Tinker Gnomes

Tinker Gnomes live in Mount Nevermind, on the Isle of Sancrist. Gnomes are the tinkerers of Krynn, designing grand machines for every imaginable task. Distant cousins of the Dwarves, gnomes who chased after the Graygem are rumored to have been transformed from gnomes into Dwarves and Kender, depending on whether they coveted the stone or were curious about it.
At the beginning of their life, each gnome is given a Life Quest. The idea is that this is what their ancestors have devoted their lives to, and this quest must be completed before the gnome (and his forebears) can rest. For example, a life quest might be to study the geometry of a nail. After being approved by the Guild subcommittee to which his family belongs, the gnome spends his entire life working on this Quest. Seldom does the Guild declare a quest complete—that would mean that all that can be learned about that subject has been.
Gnomes are famous for inventing things. Rather than just making a simple invention, the gnome will add several thousand ropes, pulleys, levers, gadgets, and a steam engine to it before it will be complete. Besides, what if the 'start' button were to fail? The gnome has installed about five fail-safe systems to nullify that possibility.

Tinker Gnome Heroes

Ability Modifiers: +1 to two ability scores, -1 to Strength
Bloodline Benefits:
• You possess the Engineering skill.
• You have Reliability on defenses against figment effects and can make a Luck Roll to resist such effects that would normally not allow you to.
Languages: Common, Gnomish
Lifespan: Tinker Gnomes live for 350 years.
Size: Small. You gain a +1 rank bonus to Stealth attempts and a +1 rank bonus to Dodge attempts against Large or larger creatures. However, you cannot use weapons that allow a two-handed option with one hand and can only wield two-handed weapons with the Small feature. Average height: 3' ( 1d6+38 "). Average weight: 45 pounds ( 5d4+35 pounds).
Speed: 25’
Vision: Low-light. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light.

Tinker Gnome Traits
Lucky: You have Advantage on Luck Rolls for good fortune.
Quick Fingers: Once per turn as part of your turn you can load a mechanical weapon or use the Use action.


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