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Chihiro Mizuka

Director Chihiro Mizuka, Ms (a.k.a. Zeus Actual)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter to Junichiro and Miyu Mizuka. Chihiro would be born into a family descendant from Samurai, a family heritage that continued for generations past the Meiji Restoration and into the 20th Century reformation of the nation. Her notions regarding the military would be bolstered by the stories and lives of her uncles, aunts, and older siblings causing her to always hold a strong sense of national patriotism compared to the average Japanese citizen. During her secondary education, she would become determined to be a Commissioned Officer in the Japan Self-Defense Forces. After completing High School in 2360 Chihiro would be admitted to the National Defense Medical College. After graduation in 2366, she would join the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. By 2377 she had risen to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and her aptitude and dedication to her work would catch the attention of the Unified Security Group. Pitched to her as an international task force of experts preparing for potential conflicts and cultivating an R&D environment to better support multinational technology development she would agree and her JMSDF transfer papers would be approved that afternoon. Over the next year, she would brainstorm and workshop new lifesaving procedures and systems before being offered a full-time position with the Unified Security Group. Beyond the ears of the JMSDF, the USG's full scale was made clear to Chihiro, and she jumped at the opportunity. As her term of enlistment with the JMSDF finished up she would leave for ports unknown with the UNV Kau to the Unified Naval College, Hakon in late 2378 this time trained as an Electronic Operations Officer. After graduation a year later she would be promoted pre-emptively to Lieutenant Junior Grade before being assigned her first duty station aboard the UNS Gilbert Blane. Entering a part of a generation of sailors taught by instructors who saw the firsthand effects of the Concealer War and serving under a timid and terrified OPSI. Chihiro was one of many who became disillusioned with the policy of Silentio Super Tumultum and General Order One. This coupled with rapid advancement in rank due to personnel shortages at all ranks even thirty years after the Concealer War meant that Chihiro would bring a dedicated cabal of warfighting believers with her as she rose. Chihiro Mizuka would reach the rank of Admiral by 2430, almost 24 years faster than historic promotion track planners would ever suggest. Here is where she would stay as Commanding Admiral for 5 years until 2435 with the sudden retirement of Director Verena Freund. Here she would move for the position and backed by her cabal would take the seat and discover OPSI’s truly spineless nature.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Taskforce Headquarters
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Ancient Japanese Japanese English New Standard English


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