Session 31 - The Backdoor First

General Summary

Session begins 6th of Agani (Indigent Month) (Late Winter)
Forest (Day of the Forest) - Moon; Waning Crescent   Beginning in the The Saucy Tart   Members of the unknown gather information in town about their interests including
  • Astelle and her little birds are doing well. Having gathered information on the The Church of St. Ygg
  • Fulb Petcher has heard whispers from Astell that the thieves guild has taken an interest in a member of the The Church of St. Ygg
  • Fanig of St. Ygg Is the assumed target of this situation.
  • Samuel Armstrong hand delivered armor to Fulb and Zhool as a way to attempt and impress Runevara. He promises a free sword to Zhool if he can convince the witch to join him on a date. A respectful agreement is made
  Preparations are made to head back to Howling Horde Cave and learn more about why they are here.  

Expedition Begins

  • safe travels until HEX - 0712 the craggy Rockfield
  • 14 orcs are encountered, they are scouting and marking the area to use for staging caravan ambushes during the coming thaw.
  • successful in avoiding this threat, continues to the cave entrance.
  • Discovered a secret entrance; entered via the "backdoor"
  • Delve begins

Rewards Granted

  • XP Gained - 2 (Treasure)
  • Bag of smooth pebbles (2 cp)
  • Goblin war horn with eerie sound (65 gp) (Traded with the Hamlet watch of Kirkliston as payment for carousing)
  • Elixir of Goblin Bravery (135 gp)
  • Ragged goblin flag (8 gp)
  • Carousing Points awarded and consumed

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Korga Blackhand - orc previously talked down by Glazmolk

Created Content

  • fox hole skill challenge (3 of 3 success)
  • Found hidden back entrance of the The Howling Horde cave
  • twine and can trap in the long back door entrance
  • sleeping quarters ambushed (3 goblins killed)
  • Goblin shaman was killed in a room with documents and a dangerous plant (Astelle failed to harvest the toxin from the plant)
  • Encountered a strong and intelligent red-skinned goblin, who retreated deeper into the ruined cave at the back of the shaman room


Zhool earned level 2 (5 hp rolled)  

Fist iconography found on goblin scroll and map


Goblin Made Map

First Delve - Player Map

Report Date
13 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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Related Characters

Cave Entrance

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HEX - 0712
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