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Contract between the Brothers and Chanders

**Roniryn Vault Expedition Contract**   **Parties:**   * **Employer:** The Brothers * **Contractor:**   * Chanders Olstadt   **Purpose:**   To embark on an expedition to the ruined city of Ronir and retrieve the fabled treasure hidden within its legendary vault.   **Terms and Conditions:**   **1. Compensation:**   * Chanders Olstadt shall be entitled to an equal share of treasure limited to books, tomes and assorted documents. * The Brothers will have the first option to purchase any of previously mentioned items prior to be sold to any third parties.   **2. Duration:**   * The expedition shall commence immediately and is expected to venture to the Ruins of Ronir and conclude at Rothevon..   **3. Responsibilities of the Brothers:**   * They shall lead the expedition and ensure its safety and progress. * They shall make all necessary decisions regarding the expedition's course and actions. * They shall be responsible for managing the expedition's finances and resources.   **4. Responsibilities of the Contractor:**   * Expedition members shall follow the instructions of the Expedition Leader. * They shall contribute their skills and expertise to the success of the expedition. * They shall share in the risks and rewards of the expedition equally.   **5. Equipment and Supplies:**   * Brothers shall provide the expedition with all necessary equipment and supplies, including: * Weapons and armor * Food and water * Maps and navigation tools * Healing potions and other medical supplies   **6. Risks and Hazards:**   * The expedition members acknowledge the inherent risks and hazards associated with treasure hunting, including: * Encounters with dangerous creatures * Environmental hazards * Traps and other obstacles   **7. Termination:**   * The Brothers may terminate the expedition at any time if he deems it necessary for the safety of the expedition members or the preservation of the treasure. * Expedition members may withdraw from the expedition at any time, but shall forfeit any claim to the treasure.   **8. Dispute Resolution:**   * Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through negotiation or, if necessary, arbitration.   **Signatures:**   **Chanders Olstadt**   **Ingatius Cogswell**


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