Zoth Sageshadow Character in The Rainlands | World Anvil
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Zoth Sageshadow

Duke of the Johnslands. Steward to the throne of John Magus

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Sword of Answering (CG +3, can use a reaction to attack (has advantage, ignores damage resistances)   Ring of truth; Advantage on Wisdom(Insight) checks
AC: 15
STR +0 (11)
INT +3 (16)
HP: 9
DEX +1 (12)
WIS +2 (14)
CON +0 (11)
CHR +3 (16)

Skills: Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5

Character Portrait image: Old man by IcedWingsArt


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