Portsin Settlement in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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The City of Portsin is built on within a sheltered cove on the north east side of Selkisle. It is positioned on a major shipping lane and almost all of the trade goods for the island comes through its docks. Portsin has several districts, including the Selkisle docks, the midtown market and the barracks and training grounds of Selkisle's army and navy. The city sits at the bottom of a steep grade to the north, on which which is perched Oceanlook castle. It was here that the first landings of the mortal realm were, and the first battles of the Fey wars were fought over 1500 years ago. It is known for its gambling dens around the Selkisle docks.


The city is ruled by a counsel headed up by Lord Mayor Hutor representing house Raynes (who is firmly in the pocket of the assembly of the dagger . Also on the counsel are representatives of House Brandon, house Ameandel, house Brandywine and House Merrin and several guild representatives.


Lord Lawrence of House Brandon is in charge of the town's defences. He is also lord commander of the island's armies. The city is patrolled by the Selksisle Town Watch, though the Selksisle docks are largely unpatrolled and the assembly of the dagger rules there.

Industry & Trade

The main industries is Fishing & Trade. Several pubs and inns. There is a grand market held every week on Gelirae.

Guilds and Factions

Selksisle Merchant's Guild, assembly of the dagger, a High Glen college remote campus. There are temples to The Morrigan , Lïr, Midher, Skandi , The Daghdha, Danu & Belenus
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