Wild Shape

Wild Shape Animal Types
An animal's type is listed in the upper right-hand corner of the template. When you gain the ability to Wild Shape, you can only polymorph into mammal forms, unless you are not a mammal, in which case you can only polymorph into animals of your type. As you gain levels, you gain access to polymorph into other animal types. The Wild Shape animal types are Aquatics, Birds, Insectoids, Mammals, and Reptiles.
Wild Shape Hit Points
When you Wild Shape, you gain a secondary pool of hit points. These hit points do not alter your calculations for maximum hit points or effects based on it and receive healing first and can benefit from temporary hit points. If you take damage that reduces you to 0 or fewer secondary hit points, you revert to your normal form and reduce your primary hit points by any negative hit points your secondary pool had.
For example, Cutnose the human druid wild shapes into a small dog. He gains a secondary hit point pool of 4 hit points. In a fight with an ogre, he is hit by a club attack for 7 bludgeoning damage. Cutnose reverts to his human form and suffers 3 points of bludgeoning damage to his standard hit point pool.
While polymorphed into animal form, you have a number of different features and restrictions.
  • Your Strength, Dexterity, Dodge, vision, and speed are replaced.
  • You cannot cast spells, speak any language, or use Arcane Magic or Divine Magic. However, you can maintain concentration, take actions granted by spells, and utilize static benefits of items incorporated into your polymorphed form.
  • You automatically succeed on Survival (Forage) and Endurance (Rest) checks while in your form's natural environment.
  • Additional traits you gain are listed in the animal template.
Wild Shape Sizes
Each template covers tiny, small, medium, and large forms. Variables that change based on your size are divided into four sections in that order: tiny/small/medium/large. For example, a horse's hit points are 2/4/8/16 so a tiny horse has 2 hit points, a small has 4, a medium has 8, and a large has 16.
In addition, the following adjustments apply to different sizes.
  • Tiny creatures gain a +1 rank bonus to Dodge
  • Large creatures occupy a 5'x10' space.
  • You can move through the space of creatures two sizes or more larger than you, but you cannot stop such creatures from moving through your space.
  • You can act as a mount for a creature one size smaller than you, provided you can be fitted with a saddle or are of a suitable form.

