Eye of Baylor Item in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Eye of Baylor

The Eye of Baylor is an amber sphere about the size of a softball.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Each shard has a specific effect:
  • Farbean the Wizard ’s shard works as a ring of spell turning 
  • Eilthyra Siannodel’s shard works as an amulet of proof against detection 
  • Theren Siannodel’s works as a ring of free action
  • Halk the Barbarian’s works as a periapt of wound closure
  • Nysmyla ‘s works as a ring of protection. 
each piece works on its on. Multiple pieces may be worn, and together they count as a single object with regards to attunement. 
in addition; if three pieces are together they have the following minor quirk, if four they have an additional minor quirk. If all five are together they have a major quirk.


Created when the Morrigan gouged out the eye of the Femorian king, Baylor, and cursed the race of giants, banishing them to the feywild. 
the eye was shattered into 5 pieces by the Heroes of the Rainlands


They say that once the eye is whole again, the curse on the Femorians may be lifted. 
 two of the shards are currently in the possession of Kylar Thorn, one is in the possession of Eilthyra Siannodel, one is in the position of the Daughters of Midnight. The final pieces whereabouts is unknown.
Item type
Unique Artifact
1 pound
3 inch diameter sphere


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