Enniskillen Settlement in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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The Village of Enniskillen is built on an Island off the north west coast of Selkisle  facing towards the coast. The north side of the isle is blasted by the weather and is rocky and barren.
The ruins of the Old Castle of Enniskillen can be found on the northernmost tip.
The seaward side of the island is mostly cliff face with several hidden coves around the island.


Mostly Human


The village is primarily run in an anarchist way, with a tax collector visiting every month from WierDagna. The southern island, where the sheep that provide Enniskillen wool are governed over by a Lord Nathan  of Enniskillen, who owns the land and supports the majority of the sheep.


The village is guarded by an elected sheriff, Opus McNabb. All able bodied men in the town are trained in the use of weapons due to the constant raids on the town by pirates. Strangers are viewed with suspicion.

Industry & Trade

Enniskillen is primarily a fishing village with some craftsmen. There is also a thriving sheep herding industry and their woolcraft is known throughout the kingdom of Weisland. They need to rely on trade for their vegetables, wood and crafting materials. What they have, what they lack. The market for buying and selling.

Guilds and Factions

There is Lord enniskillen's wool business, who employs many people of the island in the off season. There is a weavers guild and a fisher's guild. There is a Church on the island dedicated to the new gods.
The old gods are supported by Clerics who hold rituals around the standing stones in the middle of the island.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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