Silver Citadel Building / Landmark in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Silver Citadel

Purpose / Function

The Silver citadel was created by The Silver Queen in order to overlook the Northern Moors , Fjordland and Littlewood. In addition to being the home of the ancient silver dragon, the Citadel has become a hub of art and culture. Bards, Paladins and other sorts of artists and intellectuals flock to the citadel in order to share knowledge and bask in the favor of the Silver Queen.


Many of the building surround the main keep are constructed by the The Silver Queen at the behest of her fawning sycophants. It is not uncommon to discover businesses and inns from a variety of different architectures. 
The structure of the main keep itself stays relatively constant, though The Silver Queen 's personal apartments at the very top will often be moulded to her specific wims or constructed to the comfort of her guests.


The architecture of the Citadel is heavily Elven influenced. Although many parts of the citadel defy the laws of architecture and physics. This is predominantly because the main building material are clouds themselves.


The Citadel is defended by high outer walls, and it's placement on a tall cliff makes a ground assault only possible from the north, and even then they must travel through the unforgiving Silver Mountains
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