Smith-Shimano Corpro

Smith-Shimano Corpro (SSC) is the second-oldest corporation in the galaxy, preceded only by GMS. Founded by Cartwright Smith and Shimano Hideyoshi, SSC’s emphasis on private stellar and interstellar travel, the fantastic wealth of its founders, and favourable contracts within Union’s First Committee, Smith-Shimano quickly became an early leader in the race to develop sublight, downwell, and EVA vehicles. SSC grew throughout Union’s First Expansion Period, managing the majority of all private and corporate contracts’ design, outfitting, and clinical needs. Over time, the corporation diversified to specialize in bio-bespoke, long-range scout suits – personalized hard suits, for those with the manna to afford them. The necessities of deep-space exploration require humans to spend long periods in hostile environments; pre-Deimos Event, SSC sought to address this challenge by breaking down the barriers between human and machine, creating a symbiotic relationship between hardsuit and wearer. Following the Deimos Event, however, SSC wound down most of its human/machine integration research in accordance with the First Contact Accords, choosing instead to focus on perfecting the first machine: the human body itself.   Smith-Shimano Frames reflect the corpro-state’s pedigree and its agile, adaptable business model. They are built not to take hits – though they’re resilient enough – but to avoid them entirely. SSC designs emphasize mobility and sleek profiles, precisely tuned to land not the hardest hit, but the most accurate. Economy, precision, and singularity is the name of the game for this manufacturer: why fire a thousand rounds when one can be just as effective?   The mechs developed by SSC are known for their license exclusivity, appealing silhouette, and exacting design. Their LUX-Iconic line of chassis are coveted, single-designer models, each unique to the pilot with the requisite licenses and access to afford them; as such, unlike other manufacturers, SSC frames tend to be longer-lasting in service, with more emphasis on retrofitting and repair than recycling and reproduction.

You only need one.

Corporation, Manufacturing


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