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Barony of Lilybrook

Lilybrook is a barony in the western part of the Orchards

The barrony is ruled by baroness Xizana Lillybrook, second daughter of the last Baron. Xizana rules alone, her consort having passed away a few years ago. She has one son, Phar Lilybrook, who is married to Pamela Lilybrook the daughter of Fren Grandbrook

The lands of Lilybrook, are extreemly prosperous, amant say they havent had a bad growing season in over 100 years, as such, despite it's rough terrain, Lilybrook is one of the most stable and prosperous barronies in the whole of the Rainlands.


Natural Wonders

Lilybrook is bordered on the north by the Lilybrook River, on he east by the Coldspring River, on the south by Æshtar's Brook, and in the west by the Misty Peaks. The western part of Lilybrook is dominated by the Hazelwood Wilds, and much of the center of the barony is taken up by Moon Mirror Lake

Location -- location -- location



The land is full of rolling hills and wooded dales, this makes large scale cereal production impossible. However, the land is perfect for tree crops such as apples, pears, apricots and plums, as wells as nuts such as acorns, filberts, and walnuts. The wooded lands that dot the landscape, as well as the dense forests of the Hazelwood Wilds are ideal for foraging berries and mushrooms.

Lilybrook is best known for it's massive domesticated pigs, The Esairn Razorback. These swine are used both as meat, and beasts of burden, often replacing oxen in the pulling of carts and plows. The Imerylm goat is also a native breed, provide rich, fatty milk that is perfect for producing Imerchak, a soft blue cheese. Ducks and geese are plentiful in the marshy lowlands and around Moon Mirror Lake, and hunters will find great sport in hunting the giant boar that roam the Hazelwood Wilds. The many streams and rivers of Lilybrook make for great trout fishing, while Moon Mirror Lake has a wealth of pear h, eel, and pike in it's depth.

Mining isn't overly common in Lilybrook, although the few copper and zinc mines they have allows for a thriving brass industry. All of the many significant rivers allows for there to be a thriving lumber industry, harvesting oak, hazel, and cedar. Lilybrook cider is very popular, often flavoured with blackberries, pear, and plum.

  • Exports include; Apples, Apricots, Cheese, Hazelnuts, Pork, Mushrooms, Timber, brass, cider
  • Imports include; Wheat, Iron, gold, silver, gems


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Unique Customs






winter festival

spring festival

summer festival

autumn festival



general description. Common ingredients. Common flavours. Staples

noteworthy dishes




material. Colors. Patterns

common clothes. Traveller clothes. Noble clothes. Costumes

jewlery, pearcings and tatoos

hair and beards



Dragons, Giants, Hags. Devils and other thinking monsters

owlbears and other "dumb" monsters

armies, raiders, & Bandits

Geopolitical, Barony
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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