Tobin Bramblethorn Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Tobin Bramblethorn

Owner and Proprietor of Bramblethorn's Provisions  


Tobin is a cheerful Halfling with a round, friendly face, often seen with a welcoming smile. He has twinkling eyes and curly brown hair that's beginning to show streaks of grey. Standing at just over three feet tall, Tobin moves with an energetic bounce, characteristic of his jovial nature.  


Known for his warmth and good humor, Tobin is the heart and soul of Bramblethorn's Provisions. He is gregarious, always ready with a joke or a kind word for his customers. Despite his easygoing nature, Tobin is astute and savvy about his business, understanding the needs of his clientele well.
Every customer's a friend, and every friend's a story! So, pull up a chair, let's share a tale or two – and maybe a pint of our finest mead!


Tobin grew up in a family of merchants, learning the trade from a young age. He has always had a knack for sourcing quality goods and a passion for serving his community. He established Bramblethorn's Provisions several years ago, turning it into a thriving business and a central hub of Kirkliston.  


As a seasoned merchant, Tobin has an excellent eye for quality goods and is skilled in negotiation and trade. He's also adept at preserving food and brewing, often experimenting with new recipes for his shop.  

Role in Kirkliston

Tobin's shop is more than just a business; it's a gathering place where people come to catch up on news, share stories, or seek advice. He often acts as an unofficial advisor to the locals and is always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear.  


Tobin is well-loved in Kirkliston for his generous spirit and friendly demeanor. His shop is renowned for its quality provisions and the warm atmosphere he creates.  


Tobin is driven by his love for his community. He finds joy in providing for the needs of Kirkliston's residents and visitors and takes pride in the small part he plays in making the hamlet a welcoming place.  

Interactions with Players

Players visiting Bramblethorn's Provisions will find Tobin to be a valuable source of local information and a friendly face in Kirkliston. He might offer them tips on the best trails in the Darkwood Forest, gossip about the happenings in the hamlet, or even a small side quest to gather rare ingredients for his shop.
Current Location
Settlement | Apr 24, 2024

A rustic hamlet, is situated on the northern edge of the Darkforest

Bramblethorn's Provisions
Building / Landmark | Dec 20, 2023

A charming and rustic store


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