Animal Templates

(or Monkey, Gorilla, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/10/24 Speed: 30 (climb) Legs: 2
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d6+2/1d8+4 Grapple Trip Pull Push
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained
Strength: Trained/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Normal
Traits: Brachiation: Move through tree limbs as if on ground
Enrage: Become enraged as part of your turn. If you are reduced to 0 or fewer secondary hit points while enraged, you take additional true damage equal to ½ your secondary hit point pool.
Hands: Manipulate objects as a humanoid, wield weapons.
(or Badger, Dire Weasel, etc.)
Hit Points: 3/6/12/24 Speed: 25/30/35/40 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 Claw 1/d3/d4+1/d6+2
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained, Hide Armor 2/1/1 B/P/S
Strength: Trained/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Climb skill
Crush: When you hit a creature with two claw attacks, you can grapple it. While you grapple a creature with both paws, it takes your bite damage in bludgeoning damage at the end of its turn. If you make a claw attack, this grapple ends.
Enrage: Become enraged as part of your turn. If you are reduced to 0 or fewer secondary hit points while enraged, you take additional true damage equal to ½ your secondary hit point pool.
Multiattack: Action, make a bite and two claw attacks
Dire Rat
(or Great Mouse, Beaver, ROUS, Dire Bat, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/3/6/12 Speed: 30 (climb) Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained 1/d3/d6/2d4+2 plus grapple
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Adept, Resistance: Poison
Strength: Novice/Trained/Trained/Adept Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Stealth skill
Clamp: Attempt a grapple after dealing bite damage. While you grapple a creature with your bite, it takes your bite damage at the end of your turn and its turn. If you make another bite attack, this grapple ends.
Overwhelm: +1 rank bonus to dodge & bite when your target or attacker is adjacent to an ally
And either
Scurry (Shift 10' with hampering effect) and Swim skill
Winged (Gain fly 30', speed becomes 5', legs become 2, dodge on ground becomes Untrained) and Blindsight 60' (Requires Level 5)
(or Killer Whale, Sea Lion, Otter, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/10/24 Speed: Swim 50/55/60/65 Legs: 0
Attacks: Trained 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 plus trip or pull
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained (in water) Untrained (on land)
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Aquan: hold your breath for 4/6/8/10 minutes
Maul: attempt a trip or pull on a bite attack
And either
Rush: after swimming 15' in a straight line, double your bite damage dice
Amphibious: change your legs to 4 and reduce your swim speed by 20/15/10/10 to gain 20/15/10/10 speed
(or Deer, Antelope, Elk, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/4/8/16 Speed: 35/40/50/60 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Hoof 1/d3/d4+1/d6+2
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Normal
Traits: Endurance skill
Rear: Action, make two hoof attacks
Trample: you can spend 10' of movement to make a hoof attack against a creature when you move through its space
And either
Mount: Rider gains reliable ride checks
Gore: Attack action, deals your hoof dice in piercing damage. If you move 10' in a straight line before this attack, double the damage dice.
(or Cat, Bobcat, Lion, Dire Panther, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/4/8/16 Speed: 30/35/40/45 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d3/d6+2/2d6+4 Claw 1/d4/d6+1/d8+2
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Adept
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Climb skill, Run skill, Stealth skill
Pounce: Action, jump half your speed and make two claw attacks
Multiattack: Action, make a bite and two claw attacks
Wild Boar
(or Cow, Goat, Elephant, Rhinoceros, etc.)
Hit Points: 3/6/12/24 Speed: 25/30/35/40 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Gore 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 bludgeoning or piercing
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained, Hide Armor 2/1/1 B/P/S
Strength: Trained/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Normal
Traits: Endurance skill
Enrage: Become enraged as part of your turn. If you are reduced to 0 or fewer secondary hit points while enraged, you take additional true damage equal to ½ your secondary hit point pool.
Gore: Action, move then make a gore attack
Trample: once per turn when you move through a creature's space, it takes your gore damage in bludgeoning damage
(or Dog, Fox, Jackal, Racoon, Dire Wolf, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/8/16 Speed: 30/30/35/40 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 plus grapple, trip, or pull
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Endurance skill, Perception skill, Survival (Track) skill
Clamp: Attempt a grapple after dealing bite damage. While you grapple a creature with your bite, it takes your bite damage at the end of its turn. If you make another bite attack, this grapple ends.
Maul: Attempt a trip or pull on a bite attack
Pack Hunter: +1 rank bonus to bite a target an ally is adjacent to
Giant Crab
(or Dire Lobster, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/12/24 Speed: 20/25/30/35 (swim) Legs: 10
Attacks: Trained Pincer 1/d3/d4+1/d6+2 plus grapple
Defenses: Dodge, Parry, & Dexterity: Trained, Shell Armor 2/2/2 B/P/S
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Aquatic: you can breathe underwater but suffocate after 2/4/6/8 hours in air
Defensive: when you defend against multiple attacks with limited or better success, you block an extra attack
Pincers: when you hit a target with a claw attack, you can attempt to grapple it. Creatures grappled by your pincers take your pincer damage at the end of their turns. If you make a pincer attack, this grapple ends.
Scuttle: shift 10' in a straight line as a hampering effect
(or Tuna, Sword Fish, etc.)
Hit Points: 3/6/12/24 Speed: Swim 30/35/40/45 Legs: 0
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained (in water) Untrained (on land)
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Aquatic: you can breathe underwater but suffocate in air
Swallow: when you hit a creature two or more sizes smaller than you with a bite attack, you can swallow it. While swallowed, the target is grappled by you, cannot breathe, and takes your bite damage in acid and bludgeoning damage at the start of its turns.
Swoop: Action, swim your speed and during this movement make a bite attack

