Bhaldur Boldhand Character in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Bhaldur Boldhand

Dwarven priest of Moradin.
STR +3 (16)
INT +1 (13)
DEX +0 (10)
WIS +3 (17)
CON +2 (14)
CHR +2 (15)

Saving Throws:CON +6, WIS +7
Skills: Insight +7, Intimidation +6, Persuasion +6, Religion +7
Senses: Darkvision 60'
Wisdom, spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks.
Cantrip (At will): light, mending, sacred flame, spare the dying
1st level (4 slots): divine favor, guiding bolt, healing word, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, magic weapon, prayer of healing, silence, spiritual weapon
3rd level (3 slots): beacon of hope, crusader’s mantle, dispel magic, revivify, spirit guardians, water walk
4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of movement, guardian of faith, stoneskin
5th level (1 slots): flame strike, mass cure wounds, hold monster
Current Location
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Orc, Giant
Lawful Good

Personality Traits:
I’m rude to people who lack my commitment to hard work and fair play. I’m full of witty aphorisms and have a proverb for every occasion.
Aspiration. I work hard to be the best there is at my craft. (Any)
I created a great work for someone, and then found them unworthy to receive it. I’m still looking for someone worthy.
I’m never satisfied with what I have — I always want more.


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