Orbivous the Mirthful Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Orbivous the Mirthful

  • Age: Advanced in years, with a face etched with laugh lines.
  • Attire: Robes covered in a star motif, reflecting his devotion to Arcantryl. The stars seem to twinkle subtly, hinting at enchantments.
  • Hat: Classic pointed wizard hat, tall and slightly bent at the top. It also bears star patterns, complementing his robes.
  • General Demeanor: A twinkle in his eyes, often seen with a mischievous yet benign smile.
  • Disposition: Generally jovial and approachable, known for his chuckles and witty remarks.
  • Mannerisms: Often performs small, harmless magical tricks for amusement, likes to tell stories filled with exaggerations.
  • Alignment: chaotic, leaning towards good. He believes in the order of the universe and the power of knowledge, but also values the happiness and well-being of others.
  • Connection to Arcantryl: A devoted follower, having spent decades studying the laws of the universe and magical energies under the guidance of Arcantryl’s teachings.
  • Magic Specialization: Expertise in astral and celestial magic, with a particular affinity for spells that manipulate light and create illusions.
  • Knowledge: Vast knowledge of cosmic laws and magical theories, occasionally shares insights about Arcantryl’s philosophies.
  • Combat Skills: Prefers to avoid direct combat but is capable of defending himself with a mix of defensive spells and clever illusions.
Devious but Well-Meaning
  • Deviousness: Enjoys setting up playful riddles or magical puzzles for others to solve. These challenges, while seemingly mischievous, often have hidden lessons or benefits.
  • Benevolence: Ultimately, his actions are aimed at guiding others towards enlightenment or helping them in indirect ways. His deviousness is never harmful and always has a positive intention behind it.
  • Catchphrase: Often says, “In the stars, we find laughter,” reflecting his belief in the joy of the cosmos.
  • Hobby: Enjoys stargazing and interpreting celestial events in humorous ways.
  • Familiar: Has a small, starry owl familiar that often perches on his hat, adding to his whimsical appearance.

First encountered in the Dusk Queens Tomb (Hex 0613, the session took place before journals were kept)
Interest in the Forbidden Zone and the fallen Archaian history.
"Sorry about what happened back at that Fey Queens crypt."


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