(or Falcon, Dire Owl, Giant Vulture, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/2/4/8 Speed: 5, Fly 50/60/70/80 Legs: 2
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d6/d8+2 Claw 1/d3/d4/d6+1
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Adept (in flight) Untrained (on ground)
Strength: Novice/Trained/Trained/Adept Vision: Darkvision 120'
Traits: Perception skill, Stealth skill
Swoop: Attack action while flying, make two claw attacks *Requires level 5
(or Chicken, Elephant Bird, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/4/8/16 Speed: 40/45/55/65 Legs: 2
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 Claw 1/d3/d4+1/d6+2
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Normal
Traits: Kick: After defending against multiple attacks with major success, make a claw attack
Pounce: Action, jump half your speed and make two claw attacks
Bombardier Beetle
(or Giant Fire Ant, Dire Flea, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/8/16 Speed: 30 (climb) Legs: 6
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d6+2/d8+4
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained, Chitinous Armor 2/2/2 B/P/S
Strength: Trained/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Blindsense 30'
Traits: Either: Poison Spray: Action, once per minute spray a Blinding I/II/III/IV poison in a 15' cone
Pounce: Action, jump your speed and make a bite attack
Leech: Gain temporary hit points equal to bite damage dealt
Mount: Rider gains reliable ride checks
Poison: on bite, Enfeebling I/II/III/IV
Giant Centipede
(or Dire Millipede, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/3/6/12 Speed: 20/25/30/35 (climb) Legs: 30
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d3/d6+2/d8+4 plus poison
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained, Chitinous Armor 2/2/2 B/P/S
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Blindsense 30'
Traits: Many-Legged: You cannot be tripped
Poison: Enfeebling I/II/III/IV)
Scuttle: You can move through other creature's spaces
Giant Scorpion
(or Dire Scorpion, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/8/16 Speed: 20/25/30/30 (climb) Legs: 8
Attacks: Trained Stinger 1/d4/d6+2/d8+4 plus poison Pincer 1/d3/d4+1/d6+2 plus grapple
Defenses: Dodge, Parry, & Dexterity: Trained, Chitinous Armor 2/2/2
Strength: Trained/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Pincers: When you hit a target with a claw attack you can attempt to grapple it
Poison: On stinger, Paralyzing I/II/III/IV
Giant Spider
(or Dire Spider, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/2/4/8 Speed: 20/25/30/35 (climb) Legs: 8
Attacks: Adept Bite 1/d4/d6+2/d8+4 plus poison
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Adept
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Pounce: Action, jump your speed and make a bite attack
Poison: On bite, Necrotic I/II/III/IV
Web: Once per hour, spend a minute moving about an area to create a web effect in the area
Giant Wasp*
(or Nightmare Mosquito, Dire Bee, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/2/4/8 Speed: 5 (climb), Fly 20/25/30/35 Legs: 6
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d6/d8 plus poison/leech
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Adept
Strength: Novice/Trained/Trained/Trained Vision: Normal
Traits: Scent: 30'
Poison: On bite, Enfeebling I/II/III/IV
Leech: Gain temporary hit points equal to bite damage dealt
*Requires level 5
(or Stegosaur, Ankylosaur, etc.)
Hit Points: 3/6/12/24 Speed: 25/30/30/35 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Gore 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 bludgeoning or piercing
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained, Plated Armor 3/2/2 B/P/S
Strength: Trained/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Normal
Traits: Defensive: When you defend against multiple attacks with limited or better success, you block an extra attack
Mount: Rider gains reliable ride checks
Trample: You can spend 10' of movement to make a gore attack against a creature when you move through its space, though you gain no damage bonus from Strength
(or Komodo, Giant Turtle, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/8/16 Speed: 15, Swim 30 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 plus grapple
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained, Scale Armor 2/1/2 B/P/S
Strength: Novice/Trained/Adept/Master Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Clamp: Attempt a grapple after dealing bite damage. While you grapple a creature with your bite, it takes your bite damage at the end of its turn. If you make another bite attack, this grapple ends.
And either
Death Spin: Action while in water when you have a target grappled with Clamp, deal double your bite damage to the target
Shell: when you take the defend action, gain total cover from ranged attacks and block 2 additional attacks when defending against multiple attacks on a limited or better success
Dire Frog
(or Bull Toad, Great Toad, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/3/6/12 Speed: 10/15/20/25 (jump), Swim 30 Legs: 4
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d3/d4+1/d6+2 Trip Pull
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained
Strength: Novice/Trained/Trained/Adept Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Stealth (hide) skill
Pounce: Action, jump into the same square as a target and make a trip attack
Tongue: Make a pull or trip attempt at a range of 5/5/10/10)
Giant Snake
(or Boa Constrictor, Dire Cobra, etc.)
Hit Points: 1/3/6/12 Speed: 30 (swim) Legs: 0
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d3/d6+1/2d4+2 plus grapple/poison
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained
Strength: Novice/Trained/Trained/Adept Vision: Darkvision 60'
Traits: Stealth skill, Climb skill
Pounce: Action, jump 10/15/20/25 then make a bite attack
Slither: you can move through other creature's spaces
Constrict: After dealing bite damage, attempt a grapple. A creature grappled by you takes your bite damage as bludgeoning damage at the end of its turns.
Poison: on bite, Necrotic I/II/III/IV
(or Deinonychus, Compy, etc.)
Hit Points: 2/4/8/16 Speed: 30/35/40/45 Legs: 2
Attacks: Trained Bite 1/d4/d8+2/2d6+4 Claw 1/d3/d6+1/d8+2
Defenses: Dodge & Dexterity: Trained
Strength: Novice/Trained/Trained/Adept Vision: Low-light 60'
Traits: Stealth skill
Multiattack: Action, make a bite and two claw attacks
Pounce: Action, jump half your speed and make two claw attacks
Rudimentary Hands: you can manipulate simple objects such as doorknobs as a full-round action


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