BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Failin, the Prince of Mists

DAY 1 - Prompt: Breath


During Spookoctober, I will create a character sheet (not completed) for twenty one dark Fae of the Court of Dew and Dusk, the main protgagonists in a new novel filled with humour, mystery and courtly shenannigans.

If Terry Pratchett had written 'A Court of Thorns and Roses' ... well, I am not as witty as Terry, but it should be fun.




Early life

Failin was born 500 years ago, the second son of Bastian and Viridiel Shadestorm. Bastian was Prince of the Mists until his Majesty Carsin, the Dark Court's King, banished him into oblivion 200 years ago. Failin, then, at the tender age of just three centuries, became the new Prince of the Mists. His mother, Viridiel and his older brother, Termian, were also banished to another plane.

Even Failin does not know where his mother is. However, his brother Termian was banished to the material plane and human societies.
Fae are pretty much eternal, and Failin is still considered juvenile despite his five centuries.

Bastian and Viridiel had another two children together: Termian, an older son who should have been a Prince, and a daughter called Ealann. Ealann was born just before the parents' disappearance (2 centuries ago), and Failin was left to bring up his wayward, powerful fae sister.


  Failin's status in the Court has enabled him to get the best education Faerie can afford. His brother Termian and he had the best tutors in the magical arts his parents could summon and coerce into service.

Failin was very fond of his Magick tutor, an ancient distant relative named Fariel DeValour. Fariel had stopped counting the centuries when Failin was sent to his mage-like tower to study and learn, only aged 50.

Away from the rigour of the court, Failin enjoyed his time in the tower and surrounding forests immensely. He spent 150 years there, where he met and made friends for the first time with 'lesser' fae, such as the fawn Viola and a few others. (Viola came from the nearby village of Randolfine)

This is when he started a lifetime obsession with science. As part of his training and education, Fariel sent Failin to the material plane and the human world (at the beginning of the 20th Century). This was already an illegal move, but Fariel did not care about the new King (whom he considered a youngling). Failin spent thirty years in the human world, studied physics at university, and built his own laboratory.

Mid Life

Failin's grandfather was King Dagelon, so he is related to the royal family through his father, Bastian. He is far enough removed from the line of accession to be of no consequence or threat to the present royals. However, Fae royals are - and for good reasons - usually paranoiac about other powerful fae in their court.

Failin is not sure why his family suffered disgrace and banishment; the fact that they were overreaching, powerful faes might have had something to do with it.

Failin does not believe the 'official story' that the Queen herself has told him when he was unceremoniously recalled from his tutor's place. He was thrown in the deep end of court politics with a youngling to care for to boot (his younger sister).

Viola (and a few others) were instrumental in Failin's survival during his first few years at court. He could count on their loyalty and knowledge of the palace (more to come on that front).

Pergamon was a familiar of his older brother, Termian. When dubbed the new Prince of the Mists, he inherited the cursed mage and a slew of servants.


Failin currently lives in the ancestral keep (a gothic pile) in a peculiar estate - the family owes their unusual powers from the land (very close to the Plane of Husks). As the Prince of Mists, Failin can draw even more power from the corrupted landscape and reach across the thin veil between Shadowstorm Keep and the plane. Not a lot of people know that ...

Failin likes to spend his time in his laboratory, applying scientific precepts to the Art of Magic - with mixed success.


As a Prince, Failin has become powerful - (develop how, and introduce limitations)


1 Heart

How does it show?

What lies?

How do others see him?

2 Intellect

How does it show?

What lies?

How do others see him?

3 Habits and Abilities

How does it show?

What lies?

How do others see him?

4 Morals, Beliefs and Ethics

How does it show?

What lies?

How do others see him?

5 Social

How does it show?

What lies?

How do others see him?

INTERVIEW (Sara Cannon)


Good at (knack/special talent) / Bad at (embarrassment) /Skills rely on /Secret talents (shared?)


Loves/dislikes/Obsessed by/Pet peeves/Interests/hobbies/Hobbies would like/Alone why? Stress outlet/Find boring/entertaining/Creative side

Moral and Ethics

Black and White?/Champion causes issues?/Reactions when beliefs challenged?/Influencers?/Hidden moral beliefs no matter what


Who closest to?/Make the first move?/Current relationship lacking?/Vulnerable with?/Show sensitive side to?
Who they avoid, why?/What type turn them off?/Person from their past? (upset/happy)


Biggest secrets?/Fear of discovery?/Why secret important?/Think about it often? (Humiliating?)
Secrets they know (Secretkeeper)/Are they trusted? Found out? Confided?


Quirky/Surprising fear(s)/Cause embarrassment?/Irrational fears?/Trying to overcome it?/Past events caused fear?
Deeper fears (not want to admit)/How affected by fears?/How do they hide fears? (fake/pretend/personna)


What caused deeper fears?/Sent life on a new path?/Who/what did they discard from their past?/What was lost/joy given up?
Is the character flawed by it? (feel unworthy?)/How wounds can be introduced in present story?/How can they face similar wound/situation again? (so they can overcome it)

Character Arc Questions

1 Plot: What does the character want to achieve?

Arc: What must be resolved by growth, change of mindset shift?



2 Plot: Why do they want to achieve the plot goal?


Arc: What do they need to make that internal change?


3 Plot: What is blocking them from achieving the goal?

Arc: What is blocking them from internal change?


4 Plot: What's at stake if they fail to achieve their goal?

Arc: What's at stake if they don't change?






3 GO












Failin, Prince of Mists

Ai image



Facial Features
Fashion sense/Clothes


Voice (speed, tone, pitch, accent)
Expressions (emotions)
Laughter, smile
Facial Expressions
Mannerisms, quirks
Bad habits


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