The Primordial Isles Gudløsthejm

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Writers Team

During the final millennium of the Days of Thunder, a shower of devastating meteors fell from the sky, causing cataclysmic destruction across the old world, Abeir-Toril. It was during this time that the world would become sundered by the god above gods, Ao. Bringing an end to the great war between the gods and the primordials. The realm given to the gods, Toril, is believed to be free of the primordials. However, hidden away in the trackless sea, Ao created a hidden sanctuary for some of the lesser primordials who had remained neutral during the conflict, and who had pleaded with him. No gods’ eye nor influence may penetrate the barrier of this sanctuary. Thus, Gudløsthejm, a godless realm ruled by primordial titans was created, a name given to this world by the ancient giants who were there to witness its creation. In the present, the true history of those ancient events and the old world have been nearly forgotten, living only in myths and legends.   Legend tells that during the creation of the world, stars fell from the sky, and from their burning remains, the first dragons were born. During the First Age, also known as the Time of Creation, there was constant war between the dragons and the Great Spirits (the primordials). During this time, the Great Spirits reshaped the world, time and time again. After centuries of war, the dragons were finally defeated and those that still lived, pledged their loyalty to the Great Spirits.   Instead of worshiping gods, the people of Gudløsthejm honor the elemental spirits, leaving offerings at shrines in hopes to quell their wrath and gain their protection. When a Great Spirit travels, they leave grand, destructive elemental storms in their wake—these storms are known as High Storms. These storms upset local elementals, causing even the most benevolent spirits to enter a frenzied and violent state. During such storms, people will hide away in their homes and soldiers or mercenaries will be tasked with protecting the town or city from the elementals’ wrath. Within Gudløsthejm, the raw elemental essence flows abundantly, free from Mystra’s control. Thus creating a world abound with sorcerers, elementals, and dragons. However, due to its chaotic nature, the raw essence causes the seasons and weather to change frequently and unpredictably. People of the Isles either embrace change or try to stand stalwart in the face of the chaos.