Galent Species in The Planet of Ather | World Anvil
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Galent (Gal-e-nt)

Galents are not naturally hostile, they like solidarity but don't mind the company of others. This makes them great Beasts for Dalmon as they can bond without the worry of being injured or killed. Galviers are slightly more hostile and will attack people that get too close to them.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Galents are large bird like creachers. They grow to be an averege of 30 feet tall, the smallest at 18 feet and the largest at 50. Galents have gray, silver, white, and sometimes off white feathers. They have flat bended horns used to protect their heads with this horn also being part of the wing. Galents have huge feet with around 50% of their feet being talions. Galviers have brown and pale feathers with gray front faces. Their feet are much smaller than Galents with their talons being only 20% of their feet. Galviers don't have head horns, just head feathers. Both birds tend to have gray or yellow eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Galents have one mate for life. They find and court during Stage 3. Galent females hold eggs for 4 months, the eggs are around 2 feet big, coming out in Wintsu 10-16. The eggs will wait 5 months to crack and will be sat on for only for 5 hours a day. Galent males leave to build and take care of the territories. Galent Females create nests separate from their homes. They are farther down the Black Hills closer to other prey and warmth. Galviers have multiple mates and spend Stage 3 finding multiple, around 3-5, Galviers females to mate with. Galviers each have their own territories, females have them lower and closer together. Galver females hold eggs for 3 months, the eggs around 2 feet, coming out Wintun 15-20. The eggs will wait 5 months to crack and are sat on only 3 hours a day.

Growth Rate & Stages

Galent Eggs will crack from Sprfu 11-Summaun 2. Stage 1 happens right after they hatch, for 5 months they live in nests with their mothers. During stage one they grow from being only 2 feet to 5 feet and learn to fly. After 5 months they enter Stage 2. Stage 2 takes 6 years and they grow from 5 feet to 18-21 feet at around 3.5 feet a year. Galents meet their fathers and learn to hunt, build nests, and find mates. After 6 years they enter Stage 3. Stage 3 happens for 10 years where they grow to around 28 feet. In these 10 years they will find mates and build territories. After 10 years they enter Stage 4. Stage for last for around 20 years with most growing for 6 years at a rate of .5 feet a year. Some will still grow throughout Stage 4. They mate during Stage 4. At 36 years they enter Stage 5. They stop reproducing and die during this stage. Galviers have very simile with the only difference being the growth. Galviers Eggs will crack from Sprsu 16-Sprtu 5. Stage 1 happens right after they hatch, for 5 months they live in nests with their mothers. During stage one they grow from being only 2 feet to 5 feet and learn to fly. After 5 months they enter Stage 2. Stage 2 takes 6 years and they grow from 5 feet to 18-21 feet at around 3.5 feet a year. Galviers learn to hunt, build nests, and find mates. After 6 years they enter Stage 3. Stage 3 happens for 5 years where they grow to around 23-26 feet. In these 5 years they will find mates and build territories. After 5 years they enter Stage 4. Stage for last for around 19 years with little wing growth. They mate during Stage 4. At 30 years they enter Stage 5. They stop reproducing and die during this stage.

Ecology and Habitats

Galent live on the tips of the Black Hills. They eat Snow Birds and Hounds as their main meals. Galents are made for the cold.  Galviers live in Niye. They eat

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Galents live in Black Hills with a few living in Two Sided Cliffs. There is one subspesies that live in Niye. Their called Galviers.
Taken by Prince Xixer Dalmon
Scientific Name
Aves Gatifal
Galent: 36-45 Years. Galvier: 25-30 Years.
Average Height
Galent: 30 Feet. Galvier: 25 Feet
Average Weight
500 Ibs
Geographic Distribution
                              Galviers Taken by Sonya Reid


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