The Willowman Myth in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

The Willowman

Acaptivating figure within the realm of eldritch patrons, offering a unique blend of terror and allure to those seeking his favor. Characterized by his ghostly presence and haunting, elongated form, he embodies the essence of fear, thriving in the shadows of misty forests and the fringes of nightmares.


In the heart of the misty forests, where the veil between realms grows thin, stalks the Willowman, a figure born from the whispers of fear and the shadows of nightmares. Legend tells of his elongated, ghostly form gliding silently through the woods, his faceless visage and taloned fingers a herald of terror. He seeks the essence of fear, drinking from the nightmares of those who dare summon him under the dark moon. A pact with the Willowman grants unearthly powers, but at the cost of facing one's deepest fears, forever entwined with his shadowy existence. This tale, passed through generations, serves as a cautionary reminder of the price of forbidden power and the eternal dance with the specter of fear.

Historical Basis

While rich in narrative and allegory, none trace back to a singular historical event. It embodies a collection of folklore motifs about forest spirits and the universal human experience of fear and nightmares. Such myths arise from attempts to explain the unexplainable or to teach moral lessons. No concrete evidence supports the physical existence of such a being, yet the Willowman persists in the collective imagination, a testament to the power of storytelling in navigating the complexities of human emotion and the natural world.


The myth of the Willowman is akin to many localized legends, its reach and recognition varying by region. It may not be universally known across all cultures but holds significance within communities close to ancient forests or those with rich traditions in folklore and the supernatural. Among these groups, the tale of the Willowman is a whispered warning, a story passed down through generations, imbued with the caution and reverence that the unknown commands. It remains a hidden legend, most alive in the hearts of those who feel a deep connection to the mysteries of the natural world.
Patrons are eldritch beings of immense power who gift magical ability and boons to mortals who petition their favor. Patrons are not seeking worship from petitioners. Instead, they want something in exchange for the power they grant.
Darkwood Forest
Geographic Location | Apr 24, 2024

The Darkwood Forest characterized by its thick, almost impenetrable canopy is shrouded in mystery and local folklore.

Session 41 - A Nightmare Among Dreams
Report | Apr 27, 2024

A trippy night; Nightmare fuel


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