Mechanical Mother

In Reality 72, winds scream across the plains and whip the oceans into a wild frenzy. Trees sprout violently out of the ground, causing earthquakes, and building topple to the ground only to reappear overnight. And lurking in the shadows are skeletal creatures with bloodstained needles for fingers. They stalk the jagged rock forests lining the broken roads, waiting to strike.   Viv-72 has to traverse this barren wasteland all alone. Or does she?

Basic Information


The Mechanical Mothers are hulking metallic juggernauts that stand at around ten metres tall. Their thick, blue-grey silicone curls obscure their eyes, but not their snarling mouths full of translucent razor-sharp teeth. Their arms are thick tentacle-like appendages capable of whipping forward up to three times their length, dealing a devastating blow to anything unlucky enough to wind up in their path. They have legs that resemble oak trees and are just as thick. The "roots" that make up their feet are able to dig deep into the ground, making them nearly impossible to topple over. They also use these roots to suck up nutrients from the soil.   Their heavily armoured torsos hide a hollow space capable of fitting an entire human inside. They use this space to carry Viv while they're fighting, as well as when she's tired or sick. It is cool and quiet in there, with the squishy bioluminescent walls giving off a soft light that matches the time of day. Whenever Viv needs to sleep, an energy plasma forms around her, cuccooning her in its gentle warmth. It feels like a baby's fuzzy blanket.   The Mechanical Mothers walk hunched over most of the time, their arms almost dragging on the ground, but when they straighten up to their full height it's a good sign they're about to attack. Woe to any beast or bastion that dares to oppose them, for they are fierce, unstoppable and will absolutely wreck anything that stands between them and their Ultimate Directive: keeping Viv alive.

Cover image: by Enis Can Ceyhan


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Aug 24, 2024 07:46

Aww, such a cute concept... in a way that fits with the context haha.