Captain Elmar Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Captain Elmar

Security Captain at The Guardian's Rest Caravan Station
In the shadow of St. Ygg, we stand vigilant. Our duty is to safeguard the caravan roads, for they are the lifeblood of our lands.
— Elmar, to the guards


Captain Elmar is a middle-aged man with a commanding presence. He stands tall and broad-shouldered, with a weathered face that tells of years spent in outdoor service. His hair is peppered gray, and he sports a neatly trimmed beard. He is typically seen in the uniform of the Ygg's Sentinels - a practical, well-maintained attire with the symbol of St. Ygg, projecting both authority and approachability.  


Captain Elmar is known for his stern demeanor, which is balanced by a fair and just approach to leadership. He is not one for unnecessary words, preferring action and efficiency. His strategic mind and ability to quickly assess situations make him a respected figure among his charges and the caravans that pass through the station.  


Elmar's background is steeped in military discipline and tactical training. He served in various capacities within the forces aligned with the Church of St. Ygg, gaining experience in both combat and leadership roles. His appointment to The Guardian's Rest was a testament to his skills and the trust placed in him by the church.
The Guardian's Rest Caravan Station
Building / Landmark | Dec 20, 2023

Fortified caravan station located strategically at the outskirts of Kirkliston


Captain Elmar is skilled in combat tactics, personnel management, and defensive strategy. He has a keen eye for potential threats and is adept at organizing his team to efficiently manage the security of the station. His experience also extends to diplomacy and negotiation, often liaising with caravan leaders and local authorities.  

Role at The Guardian's Rest

As the head of security, Captain Elmar oversees the safety of the caravans, travelers, and the station's staff. He coordinates the patrols, manages the guard shifts, and ensures that the station's defenses are always at the ready. His leadership style fosters a strong sense of camaraderie and duty among the guards.
Discipline and order are not just words; they are the pillars upon which the safety of The Guardian's Rest is built. As its captain, I uphold these values above all else.
— Elmar's Oath


Among the guards and locals, Captain Elmar is seen as a pillar of reliability. His reputation for fairness and strategic acumen has earned him respect, not just within the station but also among the travelers and traders who rely on The Guardian's Rest for safety.  


Captain Elmar is driven by a deep sense of duty and a commitment to the ideals of the Church of St. Ygg. His primary goal is to ensure the safety and security of all who come under his watch, viewing the protection of the caravans as a vital service to the community and the church.  

Interactions with Players

Players might encounter Captain Elmar while visiting The Guardian's Rest. He could offer quests related to enhancing the station's security, dealing with threats on the trade routes, or resolving conflicts that arise within the caravan community. His experience and network could also provide valuable information or assistance for those venturing into the surrounding regions.
A leader must be the compass in the storm and the shield in the fray. Here at The Guardian's Rest, I am both for those who seek refuge and passage.
The Church of St. Ygg
Organization | Apr 24, 2024

The faith of St. Ygg is the most well known of the new organized religions in the Northern Reaches.

Settlement | Apr 24, 2024

A rustic hamlet, is situated on the northern edge of the Darkforest


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