere Duration: Concentration
You bestow unnatural speed or unleash crippling malaise. If you grant haste, select a willing creature in the area. The target gains reliability on Initiative, a +1 rank bonus on defenses, and an additional attack action each round. When this effect ends, the target makes a luck roll. If the result is a 1, they age a year.
If you cause slowness, creatures in the area that do not resist suffer unreliability on Initiative, a -1 rank penalty to defenses, and are dazed.
A Haste spell automatically counters a Slow spell and vice versa.
At spell levels above 3, you can target an additional creature with Haste.
Arcane Component: A shaving of licorice root (Haste) or a drop of molasses (Slow)

Water Breathing
Utility Ritual
Level 3 Transmutation
Domain: Life, Water
Range: Touch Duration: 1 hour per level
You alter a creature's lungs to be capable of breathing water. Touch a number of creatures up to your level. They gain the ability to breathe water.
If you target more than one creature with this spell, its duration is divided evently amongst the number of targets.

Enchant Item
Enchanting Ritual
Level 4 Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You craft a magical item. Touch an item you have spent 24 hours preparing in an arcane labratory to receive enchantment. Immediately following the casting of this spell, other spells can be imbued into the target. Imbued spells with a permanent duration persist without the reservation of the resource used to cast them. Imbued spells that do not have a permanent duration can be activated on the item in a manner you specify for their normal duration once per day.
You can apply a maximum combined spell level of imbued spells with this spell equal to 1/4 of your level. If an item was already enchanted, previous enchantments count against this number, and Enchanted bonuses count as spell levels. In example a 7th level caster could create boots of expeditious retreat, an 8th level caster could boots of expeditious retreat +1 or boots of levitation, and a 12th level caster could create a plate mail +3, a shortsword of doom +2, or a tiny hut tent by means of this spell.
You need not be the source of the imbued spells. Other casters or magical items can apply them. Certain items are traditionally enchanted with certain types of spells. Movement spells are usually applied to boots, headgear is usually enchanted with mind-related effects, cloaks and other neck items are usually enchanted with protection, and implements such as rods, staffs, and wands are usually enchanted with the ability to deliver spells.
Arcane Component: 500 gp worth of arcane components x spell level bestowed x caster level required
Focus: An arcane laboratory
Preservative: 250 gp worth of arcane components x spell level bestowed x caster level required, plus any additional components dictated by your DM

Utility Ritual
Level 4 Transmutation
Range: 400', 10' per odd level Sphere Duration: Permanent
You disguise a band of creatures as a grove of trees. Willing creatures you select˜within the area are polymorphed into shrubs or trees of a type of your choosing. While polymorphed, targets cannot move, speak, or act but are able to see, hear, and feel in all directions. Targets are able to rest in this form, still require sleep, and can be subject to natural hazards such as insects and disease.
Outside of magical detection, the only way to reveal a target is under the effects of this spell is to damage it, as creatures polymorphed into trees bleed normally.
Arcane Component: A handful of bark chips

Mnemonic Enhancer
Utility Spell
Level 4+ Transmutation
Range: Personal
You alter the way you unleash magic. When you cast this spell, choose to either prepare additional spells or recast a spell. If you choose to prepare additional spells, select 4 spell levels worth of spells in any combination you desire. You immediately memorize these spells.
If you choose to recast a spell, you immediately recast a 4th level or lower spell you cast previously in the day.
For each spell level above 4th, increase the spell levels this spell allows you to prepare or recast by one.
Arcane Component: A piece of string and ink consisting of squid secretion and black dragon's blood.
Focus: An ivory plaque of at least 100 gp value.

Utility Spell
Level 4 Transmutation
Polymorph vs. Constitution
Domain: Trickery
Range: 50' Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You transform someone. Select a creature you can see within range and choose a creature form with hit dice equal to or less than the target's. The target is polymorphed into the chosen form, experiencing the following effects:
1. Any gear the target possessed that its new form cannot wear or carry is melded into its new form, becoming nonfunctional.
2. The target gains a secondary hit point pool of an average specimen of its new form.
3. The target uses the new form's average Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity ranks.
4. The target loses all features (such as elemental or spell resistance) and abilities (such as breath weapon, gaze, and spellcasting) of its original form and gains all non-magical abilities (such as winged flight) and features (such as elemental or spell resistance) of the new form.
If the target is unwilling, it can attempt to resist this spell. If it resists with normal success, it is only polymorphed until the end of its next turn. If it resists with major success, it is only polymorphed until the start of its next turn. If the target is unwilling and has more than 150 hit points, it can spend an action to attempt to end this effect. If the target has the ability to shape-change, it can leave this form at any time.
This effect also ends if the target's secondary hit point pool is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, with excess damage being applied to its primary hit point pool.
Arcane Component: An empty cocoon

