
The Witch

LevelBenefitHero’s SurgesSpells Per DayTitle
1Witch Features, Charms, Odd Luck, Spellcasting41Fledgling
2Broken Promises, Hexes, Wards, Witchcraft52Warder
3Whispers of Witchery52/1
6Witchcraft Feature72/2/2Hexer
8Witchcraft Feature82/2/2/2Covener
LEVEL 2 Witch
Broken Promises
When one of your charms is used or one of your hexes or wards ends, you can move 5'.
As an Attack action, you can hex a creature you can see within 30'. Your attack attempts against hexed targets which result in a 20 or odd rolls higher than 1 inflict 1d4 true damage. A hex lasts until you lose consciousness, hex a new creature, choose to end the hex, or the target dies. A hex is an arcane curse effect.
You can hex a creature as part of your turn once per turn if you have not used a charm or warded a creature as part of your turn.
Boon Options:
  • Increase your hex damage by 1d4.
  • Have an additional hex active at a time.
As an attack action, you can ward a creature you can see within 30', granting it temporary hit points equal to your level. In addition, when the target is subject to an effect an attempt can end, it can end the ward to attempt to end the effect. Otherwise, the ward lasts until you ward a new creature, the temporary hit points are lost, or you fall unconscious. A ward is an arcane abjuration effect.
You can ward a creature as part of your turn once per turn if you have not used a charm or hexed a creature as part of your turn.
Boon Options:
  • Have an additional ward active at a time.
  • Increase the speed of a warded creature by 5'.
At level 2, you unlock secrets capable of opening new pathways to strength. Choose your road of Witchcraft.
Blind Witch
LEVEL 3 Witch
Whispers of Witchery
Double your Reknown amongst other witches. In addition, if you have a familiar from the Find Familiar spell, your Reknown extends to and doubles amongst creatures of its species.


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