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The title of Ympiirist/a came out of the formal declaration of the Ympiirno Soveren Relmino Dai Junjon. The Treatise of Kiln that formally integrated the thirteen disparate fiefdoms of the Primera Cluster was, under the direction of Jarl Norishige Kuzmoto the finer details of the Articles of Imperial Union were fleshed out by the Shinshoki and Kanushi priests of the largest religious belief of the entire Cluster known then as the Cult of the Hunt. The priesthood chose to centralise the nascent Imperial Union around the cult of personality that was Kuzmoto himself. To unify the nation both politically and religiously they appointed the former Jarl the title of Ympiirist, the human avatar of the Lord of the Hunt himself Lort Nikiri.

Cultural Significance

Ympiirist is at the heart of the Imperial Union, it is the title that bonds the leader of the Union as both political and religious head, the centre of Imperial life both politically and culturally.
Religious, Political
The Articles of Imperial Union
First Holder
Current Holders
Related Military Formations


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