Stone Shape
Utility Ritual
Level 4 Transmutation
Domain: Astral, Earth
Range: Touch
Stone bends to your will. Touch a piece or segment of stone of up to 2 cubic feet per level. It melds into a shape you choose. This spell can only only produce shapes a master stonemason might. Doors, sarcophagi, and block and tackle could be created but something as complex as a clock or lock could not.
Arcane Component: Soft clay worked into the intended design

Distance Distortion
Utility Ritual
Level 5 Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
You distort the size of a space. Touch an enclosed space with a size of up to 10 cubic feet per level, such as a cave, the interior of a tent, or an inn room. The target grows or shrinks as you choose by up to 10% per level. This extra-dimensional adjustment is only visible within the target; a tent with an interior enchanted to be 100% larger or smaller looks normal from outside.
This spell will not reduce the size of a space beyond the volume of the objects within it, and when its effect ends any objects too big to remain are slowly shunted from it via the closest exit.
Arcane Component: A small lump of soft clay
Preservative: 5000 gp worth of powdered diamond per 10 cubic feet affected, sprinkled over the area

Utility Ritual
Level 5 Transmutation
Range: 100' Duration: Permanent
With a word and a gesture, you transmute a material from one form into another. Select a non-magical object you can see within range and specify an alternate form you want it to take. For example, trees could be turned into a wooden bridge, silk clothing could become silk rope, or sand could become glass. You can transmute up to 1 cubic foot of non-organic material per level, or 10 cubic feet of organic material per level with this spell.
A target must be able to be reasonably crafted into the form you specify or this spell fails. In order to create complex items (such as locks, clocks, or masterwork weapons) with this spell, you must possess the ability to craft such an item without magic.
Preservative: 1 gold coin embedded into each cubic foot of non-organic matter or each 10 cubic feet of organic matter

Utility Spell
Level 5+ Transmutation
Range: 30' Duration: 2 hours per spell level
Your command parts obstacles. Select one or more objects made of non-metal materials that you can see within range than is no more than 2' thick per spell level. You create a 5' wide, 10' high passage through the target.
Arcane Component: A pinch of sesame seeds

Control Spell
Level 5+ Transmutation
Force vs. Strength
Range: 60' per spell level Duration: Concentration
You move things with your mind. When you cast this spell and as an action, select up to one object and/or creatures per spell level that you can see within range whose total combined weight does not exceed 50 lbs. per spell level. You can move each target 30' in any direction. If you extend this action to a full round action, after moving a target you can hold it in place. While moving a target, you can manipulate it as if it were in your hands, allowing you to turn a target over, shake out its coin purse, tie together its shoelaces, etc.
If you use this spell to hurl a target at something, you make an attack as if with a 30' ray using this spell's rank. Softer targets such as wine barrels or cloth-garbed, fleshy creatures deal 1 bludgeoning damage per 25 pounds to creatures or objects they strike. Harder targets, such as boulders, anvils, and plate-garbed fleshy creatures, deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 25 pounds. If you target weapons with this spell, each target deals its normal attack damage instead. Creatures used as targets suffer the same damage they deal.
Unwilling targets and creatures possessing targeted objects can attempt to resist this effect, as can targets who spend an attack to try and escape the effect.

Telepathic Bond
Utility Ritual
Level 5 Transmutation
Range: 30' Duration: 1 hour or Concentration
You forge a telepathic bond. Select up to 8 willing creatures capable of speaking a language within range. You and these targets can communicate telepathically with each other regardless of the distance you are seperated, provided you are on the same plane.
If you cast this spell using spell points or a spell slot, you can resume an instance of this spell you had active in the past 24 hours, provided all targets are still on the same plane. When cast using spell points or a spell slot, this spell does not require a material component.
Arcane Component: A piece of eggshell from two different types of creature

Transmute Earth and Stone
Utility Spell
Level 5 Transmutation
Earth vs. Dexterity
Domain: Earth
Range: 300'
You alter the earth to suit your needs. Select a contiguous area of stone or earth within range of up to 10 cubic feet per spell level and specify a transmutation, such as mud to rock, rock to sand, stone to mud, or clay to rich, loamy earth. Ground can be made difficult terrain by this effect, provided you affect it to a depth of 1'. If you create mud or sand deep enough to swallow a creature standing on the area, it must resist or sink when the effect occurs and at the start of its turns while it remains in the area. Creatures without swim speeds who sink into mud or sand created by this spell are grappled, blinded, deafened, muted, totally obscured, and cannot breathe. Sinking creatures can spend an action to attempt to resist this effect, with one success allowing them to breach the surface and a second success allowing them to escape the area.
If you collapse rock or earth that is above a creature, such as the roof of a tunnel, the cave-in deals 8d6 bludgeoning damage to creatures caught in the area, or half damage to those who successfully resist.
If you target worked stone or earth with this spell, such as a castle wall, the area is halved.
Arcane Component: Water and clay, sand, or lime.

=Ritual Scaling Spell


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