Ravencrest Settlement in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Centuries ago, the site of the village of Ravencrest was the home to a great Fomorean castle. After the fomorians were banished, the Ravencrest woods were claimed by the conquering humans as their spoils. However the woods were sacred to the wood elves that lived there and years of battles broke out. The elves couldn't deal with the larger numbers of battle hardened humans and thus struck a deal servitude in exchange for the protection of their precious woods. For a century and a half, the humans of Ravencrest have enjoyed the benefit of the free labor they receive from the wood elves, and the sale of the wood elves delicate crafts have made them rich. However, the humans have all but forgotten the bargain, their family weapons rusty from misuse. Rumours of wondrous treasure spread and the men begin to wonder why the woods are off limits. The elves have not forgotten and any trespass may be considered an act of war.

Cover image: European Medieval Village by Klaus Pillon


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