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House Phiarlan

House Phiarlan is an elven dragonmarked house known throughout Khorvaire. To the public Phiarlan is a house of entertainment comprised of bards, actors, artists and acrobats though, in secret it is a house of spies.   During the Shadow Schism, a portion of House Phiarlan splintered off to form House Thuranni. House Phiarlan's original headquarters was destroyed in Cyre, and they have not created a new headquarters, preferring to stick to the shadows.


House Phiarlan is a leader of the entertainment industry, one whose hydra emblem can be found on the best venues throughout the continent. Their pride and joy had been the Yahontov Opera House in Metrol. Since the Mourning, however, the Cattaran Theater in Sharn has now become their most prestigious venue.
  Emblem: Hydra
Dragonmark: Mark of Shadow
Industries: Entertainment, Spywork


House Phiarlan possesses the Mark of Shadow, which grants certain abilities that allow the manipulation of the senses. This has allowed agents to create incredible effects on stage, but has also allowed them to spy and infiltrate with near abandon. Very few people have ever seen or run into a Phiarlan agent operating as a spy, and those who have seem to have issue remembering or recalling the event clearly.

House Industry

Phiarlan and its famed hydra symbol can be found in every theater, circus, and cabaret on the continent in the form of either actors, technical artists, or management. Some theaters are even entirely run by and employed from House Phiarlan, like the Cattaran Theater. Regardless, the entire industry has been defined by how Phiarlan runs entertainment, with well-trained management and spectacular effects.   But most people don't know about the industry that keeps Phiarlan running: spywork. Phiarlan spies can be anywhere and if anyone does happen to spot them, they seem to forget about it just as quickly.

Notable Members

  • Baroness Elvinor d'Phiarlan
  • Lady Miriam Memento (famed Prima Donna of the Cattaran Theater)
Consortium, Business
Country of Origin

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