BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Starting Every Game Session Steps

1. Roll Obligation:

Obligation (Edge of the Empire Core 38, 307) Using the Obligation Check Before each session, the GM rolls a percentile dice and compares the results to the group’s current outstanding Obligation number. If the roll is greater than the party’s total Obligation, then their Obligation is low enough that their collective tangible or intangible debts and duties are not pressing enough to affect them – for now.   However, if the roll is equal to or less than the party’s total Obligation, something related to their Obligation may introduce complications during the upcoming session
  •  First, rolling equal to or lower than the group’s Obligation means that all characters reduce their strain thresholds by 1 for the remainder of the session. 
  • In addition, the GM determines exactly whose Obligation was triggered by comparing the results of his roll to the group’s Obligation chart. This PC reduces his strain threshold by 2 (instead of 1) for the remainder of the session.   Finally, if the GM triggered an Obligation and the roll was doubles, the effects of triggering that Obligation also double. All characters reduce their strain thresholds by 2 for the remainder of the session, and the PC whose Obligation triggered reduces his strain threshold by 4.  

    2. Roll Force Die for Destiny Tokens