Micah Presley

Micah Presley is a chief researcher with M.I.D.A.S. and member of the Protectorate, operating under the alias of Bastion.  


Early Years

Micah Presley was born and raised in New York City, New York. As the second-oldest child in the Presley family, a dynasty of business executives dating back to the late 1800s, he was largely able to avoid the pressures associated with inheriting his family's legacy, though this was in part due to his family's unorthodox approach towards raising their children. His parents, Jack and Deborah Presley, did their best to instill the idea that any one of them may grow up to inherit Presley Solutions, the family's company, while also encouraging each of them to prioritize their own desires and ambitions. This approach was vastly different to that of their wealthy contemporaries, and the amount of care towards their children led to Presley Tower becoming a quasi-refuge for the abused and neglected children of the city's elite.   Despite the abundance of potential friendships such an arrangement would create, Micah's closest friend was his older brother, Kurt. The two were inseperable throughout their adolescent years, up until Kurt left to attend college at Highland University, the same school their parents had attended. The shift marked the first time the pair were separated for any substantial length of time, though the two remained close, regularly exchanging phone calls and emails to stay in touch. During the holiday season that year, Presley Solutions announced that Kurt would be taking over the role as CEO from his father.   When Micah graduated high school, rather than following his family's legacy with Highland, he chose instead to attend the Brookstone Institute, pursuing degrees in mechanical engineering and computer science. Even though Kurt would be taking over the family business, he still hoped to help the company expand into new fields and industries. As technology grew increasingly mainstream in the 2010s, Micah wanted to assist his brother in leading the company into the new age of innovation.  


In 2010, shortly after Micah's graduation, Kurt approached him with a proposal. Micah would take over as director of the Presley Bioresearch lab in Lincoln, Nebraska, and would oversee the development of a new technology research division. He knew how eager Micah was to take charge, and wanted to use the opportunity to test his leadership skills. If Micah was successful, Kurt planned to hand control of Presley Solutions to him.   Micah would work at the Lincoln site from 2010 until 2015, during which time the first Presley Technologies lab completed construction. The lab had a focus on clean energy research, with particular attention paid to developing recyclable hardware and infrastructure. Though the lab saw no major breakthroughs during his time as director, the lab's existence proved to be a substantial PR success for Micah and the company.   In late 2013, Micah entered an intimate relationship with an employee of Presley Bioresearch named Sierra Taylor. Due to his role as her direct supervisor, the relationship posed a significant risk to his and his family's reputations if it was discovered by the press. Despite managing to keep it a secret for nearly two years, Kurt did eventually learn of their relationship from an anonymous tip, and urged his brother to end the relationship, even threatening to terminate Sierra's employment. Rather than allow his actions to impact her career, Micah instead chose to return to New York, cutting off all contact with his former lover in the process. Conveniently, the new technologies lab had become fully operational around the same time, giving the Presley family cover for Micah's sudden departure.   A few years later, in 2018, Kurt Presley formally stepped down from his role as CEO, handing control over the company to Micah. The decision was a surprise to many, though thanks to the positive PR from the Lincoln lab, the news was received rather well. Shortly after stepping down, Kurt enrolled in an aeronautics program, hoping to become an astronaut.   As the new head of Presley Solutions, Micah ramped up the development of clean energy programs and rapidly expanded Presley Technologies' focus through new projects. His first major initiative, known as Project Earth City, aimed to transform a community into a model "city of the future" through the development of new environmentally friendly technology. The project was named after the target area, an unincorporated community outside of St. Louis, Missouri known as Earth City. Over the next six years, Earth City saw a massive revitalization centered around Presley Technologies' new clean energy products, and residents of the community saw drastic reductions in their costs of living and increases to quality of life. When Project Earth City was completed in March of 2025, it proved to be a massive success, and also served to cement Micah's reputation as a clean energy pioneer.   Clean energy wasn't Micah's only goal, however. In recent years, the world had seen a sudden rise in metahumans, and world leaders were struggling to keep up with the problems this created. Tensions were rising across the globe, with anti-metahuman movements threatening violence against the perceived "threat" posed by metahumans. Micah believed that politics alone would not be sufficient to quell this rising danger, and wanted to utilize his company's resources to work with the world's governments to find a peaceful solution.  

The Bastion

In 2020, after months of research, Micah officially unveiled Project R.E.S.E.T. (Reinforced Exo-Skeletal Enhancement Technology), a project focused on developing various support equipment for those working in hazardous conditions, such as construction workers or firefighters. The project received its first demonstrations in Earth City, with construction crews using exo-suits to supplement various other pieces of machinery. At the same time, Micah revealed Project M.I.D.A.S., a joint effort between Presley Solutions and the Metahuman Intelligence, Defense, and Analysis Service (M.I.D.A.S.), aimed at developing non-lethal and non-invasive methods for nullifying metahuman abilities.   Utilizing both of those projects as a cover, Micah began constructing a new heroic identity of his own. He utilized Project R.E.S.E.T. to construct a powerful exo-suit for himself that enhanced his combat prowess and granted him a number of extraordinary abilities. Thanks to the suit and his new contacts in M.I.D.A.S., he became the first of a new generation of "true" superheroes.
Age: 37
Born: 12 February, 1988