General Massive Systems – GMS for short – is the galactic-standard supplier of just about everything. GMS developed their flagship Everest line of mechs to set the galactic standard. Reliable, sturdy, solidly built, and available in countless localized patterns, there are so many variants on the Everest pattern that it has become totally ubiquitous and faded into the background. With universally compatible components, full radiation and environmental shielding, and tens of thousands of pre-loaded languages, a pilot in their Everest has everything they need to get the job done. GMS is one of the oldest fabricators in the galaxy. The manufacturer hails from Cradle, the home of Union – and humanity – and thus its designs reflect the sensibilities of the first pioneers to seek the stars. Today, GMS products are available anywhere there is access to the omninet. These products, whether consumer, specialty, or military, are widely viewed as the galactic minimum of quality: not particularly luxurious, but unsurpassed in no-nonsense design, reliability, and ease of use. Where GMS is available, anything less is unacceptable.

From Cradle to the stars, GMS: assured quality, universal licensing, total coverage.

Corporation, Manufacturing


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