Gravewyrm Piranhas Species in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Gravewyrm Piranhas

Appearance and Demeanor

  • Size: No larger than a hamster, embodying a frightening blend of rodent size and serpentine agility.
  • Features: Dense, oily green flesh dark as the abyss, serpentine tails, limbs with razor-sharp claws, and grotesque mouths that open four ways with needle-like teeth.
  • Eyes: Small, beady, and gleaming with malevolent intelligence.


  • Hunting Tactics: Silent predators that communicate through low vibrations, coordinating attacks with chilling efficiency. Known for burrowing and ambushing victims who leach fluids into the earth, targeting vulnerable areas like the skull, eyes, and ears.
  • Territorial Nature: View the tomb and its surroundings as their domain, fiercely defending against intruders with unnatural persistence.


  • Legacy: Transformed by the tomb's curse from battlefield scavengers to tomb guardians, bound to the defense of Arcturos's resting place, reflecting the tomb's malice and vigilance.
Geographic Distribution

First Encountered

Session 39 - The Road Less Traveled
Report | Apr 27, 2024

Second day on the gauntlet road; a turn.. for the worse?

HEX - 0813
Geographic Location | Apr 24, 2024

Start of the Gauntlet Road when leaving south from Eastdale.


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