Branwen Softsong Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Branwen Softsong

Innkeeper of The Hearthstone Inn

Around the hearth, every story finds its voice, and every traveler finds a home. Storytelling nights at The Hearthstone Inn aren't just about tales; they're about weaving the fabric of our shared history.
— Branwen Softsong


Branwen is a woman in her late thirties with a warm, inviting presence. She has long, wavy auburn hair that she often wears loosely around her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright, cheerful green, and her face is usually lit up with a welcoming smile. She typically dresses in comfortable, earth-toned dresses that suit the rustic aesthetic of the inn.  


She is the epitome of charisma and kindness. She possesses a naturally soothing and melodious voice that guests find comforting. Branwen is genuinely interested in the well-being of her guests, often going out of her way to ensure their comfort. She is quick to laugh and has an optimistic outlook on life, which is infectious to those around her.  


Branwen grew up in a small village not far from Kirkliston, where she learned the art of hospitality from her parents, who also ran an inn. She moved to Kirkliston to take over The Hearthstone Inn and quickly became a beloved figure in the community. Her natural talent for storytelling and singing has made the inn's storytelling nights a much-anticipated event.  


A skilled innkeeper, adept at managing the day-to-day operations of The Hearthstone Inn. She is an excellent cook, known for her delicious stews and baked goods. Her singing voice and storytelling abilities make her the star of the inn’s popular storytelling nights.  

Role at The Hearthstone Inn

As the innkeeper, Branwen is responsible for everything from managing staff to ensuring that the inn’s pantry is well-stocked. She often personally greets guests, making rounds in the common room to chat with patrons, and occasionally sings or tells stories to entertain them.  


Branwen is known throughout Kirkliston and beyond for her hospitality and warmth. Travelers often speak of the Hearthstone Inn as much for its comfortable lodgings and food as for the charming innkeeper who makes everyone feel at home.  


Driven by a love for people and a desire to provide a safe, comfortable haven for travelers and locals alike. She takes great pride in her inn and the joy it brings to others.  

Interactions with Players

Players visiting The Hearthstone Inn can expect a warm welcome from Branwen. She can provide them with local news, rumors, and useful information about Kirkliston and its surroundings. Branwen may also offer quests related to the inn, such as gathering special ingredients for a feast, helping to organize a festival, or dealing with a troublesome guest.
Ruled Locations
Settlement | Apr 24, 2024

A rustic hamlet, is situated on the northern edge of the Darkforest