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11. Road to Oakendale

25th of Beltane 2343  
A Call for Help
On the road to Oakendale the Brothers and the caravan came upon a group of battered, and wounded miners. Kuzmur Smeltbow the leader of the ragtag group of suvivors spoke up. Pleading with the Brothers for aid. Kuzmur explained that the mine was attached by the Lord of Spiders and Bones and many miners were captured and some turned into skeletons. Among the captured were his son Yursin Smeltbow. "Please help my son." pleaded Kuzmur. The Brothers agreed to check out the mine and look for the missing miner. Ute confident in Lucian's abilities and reputation as an undead slayer, the Brothers descended into the mine.  
Into the Spider's Nest
Entering the mine the Brothers immediately noticed an inlay in the floor of the mine, with an inscription in undercommon stating "This is the territory of the Lord of Spiders and Bones". After continuing down the tunnel the mine opened up to a larger chamber and in it were the former miners turned into undead skeletons and continuing to perform their mining duties. Upon seeing the Brothers the miners attacked with their shovels and pickaxes. The Ute and Sir Lesley charged the skeletons, quickly cutting through them with support from Lucian, Tim and Igantius hurling spells into the melee.   As the Brothers ventured deeper Lucian called upon a great magical power that he used to great effect in blocking another wave of skeletons and a pair of giant spiders. The rest of the Brothers were easily able to dispatch the minions of the Lord of Spiders and Bones. In the mine the Brothers found some raw Azuremite Ore and some Gold Ore as well.   As they continued Ute found an Orge Skeleton and Igantius and Lucian fired magical volleys at the oversized skeleton. Sir Lesley them moved into to finish off the their giant foe, landing a devistating hit with his flaming great axe.   The Brothers ventured down a side tunnel which led them to the imprisoned miners. The miners were traumatized by their ordeal and told the Brothers that they had taken Yursin and that the skeletons started appearing shortly after they discovered the Azuremite.   The Brothers crossed a bridge over a seemingly bottomless chasm in the mine floor. At the other end it opened up into a chamber with more miner skeletons and Yursin Smeltbow chained to the wall. "Help! Quick unshackle me before he returns!" Yursin yelled. As the Brothers rushed the skeletons a web shot up out of the chasm and the Venerable Lord of Spiders and Bones appeared with two giant spiders. The old Lord is an ancient drider, worn and haggered from the milstone of time. Ute charged in freeing Yursin and Sir Lesley rushed a giant spider dispatching it with a crushing blow. The old Lord charged Ute landing a ferocius volley of attacks leaving Ute battered. The rest of the Brothers came to Ute's aid casting spells and missles driving back the venerable lord. Finally Tim landed the killing blow with Moonbeams. The radiant energy knocking the drider off the ledge and down into the chasm. With the old Lord vanquished the remaining skeletons perished.  
A Very Smeltbow Reunion
Leaving the mine and returning to the road Kuzmur and Yursin were reunited. Kuzmur expressed his gratitude and stated should the Brothers need anything he would be willing to help and Kuzmur also mentioned that he is master blacksmith and was working for the mine. As a reward the miners would turn a blindeye to any spoils the Brothers found in the mine, and with that the Brothers continued on to Oakendale.


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