The Frontier Buccaneers

The Frontier Buccaneers are a group of pirates that stalk the Porphyrion Nebula's sea of stars. Their allegiance is to themselves, and they have been known to play The Conglomerate and the Defiance against each other, there are even rumours of them supplying both sides with arms and information. Their code is simple, 'What we find, we Claim'. On the whole, they avoid unnecessary violence against innocents but of course every group have their more passionate members. They believe that they have as much right to power, arms, locale than anyone else and they feel that if they have the means in which to take what they want, they should be able to keep it.


The Frontier Buccaneers report to their King leader and often attempt to curry favour by making offerings to them in exchange for boons. The Pirate King is, in a way, self-appointed. Any Pirate may challenge the sitting King to a trial by combat. The victor of this brawl then takes the thrown for their self. It is because of this that the Frontier Buccaneers are one of the most unpredictable organizations partaking in the power play in the nebula.


Due to their tenants of 'The Claim', the Frontier Buccaneers hold a great many different assets, from mechs to locale and bases across the galaxy both planet side and in open space.

What we find, we Claim

Illicit, Pirate Crew
Alternative Names
Training Level
Leader Title


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